
Top 13 Famous Festivals in Indonesia

Become a diverse country of origins and religions make Indonesia has good cultural events, ceremonies, and festivals. The population in Indonesia is more than 23 million people and that’s also become reason why Indonesia have lot and lot festivals. The festivals also variated in Indonesia, some of them are affected by many religions, start from Islam-Hindu-Buddha-Christianity, and others. Most of the festivals are followed by special ceremonies and some also national festivals which celebrated by all of those people regardless of their reiligious beliefs.

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Theres also some festivals which based on the location, which are local festivals usually celebrated within a community when something important happen. It would be different when its become regional festivals because its for an entire are and usually celebrate by a person who was important in the history of region. The biggest is national festival because its important for whole country.

People of Indonesia are very traditional and celebrate lot of festivals throughout the year. And who are they? With this article i will bring you to know about how many famous festivals in Indonesia, as follows:

1. Rambu Solo Ceremony

Rambu solo ceremony is ceremonial death Toraja which aims to honor and deliver the soul of decease to the real of soul and back to eternity with their acestors in a resting place. This traditional become tourist entertainment for years. The local gather in one place and carry small tongkonan to reach burial state and others follow it from behind.

Theres two procession during Rambu Solo, which are Rante or the burial session and Anotricon as the art performance and both of this processio are complete each other. Theres also Mo’Paulo which is the parade aimed to carry the dead body to burial site. Both villagers and tourists are able to enjoy different types of performances, like enjoy a sacrifical buffalos, vocal musical performance done by the villagers, and some traditional dance which also can become a feature in this ceremony.

Today, the unique ceremony become unique tourist cure in South Sulawesi province. Through this ceremony, we can also learn about Tana Torajan people and respect their ancestors very well. Rambu Solo is a must for the family member to do because death spirit will reach perfection in Puya. But unfortunately, the cost isnt cheap so thats why the ceremony can be held years after the death. The funeral was determined by social status of the family who measured by the number of animal sacricified. The more higher social status of the peole who died also the great ritual need to be held. The reason to buffalo sacrifice is also important because Toraja people believe the buffalo eads to decreased in to their after live.

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2. Jember Fashion Carnival

Jember fashion carnival was the first that started the trend in Indonesia parading unbelivably spectacular modern costumes that are rooted in multiple traditions and culture across the Indonesia. When we’re enter Jember Fashion Carnival, we will know if this festival is an acknowledgment in various international pageants and fashion event in the past years.

The carnival usually involve 1,000 participants ranging from kindergarten students to general public. Like every year, Jember Fashion Carnival will collaborate with carnival drum bands and futhermore will also invite international participants from another country.

Jember Fashion Carnival was founded in 2001 has become the icon of East Java’s contempary culture. Its also become the eye-most-catching festival with 3,6 km long walk and already considered as seventh biggest carnival in world wide. Preparation of this carnaval can take months before and generally they used world themed fashion or nature-inspired theme. The idea of Jember Fashion carnaval was realized by local fashion designer and educator, Dynad Fariz. The first Jember Fashion Carnival was held on January 1, 2003 as the same date like founding day of Jember city. Until now, the carnaval is held in the month of August.

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3. Sekaten

Sekaten is one of festival which Islamic celebration and take place each year during the week of the birthday of proper Muhammad. This festival is time for some social stratification in the country put a side non Muslim are taught about Islam also converted the end of the celebration. The entire-week long celebration is to designed and centered on attracting non-Muslims to the celebration by including such events such as prayer, music, and any spectacular parade.

Final goal of Sekaten ceremony is to convection of non Muslims to Islam and this festival is held anually in the Javanese month of Maulud. Sekaten festival begins at the midnight of 5th day of the Javanese month Maulud and abdi dalem to the ceremony by bring two sets of gamelan to the grand mosque. There are two set gamelan during Sekaten and it will be played continously for six day.

