
The 8 Most Magnificent Orchids in Indonesia

Indonesia has more than 39,5 million hectares of tropical rainforest which makes it have so many floras and faunas. Most of them are so unique where you would never find them in any country, but Indonesia.

Every region in Indonesia even has its floras and faunas where there is no other region has. Floras become the most favorite for Indonesian because of its beauty. It can make your living room or your little garden more beautiful.

Speaking of floras, Indonesia has a unique, beautiful, and the most magnificent floras call as an Orchid as the most vulnerable plant in Indonesia. It has a Latin name that calls an Orchidaceae which means the flower that has a lot of types. 

Orchid in Indonesia commonly live in another plant as the parasite but will not harm the host plant. It needs about 20 – 30 % of sunlight and no need much water to grow. If you are too much watering the orchid, you will not have the beauty of it while blooms.

If you are wondering how beautiful they are, here we have some of the lists of this magnificent flower. Let’s check them out!

1. Black Orchid

Black orchid originally comes from Papua and East Kalimantan. Papuan black orchid has the most expensive price compare with another orchid in Indonesia. It can take more than IDR100 million for one black orchid. That makes this flower to be the most vulnerable export commodity.

The black orchid from Papua has a black color with a little purple in the middle of the pistil. Besides, it has a good smell which is different from the East Kalimantan black orchid. It becomes the rarest flower in Indonesia.

2. Moon Orchid

Moon orchid becomes one of the famous plants in Indonesia with its beauty. It has a pure white color and can bloom up to five petals. The pistil comes in a yellow and a bit purple in the middle of the petal. Originally, it comes from the West Kalimantan which is now spreading in most of the regions in Indonesia.

Other regions try to cultivate the moon orchid so that can be a great commodity. It names with the moon orchid because Indonesian believe that the color has similarly closed to the color of the full moon. Besides the Indonesian name, it also has the Latin name call as Phalaenopsis Amabilis.

3. Sugarcane Orchid

Sugarcane Orchid has a Latin name of Grammatophyllum Speciosum which claims as to the biggest orchid in the world. One flower of sugarcane orchid can be weight as much as 1 ton. The flower can grow up to 3 m tall with a flower diameter of can reach up to 2 m. 

You can find this orchid in Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, and New Guinea. Commonly, Indonesian known this orchid as the giant orchid because its size.

4. Hartinah Orchid

Hartinah orchid was originally found by Rusdi E Nasution in 1976. Since then the beauty of this orchid became cultivate by Tien Soeharto as the wife of Indonesian second president. That is why Indonesian call this orchid as the Hartinah Orchid as one of the Indonesian national flowers.

The Hartinah Orchid has a beautiful color with the dominant of dark yellow on the petal, pink in the middle of it, and the gradation of cream. The Latin name of this orchid is Chimbidium Hatinahianum.

5. Jamrud Orchid

Jamrud orchid has a Latin name of Dendrobium Macrophyllum. It originally comes from the east of Indonesia and has spread up to New Guinea. The flower has great color of purple, a little bit of white, and orange in the middle of its pistil.

The unique thing about Jamrud orchid is about its fur in most of the petals. The outermost part of it has a similar look like a Rambutan fruit.

6. Kolopaking Bag Orchid

Kolopaking bag orchid has a Latin name Phapiopedim Kolopakingii. It originally comes from the center of the Kalimantan region and claims only grow and live there. The petal has a combination of colors of white and yellow which dominantly in a dark yellow.

Kolopaking bag orchid can bloom up to 16 cm which is so wide for the orchid type. If it reaches the maximum blooms, the petal will be shown some red line.

7. Moon Star Orchid

It calls as the moon star orchid because it has a Patrick star type on the petal but circle round as a full moon in the middle. The Latin name of this orchid is Paraphalaenopsis Denevei. Commonly, it grows in the riverside which needs more water than another orchid. 

You can find the moon start orchid in most of Kalimantan island. Because of its beauty, people in other regions in Indonesia try to cultivate it. They claim it becomes the most difficult orchid to grow outside the Borneo. 

8. Slippers Orchid

Slippers orchid has a Latin name that calls as Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum. It grows in the mountain slope in the east of Java, the Semeru mount. This orchid is so popular with its beauty of the combination of purple and green colors.

The slippers orchid has two petals which is one of them has the slippers look like. The slipper part has a purple color with a little polka dot on its. Other petals have green color with the red line.

So, there are the most eight magnificent orchids in Indonesia that you should know. Most of them live originally from different regions but commonly can live in another region properly with the right cultivation.

Besides the facts of Titan Arum which mind-blowing your mind, orchid comes with its beauty that you will never forget. Have you ever seen them all?

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