
10 Best Activities in Bandung You Must Try

The city of Bandung has an undeniable appeal. It is also a city that must be visited at least once in a lifetime. Since ancient times Bandung is known as a trend setter center in the field of fashion. Many fashion models are born in Bandung which eventually spread to several regions in Indonesia. That is why this city is also referred to as Paris van Java. When you decide to take a vacation in Bandung, make sure to spend a lot of time because you will feel dissatisfied if you just stay there for a while. The following is best activities in Bandung you must try.

1. Dinning with the nature

In Bandung there are several dinning places with the concept of nature. It has been well known that Bandung has a really great natural view. Trying to enjoy a culinary dish at one of those dining venues with nice concept would be a unique and memorable experience. Some examples of dinning place with the concept of nature in Bandung such as Sapu Lidi and Kampung Daun. Order some traditional Sundanese menu to make the atmosphere more exciting. Then you can enjoy the Sundanese menu with such natural atmosphere.

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2. Joining Youth community in Bandung city Park

Bandung is probably the city in Indonesia which has the most number of city parks. The more here, the number of city parks in Bandung is growing. It will be good news for the dynamic youth. Some of the city parks in Bandung are typically thematic parks devoted to a particular hobby. For example, there is a Film Park that is dedicated to movie fans. There is also a photography park that is dedicated to photography enthusiasts. You can blend with Bandung’s famous young by visiting the city’s many parks in Bandung. If you are a pet lover, you can also bring your lovely et in the Bandung community that available.

3. Shopping in factory outlet

For the shopaholic, Bandung is one of the dream cities because there are so many places that can go for shopping of fashion goods. One of the places that can be addressed to shop for fashion goods in Bandung factory outlet Factory outlet can be an option because this place provides branded goods with a relatively cheaper price. Some factory outlets are widely available in some areas such as Setiabudi Street, Dago Street, and Riau Road.

Shopping tour in Bandung outlet factory feels incomplete if only visit to one place only. Therefore, you must be smart in choosing and buying goods that you seek or search. Goods that exist in one factory outlet Bandung is different from other Bandung outlet factory. The price is certainly not the same and may have enough differences can make you think twice before buying.

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4. Learning to play Sundanese traditional music called angklung

Angklung is an original Sundanese musical instrument made of bamboo. Every time you hear this instrument, your heart will feel calm. In Bandung, there is a place that you can visit to enjoy music perlanges. The name of the place is Saung Angklung Udjo.

Saung Angklung Udjo was founded in 1966 by Udjo Ngalagena. The goal is to preserve Sundanese culture, especially angklung. Saung Angklung Udjo has a unique and cool place. Unique karna in place there are many bamboo plants. Saung Angklung Udjo itself is not only used as a performance venue. The place is also a place to learn angklung music. Location Saung Angklung Udjo is located Jalan Padasuka 118, East Bandung. You can make this your activity in Bandung.

5. Getting Around in Bandung by Bandros

Bandros stands for Bandung Tour on The Bus. It is a new way to enjoy the atmosphere of Bandung. This level bus is similar to the Werkudara level bus in Solo City. Bandros newly inaugurated by the mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil early 2014. With this bus, you can get around Bandung from the city bus. Bandros is Telkomsel’s CSR program in cooperation with Bandung City Government. Because the function is to get around the city, then the concept of this bus is made open. Bandros consists of two floors where the main focus of this bus is on the top floor. Ridwan Kamil once invited the British ambassador to try this bus.

6. Doing the nice gardening activity in Lembang

Visiting Bandung, don’t forget to stop by to Lembang area. Lembang is the name of the district in West Bandung regency. Lembang is a plateau area located at an altitude between 1,312 to 2,084 meters above sea level. If you want to find a new atmosphere with the cool weather, tourist attractions in Lembang Bandung could be the answer. It has a million charms that must visit. You can do different kinds of activities on your vacation. Harvest strawberry, visit hobit palace in Bandung, and try the Dutch costume at Farm House.

7. Acting like a local and buying the street foods

One of the most exciting while traveling is act like local. You can make yourselves as if it is part of the local people in the area that we visit. And that is very exciting. In Bandung, you can become “locals” by mingling with them. One way is with a snack on the pavement. There are lots of street foods stall that you can enjoy in Bandung. You can find almost of the popular street food such as Batagor, Siomay, Cireng, Cimol, Cilor, and much more. You can enjoy all of them in Bandung sidewalk. It would be so great to taste the street food while enjoying the atmosphere of Bandung.

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8. Camping at Pine Forest Camp

Located at an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level, this place is a cool place that can be used as a vacation reference with family. Pine Forest Camp is a camping ground suitable for nature tourism with friends and family. Established since 2003 ago, this place is fit to be visited during the weekend. You who like to hunt for photos of the present can make this place as a camping place. There are also many outbound spots that will make you more fresh and active. You can enjoy your vacation time there while looking at pine trees typical of the highlands in Bandung.

9. Spending your weekend by getting around in Cihampelas Skywalk

Cihampelas Walk which has become one of the youth hangout, especially during the weekend. From the height of Skywalk Cihampelas, visitors can see the scenery and glow of lights of Bandung city while enjoying cheap snacks served from various stalls of street vendors are neatly arranged.

In addition, tourists can shop and bring the typical fruit hand Flower City. Therefore, there are as many as 182 traders are divided into three zones, namely culinary, souvenirs, and parks. But there is one condition to get to this place. The traveler is required to walk because there are no motorcycles, cars and even bicycles as a means of transportation to enjoy the place.

10. Enjoying Sunset in Tebing Keraton

In Tebing Keraton, you can enjoy the most perfect sunset in Bandung. There you can get photos with the concept of hills or mountains with a background of green plants. It is popular since 2015. Tebing Keraton is enough to give its own natural nuance for the tourists. This place is located at an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level and is well worth a visit while waiting for sunrise. To get there, better use private vehicles to be more practical. The best time is when the weekday, because the weekend spot will be crowded and you will not be able to get the photo you want.

Those are the best activities in Bandung you must try. You can do all these things while visiting this incredible city. So, have you set your own destination list to go Bandung? Bandung has been kindly waiting for your coming.

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