In indonesian believe, full listen to Gamelan we will be blessed with a good life and youthfulness. The final day of Sekaten is the birthday of Muhammad and take place on the 12th of Maulud and its become most colorful and event of the day. This final day also called as Gerebeg Mailid whose Gerebeg is defined as one producer but the cheering people and Maulud is the month in which is take place. Distribution of gunungan also the mark of ceremony already over.

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4. Mappan Retasi

Mappan retasi is one of ceremony at the coast of Bugis, Pagaran, Tanah Bambu district, Kalimantan Selatan. Sea party was gonna held usually for three weeks in the April and culmination held on the last week in April. At the peak of the event, there will be fishing boats at the sea as the gratitude to the God Almighty Karana abundant deep sea result that are given to the community, especially community Baruhan Pagatan.

The offering usually consist of bunch of banana barengseng, black-red-and rice white also with grilled chicken. At three weeks festival presents unique and disercutive culture, involving tribe in Tanah Bambu, rowing competition, fisherman culinaru festivals, also another traditional activities.

5. Tomohon International Flower Festival

This festival is held inside Sabta Pesona which also including kolintang performance, traditional dance from Minahasa, and there will also introduction to seven best destinations of the region called as the seven wonders of Tomohon.

This festival is take place along the major coast of Tomohon displaying respendled decorated floats brought various district of North Sulawesi. The last year, participants of this festival also including another countries, such as China and Singapore.

Every year, this festival has different edition, like this year is the 7 wonders of Tomohon which will feature 7 natural wonders, like 7 mountain, 7 lake, and 7 water fall. There also some feature from attracting young girls all over the country, the pafenats is aimed to spread the love of the flower. Theres also archipelago art and cultural performance across Indonesia.

In Tomohon, we can see lot flowers here, start from dahlia, lilies, and others bright and colorful flowers that are planted not only in large pots but also in garden along main road.

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6. Pasola Jousting Festival

Its almost thrilling traditional war game which be held on Sumba island, East Nusa Tenggara and this festival take place in February until March. The exact gates when the stage in battles will take opaces are determined by village elders at full moon rising wheres the Katon yale play most important role decide on the date. Its difficult estimate when exactly the Pasola Josting will be held since the rights not only become part of ritual from the local beliefs called as Marapu.

During the war games, opposing teams run into each other on horse back sadle less, throwing blunt spears to each other unseat of hurt their opponent of horses. This war same are thought by some to have been invented as sort of dispute settlement mechanism – a bellum pacifium or peaceful war through games.

The tournament form parks of the traditional Marapu beliefs on Sumba where kasola forms an inseperable part of the annual ritual, held in conjuction with the Bau Nyale. Its also played to celebrate the rice planting season. The main activity start several days after the full moon and coincides with annual arrival to the shore of strange and multibaed sea worms-Nyale. The people of Sumba believe that ritual has a very close line to the habit of people to that the balanced condition between the physical, material need, and the mental-spiritual needs can easily created.

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7. Jailolo Bay Festival

Jailolo is festival celebration of life and culture held anually by the regency of west Halmahera. It maintains the favorite photo competition event also including both local and international photographers and respected judges have participated to produce wonderful results. This region lifes within the famous rings of fire in east Indonesia, gurgeous sky and sea reflecting create a magnificient scener.

Jailolo bay festival always invite divers and passionate travelers to participate in competition and photography event to expose Jailolo, both top side and under water. In this festival, we also can see ship with many decorations with percussion since the morning move from Jailolo bay to the Babua island.

Theres also Sigofi Ngulo ritual for ritual cleaning of the sea from all evil intention, asking permission from God so the festival will run smooth like its plan. Theres also artistic presentation titled Sasadu on the sea will be brought. Sasadu on the sea elaborated on the distribution of each scene has meaning, interpretation, message, and hopest to inspire the dreams and achieve the ambition of the young West Halmahrta also the entire community. This festival can be attracted over 35,000 attendees from the three day celebration. Its an annual folk cultural festical every April or May for week held at the city Jailolo, West Halmahera, North Maluku.

