
Places to Visit in Indonesia in December

You who want to visit Indonesia, you should look for information about the moments and festivals that will take place in December.

Because in those months many presents a lot of beautiful parades, long holidays and also the moments will be ahead of Christmas holidays. So before you decide to visit, find out first what things are interesting and worth watching during December. Hence the tips doing Photography in Indonesia you should know.

So that your tours and visits are even more memorable while in Indonesia. To find out about places to visit in Indonesia in December and what moments are held, here is a glimpse of the event for you:

1. Jogja Netpac Asia Film Festival, in Yogyakarta

An example of one activity that will be held in Yogyakarta is JAFF a creative space that uses film as a medium to bring together film actors, academics, the general public, and other sectors (economic actors, tourism, community empowerment, etc.) in the form of film festivals.

JAFF is present as a response to the growing film industry in Indonesia and the world by presenting films and filmmakers from Asia-Pacific to interact, compete and network without forgetting the positive impact on economic growth and the tourism sector in Jogjakarta.

You can watch a variety of performances in this place and get to know more about the world of cinema and there is tourist education and so on. The following are the common types of Eagles in Indonesia is an endemic fauna.

2. Lake Toba Festival, North Sumatra

The places to visit in Indonesia in December is the Lake Toba Festival, in North Sumatra. Lake Toba Festival is a cultural, tourism and sports event that is always held every year.

The forerunner of this event was the feast of Lake Toba and began in the 1980s and turned into the Lake Toba Festival in 2011.

Since changing to the Lake Toba Festival the location of the event was held alternately in the districts of Lake Toba and the surrounding areas. You can see many interesting and awesome parades, shows and festivals along Toba lake.

3. Nusa Penida Festival, Bali

One form of arts and culture activities, small and medium business exhibition such as culinary and tourist attraction in Nusa Penida.

This is a cultural arts and sports festival. Held for 4 days and there are many tourists to explore the beauty of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan this festival will further highlight the peculiarities of local culinary specialties, especially Balinese food.

In addition, there are also arts and culture, performances of Klungkung and Nusa Penida dance arts will be held by involving fishermen as the main attraction. You deserve to visit because the festival is so lively and enchanting. The important things you should never do in Bali Indonesia.

4. Batam International Culture Carnival, Riau

As the main gate for the arrival of visitors in the western part, Batam comes with various forms of carnival on an international scale during the month of December.

There are many unique creations, cultures, custom and display the diversity of multi-ethnic cultures that build a modern city.

This carnival invites the presence of delegates from every other member country. This event is also enriched with music concerts, great sale, culinary archipelago and contemporary art exhibitions between nations. It is very feasible for those of you who want to enjoy a variety of cultural arts, music, and also the types of food available.

5. Lovely December, South Sulawesi

Another place to visit in Indonesia in December, Lovely Toraja or Lovely December, is an annual program that displays various Toraja arts and cultural potentials in the form of cultural arts and other arts attractions.

In addition, this event also featured a Coffee Festival and International Barista competition, a tourist photo festival, Toraja Night Run, a Culinary Exhibition, a Cultural Arts Show and the Puncak Lovely December Event and a Christmas Celebration with the community and important figures in Toraja.

This event is very interesting and you can get to know the unique traditions of Toraja land. Here they are the things you only see in Indonesia.

6. Kora – Kora Festival, Ternate

The festival belongs to the people of Ternate, North Maluku, a Kora-Kora festival featuring a variety of North Maluku cultures, ranging from arts such as dance, music, to culinary offerings.

There are also various maritime activities or marine-related activities, including the traditional Kora-Kora boat race which has always been an attraction for local and international tourists. Amazing and interesting to be a cool center of Indonesian culture.

7. Rambu Solo Festival, Toraja

One of the traditions of the Toraja Customary Community has a unique adat procession in the form of a death ceremony.

This ceremony lasted for days and involved all villagers. Because this ceremony costs a lot of money, then when someone dies, this procession is not immediately carried out. Usually, this ceremony is held in December. The procession also draws tens of thousands of visitors from local to foreign tourists. You have to know the most visited religious tourism in Indonesia.

8. Commemorating Plantation Day, Bandung

To remember the huge potential of the plantation sector, it is appropriate to promote a variety of superior plantation commodities/products in an exhibition that is carried out as part of a series of Plantation Day activities.

For 2018, the Commemoration of Plantation Day is held at Gedung Sate Bandung. The themes taken are: “Synergy and Acceleration of Plantation Excellence.” On December 8 to December 11, 2018, visitors are free of admission fees, you can see many garden product exhibitions and some garden product exhibits in the form of food and drinks. You deserve to visit and try new knowledge.

9. Denpasar Festival, Bali

The places to visit in Indonesia in December are the Festival in Bali. Celebrating the turn of the year on the island of Dewata can be one of the best vacation choices.

In addition to the beauty of this island, every December will be held Denpasar Festival which takes place from 28-31 December. Centered in the Catur Muka area on Jalan Gajah Mada, Bali, this event has been routinely held since 2008.

There are many events ranging from traditional, modern and contemporary music and dance performances, to culinary bazaars, fashion shows and discount parties at various shops which is on Jalan Gajah Mada. The different of types of tourism in Indonesia you can do.

10. Jakarta City

For those of you who want to spend the December holidays in Indonesia, then there are several kinds of entertainment that you can celebrate in Jakarta. Welcoming Christmas holidays, there will be many cheap bazaars in shopping centers or famous Mall in Jakarta.

Offering a variety of clothing, cosmetics, shoes, watches, electronics and many more, there are many big discounts that you can get, besides that there are also many festival events in Ancol, music performances welcome the new year, music events at Monas welcome the year new and some other agenda that you can find out through the internet or other center information. The following are the most luxurious Malls in Jakarta you can explore what you want to buy.


Next about other places to visit in Indonesia in December that you can enjoy, namely:

  • The Kawung Festival which will be held every early December is the culmination of the festival celebrations that have been going on throughout 2017 in Banyuwangi. At least since January, there have been more than 70 festivals presented by this city. Starting from fashion week, Banyuwangi Batik Festival, International Tour de Banyuwangi Ijen, Banyuwangi Beach Jazz Festival, and many more. The following is the most visited historical tourism in Indonesia you must visit it.
  • The festival held by the Malang Regency Government runs from November to December each year. The festival was held on several beaches such as Balekambang Beach, Modangan Beach, Nganteb, Batu Bengkung, Ungapan, and Bajul Mati Beach. The agenda was quite diverse, ranging from beach volleyball, paragliding exhibitions, surfing and international marathons, roller skates, canoes, kite festivals, to jet skiing.
  • Borobudur Nite is routinely held every night of the new year or December. There are many cool events that are held such as music, bazaars and so on. Plus, you will get a rare opportunity, namely seeing Borobudur Temple at night.

Hopefully, the explanation about places to visit in Indonesia in December is your recommendation to visit Indonesia and its surroundings. Have a good vacation.

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