Food and Beverage

8 Popular Indonesian Condiments Around Us!

Indonesian condiments become an important part of Indonesian dishes to serve at the table. Most Indonesian love them so much to make their lunch or dinner time complete.

Indonesian condiments make the dish more delicious and even capable of rising the appetite. Indonesian feels that Indonesian condiments make them eat more and more without worrying to gain weight.

Some Indonesian people even feel that something is missing if they eat without one of the types of Indonesian condiments. Consuming one of them becomes a must tradition when it comes to consuming food.

Speaking of it, here we have some of them that become the most popular Indonesian condiments in most Indonesian regions around us. Let’s check them out below!

1. Sambal

Sambal becomes one of the most popular Indonesian condiments that most Indonesian people can’t live without. Most Indonesian are love spicy food that pictured in most Indonesian culinary which contains juicy chili sauce as the characteristic of Indonesian cuisine.

Sambal is a type of Indonesian chili pepper mixed with salt. Some of them modify Sambal into their preferences that meet the taste of the local cuisines. That makes Indonesia has so many types of Sambal that spread from Sabang to Merauke.

You can find Sambal in most of Indonesian restaurants with the typical of Sambal Bawang, Sambal Tomat, Sambal Matah, Sambal Dabu-Dabu, and many more.

2. Kecap (Soy Sauce)

Kecap becomes one of the most popular Indonesian condiments after Sambal. For some people that not into spicy food, they will pour the Kecap on their dishes. The sweetness on it becomes the condiments that complete the delicious taste in most Indonesian dishes.

Kecap is a kind of sauce made of soy. The sweet type has a thicker texture than the salty type. Both of them become an important part of Indonesian cuisines that perfectly match Indonesian spices and herbs.

3. Peanut Sauce

Peanut sauce becomes one of the most popular Indonesian condiments that should exist in certain Indonesian main courses. Some of them are using peanut sauce as the main ingredient.

Peanut sauce is a typical sauce made from stirred or grilled peanut that mixes properly with sugar, Indonesian local chili peppers, and a bit of salt. Commonly Indonesian poured the sauce over the dishes.

You can find peanut sauce in most Indonesian salad that contains more vegetables, such as Gado-Gado, Lotek, Pecel, Ketoprak, and many more.

4. Acar

Acar becomes one of the most popular Indonesian condiments that you can find in most Indonesian famous main dishes. It contains the pickle of cucumber, carrots, and chili pepper that is mixed properly with vinegar.

Acar commonly brings the fresh taste of the food that is perfect to reduce the sweetness taste on it. Most Indonesian foods are a bit sweet so that Acar is perfect to balance the taste.

You can find Acar in most Indonesian main courses such as Nasi Goreng, Mie Goreng, Sate, and any type of grilled meat.

5. Lalapan

Lalapan becomes one of the most popular Indonesian condiments that you can find it easily on Pecel Lele and Ayam Penyet. It contains fresh vegetables such as slices of cucumber, basil, lettuce, and cabbages.

Lalapan brings the fresh taste of the main dish that reduces the oily taste of the fried chicken dishes. It is perfect to mix with the Sambal that brings the most delicious taste to eat.

In some Sundanese traditional food, they put some Leunca on their Lalapan. The bitter taste makes it more delicious to consume with spicy Sambal.

6. Bawang Goreng

Bawang Goreng of fried shallot becomes one of the most popular Indonesian condiments. It contains shallots that are fried properly within the tiniest slices that making it so delicious to eat with any type of Indonesian main course.

Bawang Goreng commonly becomes a perfect garnish that you can put in most Indonesian food. That is why these condiments are so popular which you can find them everywhere.

Bawang Goreng is perfect to consume with Bakso, Mie Goreng, Nasi Goreng, Opor, and any type of Indonesian dishes with coconut milk.

7. Abon

Abon becomes one of the most popular Indonesian condiments that you can find in most Indonesian traditional food. It contains dried meat made from chicken, beef, and fish that is cooked properly with a combination of sweet and spicy.

You can find Abon easily, such as in some traditional bread, Lemper, and some Indonesian traditional snacks. It has a fluffy texture that looks like cotton but has a steady taste of sweet and a bit spicy once you take a bite of it.

8. Serundeng

Serundeng becomes one of the most popular Indonesian condiments made by coconut. It is shredded and fried properly with some Indonesian spices and herbs. It has a sweet taste that is perfect to consume with any type of fried Indonesian food.

Serundeng is commonly perfect to consume with Indonesian staple food combine with traditional chicken fried, tempeh or tofu stir-fried, and many more. Some Indonesian mix it with beef and more chili to make it more delicious to consume.

Serundeng is also perfect to consume in some Indonesian soup that is perfect to consume during lunch. The taste of Indonesian spices and herbs on it makes it more delicious to consume.

So, there are some of the most popular Indonesian condiments that available around us. You can find them easy to raise your appetite without worrying will gaining weight. Have you ever tried them all? Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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