Food and Beverage

8 Popular Indonesian Dishes with Coconut Milk

Some Indonesian dishes are popular with the richest of spices and herbs, which contain coconut milk. Most of them are spread differently in Indonesian regions as the iconic dishes from them.

Most Indonesian dishes with coconut milk commonly mix properly with Indonesian local chili peppers. That makes them becomes one of the most favorable dishes for most Indonesian spicy lovers of any age.

Speaking of the Indonesian dishes with coconut milk, here we have some of the lists below. Some of them are not available daily, so you should take a note when you will get a chance to taste them. Let’s check them out!

1. Opor

Opor becomes one of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk in most of the Indonesian regions. Moreover, this kind of dish becomes one of the Indonesian famous main dishes that exist in Eid Fitr.

Opor is commonly made by a chicken that mixes properly with coconut milk. It uses some turmeric and other Indonesian spices and herbs that make it has a strong taste of spices.

Opor is commonly consumed with Ketupat, stir-fried potato wedges, fried onion, and juicy Indonesian chili peppers. It is perfect to eat in the morning as breakfast combine with hot tea.

2. Gulai

Gulai becomes one of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk after Opor. It looks similar to Opor but has a thicker soup compared to Opor that has a bit more watery soup inside. Commonly Opor is only made by chicken and egg, while Gulai can use meat, fish, lamb, and many more.

Gulai uses some turmeric in many amounts compared to the Opor. Overall for the herbs and spices mostly use the same type that used at the Opor. That is why the taste is looked similar to it.

Gulai can be easily found daily in most Indonesian local restaurants. Some specific restaurant even makes it the main menu for breakfast, which makes it easier to consume in the morning.

3. Rendang

Rendang becomes one of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk. It becomes one of the intangible cultural heritage years ago. These dishes are even more popular in West Sumatra as the origin place of their traditional food.

Rendang is made of beef that is cooked properly for hours using some coconut milk and specific Indonesian herbs and spices. Commonly it uses much amount of Indonesian chili, which makes it taste spicier than you thought.

You can easily find rendang in most Padang restaurant that spreads in most of the Indonesian region. In Yogyakarta, it becomes one of the most popular foods for students that sell in most of the street food of Padang restaurants.

4. Soto Betawi

Soto Betawi becomes one of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk. It comes from the Betawinese tribe that was existed over decades ago. It contains coconut milk soup with wedges potatoes, beef, fried onion, and Emping prawn crackers.

Soto Betawi can be easily found in most of Betawi’s restaurants that spread in most Indonesian cities. It has a savory taste like the typical types of Indonesian Soto that is perfect to consume whether for breakfast or lunch.

5. Sayur Lodeh

Sayur Lodeh becomes one of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk. It can be easily found everywhere in most regions in Java island. Indonesian believe that it comes from the Betawi, Javanese, and Sundanese tribes.

Sayur Lodeh contains mixed vegetables with tofu, tempeh, meat, chicken, shrimps, and many more. You can add so many main dishes as you want to put in the soup. But, Indonesian commonly only mixes the vegetables on it and some of the popular Indonesian condiments.

6. Gudeg

Gudeg becomes one of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk. It comes from Yogyakarta as their iconic traditional food. It has a sweet taste that makes it more unique compared to other types of Indonesian traditional food.

Gudeg is made of jackfruit that cooked properly for hours using coconut milk and some Indonesian spices. This kind of dish has existed for so many decades that makes Indonesia well-known the taste it properly.

You can find Gudeg in most of Yogyakarta’s restaurants which this kind of dish is only available there. It is perfect to consume for breakfast and dinner with the unique sweet taste inside the jackfruit.

7. Celimpungan

Celimpungan becomes one of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk. It comes from Palembang, South Sumatra, as their most iconic traditional food after Pempek. It tastes so delicious with the turmeric inside the coconut milk soup.

Celimpungan contains the proper mix of sago and fish that boiled properly with coconut milk soup. The savory taste of turmeric makes it perfect to consume using warm rice as one of the most popular Indonesian staple food.

8. Mangut

Mangut becomes one of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk. It contains coconut milk soup that mixes properly with turmeric, Indonesian chili, and another type of Indonesian spices.

Mangut commonly uses catfish, Nila fish, or chicken as the main ingredients. Catfish Mangut becomes one of the most popular types of it, which has a spicier taste than you thought.

Even though Mangut comes from Central Java, but the richest taste of spicy and savory inside as the characteristic of Indonesian cuisines makes Indonesian forget that Javanese commonly love the sweet taste of food.

So, there are some of the most popular Indonesian dishes with coconut milk that are mostly available daily in most Indonesian restaurants. Have you ever tried them all? Which one becomes your favorite?

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