
8 Places With Coldest Temperature in Indonesia

Dry seasons in Indonesia can be more challenging. The weather can so hot even for the night. That is why Indonesian commonly having a trip to some places with cold temperatures during the season.

There are so many places in Indonesia with cold temperatures. Those places are perfect to visit during dry seasons. You can feel the air will cool down your mood after facing the hot temperature in your area during the dry season.

Speaking of Indonesian places with cold temperatures, here we summarized some of them. Commonly the place is easy to reach because the location is not far from the city. Let’s see some of them below!

1. City of Mulia

The City of Mulia is a district in Puncak Jaya regency, Papua, which becomes one of the places, with the coldest temperature in Indonesia. It is located around 2.448 meters above the seawater and right under the Puncak Jaya Wijaya mountain as one of the most beautiful mountains in Indonesia.

The temperature during the day in the City of Mulia is average at around 15 Celcius degree. On the night, the temperature turns down drastically to around 9 Celcius degrees.

The city of Mulia can be reached in around one hour by the Caravan plane from Jayapura. If you prefer the land tour, it needs about 16 hours to get to the city with so many struggle roads among the hard canyon.

2. Berastagi

Berastagi is a district in Karo regency, Medan, North Sumatra. It becomes one of the places with the coldest temperature in Indonesia. It is located 1.300 meters above the seawater. The place is located between the Sibayah and Sinabung mountains.

While in Berastagi, you are not only enjoying the beauty of Sinabung mountain but also Sikulikap waterfall. If you love tourism visit Indonesian historical villages in Lingga and Tongkoh villages.

Berastagi is well known for its good agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables. Sumatranesse admitted their products are the best among other areas in Sumatra island.

3. Gayo Lues

Gayo Lues is a regency in Aceh, North Sumatra as one of the provinces with the largest forests in Indonesia. It becomes one of the places with the coldest temperature in Indonesia. The place is located around Leuser mountain national park, which is surrounded by rain forest.

Gayo Lues is well known for their Gayo coffee, which is admitted around the world. Their coffee becomes one of the most magnetic tourism visits outside their most beautiful natural wonders around the city.

4. Ruteng

Ruteng is the capital city of the Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The city becomes one of the places in Indonesia, with has the coldest temperature. It recorded that the temperature is around nine degrees Celcius at night.

Ruteng is the capital city of the Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The city becomes one of the places in Indonesia, with has the coldest temperature. It recorded that the temperature is around nine degrees Celcius at night.

Ruteng has the most beautiful city in Indonesia which worths visiting as one of the most beautiful places in Eastern Indonesia. The Prague vibe is spreading around the city that shown in most of their buildings. Moreover, their church buildings also represent the European style.

Ruteng is located around 1.200 meters above the seawater. It is surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Mandosawu mount. While in Ruteng, you can explore the city and another their nature wonders such as spider web-shaped rice fields and also the popular Wae Rebo.

5. Dieng Plateau

Dieng plateau is one of the most visits tourist destinations in Indonesia that is located in Wonosobo, Central Java. During the dry season, the temperature can be around minus five degrees Celcius. That makes the area shown some little snow around the ground.

While visiting Dieng plateau, you can enjoy the beautiful sunrise at Sikunir hill, the three colors lake of Telaga Warna, ancient temples of Hinduism, and so many rituals local cultures.

During the dry season, the Dieng plateau is always crowded with tourist visits. There will be so many festivals during the peak of the season in around August.

6. Malang

Malang is one of the Indonesian metropolitan cities located in East Java. It has the coldest temperature area in the province. The city is popular with its coldest temperature which can reach around 14 degrees Celcius during the dry season.

Even so, Malang city has so many beautiful places that are worth visiting. That is why the place becomes one of the most wanted places for tourism visit. You can enjoy the agriculture tourism in Malang, visit mount Bromo as one of the most popular natural wonders in Indonesia, and do other outdoor activities as well.

7. Lembang

Lembang is one of the areas in Bandung, West Java which has the coldest temperature in some areas. If you explore the area, you can find some of the most popular tourism visits, such as in the floating market, the lodge of Maribaya, and many more.

In Lembang, the temperature can reach around 13 degrees Celcius. It makes so many agricultural growths properly by the local farmer. Moreover, the area is surrounded by hills, and Tangkuban Perahu mountain is one of the most popular camping spots in Indonesia.

8. Ciwidey

If you visiting Bandung, don’t forget to visit Ciwidey in the south of Bandung. The place becomes one of the places in Indonesia with the coldest temperature. It can reach around eight degrees Celcius on a daily average.

Visiting Ciwidey is not complete without going to the most popular Kawah Putih. Most of the popular places there are surrounded by nature sceneries. You can also visit the Situ Patenggang lake, Bukit Jamur, Rancabali tea garden, and many more.

So, there are some of the most popular places with the coldest temperature in Indonesia. Most of them are worth visiting. Have you ever going there? Which one becomes your favorite so far?

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