The Must Eat Places in Bandung West Java

After telling you about the best restaurants and cafes in Bandung city, now we want to introduce you to the must eat places in Bandung West Java. It means that we’re gonna tell you about all the places that you should visit when doing a culinary journey in Bandung city. We’re no only include the restaurants only, but the thing called Rumah Makan, or the stalls are also can be included.

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They can be suitable for the people who want to have the experience of enjoying the traditional Bandung meals like Batagor or Gado-Gado with the cheapest price possible. With the potential area of the city, you can find so many places to eat with different variants. For example, the trending ones are the cargo outlets which can serve customers with fast foods like Burgers or Kebabs. Sometimesthey only serve the take away service for easier mobility. That’s why, the customers who visit them are usually the workers or students who don’t have that much time to eat. However, aside from them we also included the other ones such as :

1 – Nasi Liwet Pak Asep Strawberry

The first one is NasiLiwet Pak Asep Strawberry. This place was founded by of course, Mr. Asep. He wanted to build a place for family vacation. That’s why, you can find some children plays, including the giant strawberries that located in the middle of the place. However, this little paradise is located in Kadungora street number245 Bandung.

Aside from the strawberries, in Nasi Liwet Pak Asep Strawberry restaurant, you can also find the other rides such as ATV, Flying Fox, horse riding, and many more. Strawberry, the family can also enjoy the best Sundanese foods that served here. You should also try the signature dish, which is the Nasi Liwet that cooked with coconut milk.

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2 – Sambara

The next one isSambara. The Sambara is a traditional restaurant that has a lot of Sundanese foods. The system in here is all you can eat, basically like all the other Sundanese restaurants around Bandung. Sambara’s location is also very strategic, which is on the street of Trunojoyo number 64, Citarum, Bandung.

This one is actually quite famous as the most favorable Sundanese restaurant in Bandung. In here, you can have the Indonesian traditional foods such as Pepes Ikan, Yerong with green chili, and also the Grilled chicken that served with special sambal. The Sambara also nicely decorated with Sundanese culture, so the people can be more comfortable while eating in this place.

3 – Alas Daun

In the third point of the must eat places in Bandung is Alas Daun. The Alas Daun is iconic with green known by its symbol, which is the singular green leaf. It’s also as popular as the Sundanese restaurant above, especially with having such as niceenvironment with big green leaves right in beside the main door.

The location of Alas Daun is in the Trunojoyo street, which is not very far from Sambara above. Almost every day this place is filled with customers. They are lining up the ethnic traditional foods which have the colorful taste. About the signature dish, they have this meal called Ayam Bumbu Hejo, a chicken that combined with spices, fried sambal, pepes with green, and others.

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4 – Sindang Reret

For the most popular restaurant that can serve you with the Indonesian foods, Sindang Reret is a must visit place. This place is located in the area of Lembang, Bandung. Mostly the visitors are teenagers who are highly interested in the Sundanese meals and also the nice traditional decorations that this place has.

Because of the high demand from customers, the store has some branches in several locations around Bandung city, making it more accessible through all customer segments. However, the SindangReret restaurant can also be found around attractions in Bandung, so you can’t easily miss this one when you’re having a vacation in the city.

5 – Ampera Bandung Restaurant

And the next one is Ampera Bandung. The Ampera restaurants now can be found in Bandung city, you can even the branches at some cities around it like Tangerang, Jakarta, and also Ciamis. It indeed has so many loyal customers that spread across the country. Some even said that your journey to Bandung is not complete without trying to eat in Ampera restaurant.

This restaurant that has the main selling point in Sundanese foods can serve you with all the fresh ingredients from sea foods, roasted chicken, tempe penyet, and of course lalapan. Ampera is also known for having very affordable prices for all their foods. That’s why people, including teenagers are so in love with Ampera.

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6 – Manjabal

In the sixth place, we have another Sundanese restaurant called Manjabal. In Bandung city, you can find the Manjabal 1 and Manjabal 2 restaurants. For this review, we’re gonna tell you about the Manjabal 2 that located in Cijagra street number 66, Bandung. Basically, the second one doesn’t have any specific different from the first one.

However, the signature dish of the restaurant is always the roasted fish meat. Other than that, you can always try the other traditional meals such as Karedok, Gepuk, and the other fish meals. Of course, you should try the kinds of Sambal too. In here, there are Sambal Terasi, Sambal Tomat, and even you can find a special one likeSambal Tempe.

7 – Cikawao

Not, this one is not a Chinese restaurant. This traditional restaurant in Bandung is very old though. It was first built back in 1950. Because of serving the customers well since then, many people call Cikawao as the legendary Sundanese restaurant in Bandung. The menu is basically the same as the other Sundanese restaurants in the city.

But, there’s always the difference. In Cikawao, the serving system is not the all you can eat. But, once you pick the foods, the staff will bring them to you, right on your table. It’s like a serving that you can find in many modern restaurants these days. That’s why the place is always likeable for people at all age.

8 – Dapoer Pandan Wangi

The next must eat places in Bandung West Java is Dapoer Pandan Wangi. With the name that is very traditional, you may expect to find the traditional Sundanese foods in here. The location of this restaurant is in the Patuha street number 38, LingkarSelatan, Lengkong, Bandung. There’s no single food in here that can disappoint you, at least based on many reviews.

In here, the people can enjoy eating all the traditional foods such as Gurame Bakar Kecap (fish with sweet soy sauce), Ayam Ungkep (chicken with special spices), Daging Sapi Goreng(Fried Beef), Perkedel Kentang, Jengkol Goreng, and many more. And the most favorite one is of course, the Terong Raos.

9 – Nasi Bancakan

Right in the street ofTrunojoyo number 62, Bandung, you can find a place that should be included inside the must eat places in Bandung called Nasi Bancakan. The restaurant is indeed using the old style, proven by the sets of plate and glass that still using the materials from iron and having the flower motives  (usually colored in green).

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The system is the same as the other ones, which is all you can eat. You can just pick your plate and ask the staff to bring the meals that you want. In here, you can choose to eating the usual style (table and chairs) or lesehan (without chairs). Usually people would refer to pick the second one, especially when they eat with family or friends.

10 – Dusun Bambu

As one of the best attractions in Bandung, the name of Dusun Bambu is not too strange anymore. For you who don’t know, Dusun Bambu is not only the name of a restaurant but also an attraction that is known for having the best natural view in Bandung. The place is also famous for its traditional houses that located around the lake.

Around Dusun Bambu family leisure park, you can actually pick the three different restaurants, Purbasari, Cafe Burangrang, or Lutung Kasarung. Each one of them has their own special theme. Aside from them, there’s also a place named Pasar Khatulistiwathat can sell you with many kinds of traditional snack.

Of course, the nine places above are not enough to fulfill the people’s interest in Bandung culinary. Seeing this, we prepare another list with the other seven locations of restaurants, stalls, or any other places as the must eat places in BandungWest Java. With their existence, you can always enjoy all the varieties of food. However, those places are :

1. Sapu Lidi Sawah

2. Kopi Ireng

3. Cocorico Cafe

4. Warung Daweung

5. The Stone Cafe

6. Purbasari Lake Restaurant

So that’s the article about must eat places in Bandung West Java. As you can see, Bandung city has the potential to be developed more in the world of culinary. That’s why many people are building their food business in some forms like restaurants or the cafes. This is making the Bandung city looks better as a place to stay and business.

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