Socio Cultural

8 Most Religious Festivals in Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago country that contains about five admitted religions. As the country contains so many tribes that have different tribes, cultures, and religions, it brings beautiful diversity all over the country.

As every religion celebrated different New Years’, they also have different religious festivals for over a year. Most of them bring the most sacred vibe and religious feeling through the country from time to time.

Speaking of it, now we have some of those religious festivals in Indonesia that annually happen from year to year. Let’s check them out below!

1. Maulud Nabi

Maulud Nabi is a kind of religious festival in Indonesia that is held in Yogyakarta to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad for Muslims. The festivals are so remarkable with most of Yogyakarta’s palace assistants wearing their unique palace uniform.

Maulud Nabi has the peak of the celebration with a loud parade which some of the participants bring Gunungan. It contains most of the harvest from the villagers that represent gratitude and wish to get a blessing harvest to the next year.

The most out loud moment is when the Gunungan becomes the most wanted thing for people who can reach them. They will take everything from the Gunungan so that they will be granted so much luck over the next year.

2. Lampions Festival

Every year, Indonesia celebrated the birthday of Buddha in the Borobudur temple by flying over thousands of lampion. As the country becomes one of the biggest communities of Buddhism, during Vesak day this moment becomes so sacred for them.

Lampions festival commonly held around May which makes so many people gathered to witness the festivals outside the Buddhism. Most Buddhism will pray solemnly before flying their lampions.

Lampions festival can be followed by tourist as well which you can follow them to flying the lampions. Before you fly them, don’t forget to make a wish so that may you get some blessing from the Buddha.

3. Easter Celebration of Semana Santa

The most iconic of the Easter celebration of Semana Santa in Indonesia happens in Larantuka, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. The city becomes one of the biggest Catholic communities religions in Indonesia since many decades ago.

The Easter celebration of Semana Santa in Larantuka starts with a long parade, which brings out the biggest and sacred of the Maria statue around the city. It becomes one of the most religious annual festivals in Indonesia that you shouldn’t miss, which mix properly between the Catholic vibe and the local custom cultures.

4. Cap Go Meh Festival

As the Indonesian government admitted a religion for the Indonesian – Chinese, the tribe of the Chinese commonly held their Cap Go Meh festival during Lunar New Year. It becomes one of the most religious festivals in Indonesia, specifically for Chinese tribe that lives in Indonesia.

Cap Go Meh festival shows so many Chinese traditional dances and their music traditional performances. A long parade that brought the dragon and other kinds of Chinese deities all over the city. Commonly it starts from the temple and is followed by most of the Indonesian-Chinese community.

5. Rambu Solo Death Festival

Indonesia has the most unique of Rambu Solo death festivals that happen all over the Toraja regions, South Sulawesi. Even it calls as a festival, but sacredly it brings the most religious and sad vibe all around the village as proof of the unique facts about Indonesian festivals.

The Rambu Solo death festival in Toraja will be celebrated loudly completes with some of their traditional dances, bullfighting contest, and also singing their traditional song during the funeral. It takes a very high price in cost to hold the funeral ceremony for the death, which strangely happen only there.

6. Galungan and Kuningan Days

Galungan and Kuningan days become one of the most religious festivals in Indonesia that are held in Bali. The Galungan held for welcoming the spirits of Hinduism deities on earth, while Kuningan is the closing ceremony to take them back to heaven.

Galungan and Kuningan days in Bali have always become one of the most magnetic festivals to watch. There are so many cultures of Hinduism that represent the most sacred ceremony during the festivals. It becomes one of the Bali traditional festivals and celebrations that you shouldn’t miss.

7. Nyepi Days

Nyepi days become one of the most famous religious festivals in Indonesia. Bali commonly becomes the city that celebrates the festival as they have the biggest Hinduism community in Indonesia.

Nyepi days become the most sacred religious festival to celebrate Hinduism New Year. The whole island will shut any noises, light, and even business activity during their New Year.

A day before Nyepi days, there will be a parade that brings a huge statue of Hinduism deity all over the city. It represents the sacred moment to evaporate every bad thing that may destroy Hinduism during the Nyepi days.

8. Wetu Telu Eid Celebration

Wetu Telu is one of the unique traditions from the Sasak tribe in Bayan village, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The Muslim community of the Wetu Telu community celebrates their Eid differently compare to common Indonesian Muslims.

Wetu Telu community celebrates their Eid that mixes with their local traditions, which bring the balance of human and nature. During the festival of celebrating Eid, the woman washes their rice together in the river and the man brings their harvest to the mosque.

So, there are some of the most religious festivals in Indonesia that annually happen year by year. Most of them bring the most sacred moments to pray towards their gods and deities to get their blessing. Have you ever attended one of those celebrations? Which one becomes your favorite?

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