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8. Yadnya Kasida

Yadnya kasida is a festival which be held by indigeneous Tenggerese community who live in the slopes of the stunning Mount Bromo. This festival is held every 14th day of the Kasadu Month in traditional Hindu calendar.

This ceremony held to honor Sang Hyang Widhi, the God Almighty that based on the ancient legend of Roro Anteng and Joko Seger. Legend has it couple remained childless after many years of marriage and to ask for children, they mediated at top of Mount Bromo be searching the mountain gods of assistant.

The Gods give them 24 childrens on condition than the 25 th child must be thrown into volcano as human sacrifice. The gods request was observed the tradition of offering sacrifices thrown to into the crater of the volcano to appease the dortic continues until today, yet, of course without human sacrifice.

Until now, chicken, goats, and vegetables are thrown into the crater for offering similar to Hindu Balinese, Tenggerese worshing Ida Sang Hyang Wor Wada, the Almighty God along with Trimurti Gods of Brahma, Shiva, and Wishnu is added elements of animism and Mahayana Buddhism. To perform this ritual, people walk sea of sands up to the mountain to offer their offerings and villagers who living nearby collect those offerings in net and sheets; and the offerings are the symbol of gratitude by the people of Tenneger. Before heading towards the mountain, the worshippers pather in temples to pray for their safety and prosperity.

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9. Dieng Culture Festival

This festival is sheld annualy as community celebration and presents a variety of art and cultural performance also wheres pinnacle of the event which i saving off ritual of dread locks of kid borns with their unique hair. This ceremony also known as Ruwatan anak gombel or gimbal.

This festival usually highlighted with releasing of traditional lantern, popular leather puppet show, traditional art, an cultural performance also firework performance. In there, tourists also become the witness of spectacular sunrise due highlands, breath talking views of Telaga Warna and Sikidang crater, and so on.

The special kids who involved this ritual will carry around the village, paraded on Javanese traditional horse-down carriage and followed by various traditional art procession. The showen off hair will be taken to the lake and submerged here as symbol of reruining the hair back to ancestors. Theres also traditional art shows which lasted for week.

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10. Baliem Valley Festival

Highlight of this festival is maintain the agility and prepared as one of their tribes to the village. The festival is scheduled to be held during two days featuring as out 20 groups of 30-50 warriors. These battles also accompanied by traditional Papua music which also known as Piton. This festival aimed to introduce various fascinating art and cultural performances, including traditional Papua dance, pig racing, and many more. In here, participants also can experience wear traditional Papua costume and blackened their skins.

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11. Bali International Film Festival

Its a international Bali film festival which also invite international film manner to present their work to discerning audience that wonderful mix of local and expatriates fro across they used to be. Recognized internationally for diversity of its programming consisting Indonesian and international independent award winning of fiction, documentary, feature, and short film.

This festival is holds the honor of receiving the endorsement of national and provincial goverment. For its effort in delivering cultural, practical, and economic benefits to the country. The philosophy of the festival is non government non-profit Indonesian registered charity foundation is that education matters and the sharing knowledge through art and films. Enable greater exposure, tolerance,and acceptance of countries and cultures.

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12. Independence Day Festival

Biggest highlight of every independence day every country is the classic “Lomba 17-an” which is eating rice crackers, bakiak race, greasy pole, and so on. There’s also one day bazar, child’s marching band, dance performance, traditional keroncong music night, modeling competition, and so on. People also required to hoist flags in their residence for certain period times and the president will be addresses the nation on the eye of independence day.

Foreigner are welcome by most Indonesian people and are able to participate through. Sponsoring children activities or helping to find the activities. Independence day is always celebrated on August 17, and as mark Indonesia’s declaration of independence from Netherlands in 1945.

Read also: Indonesian Independence Day Celebrations

13. Lampung Krakatau Festival

As a prime event of Lampung, this festival who attracted many tourist which has some domain programs, such as sparkling charities of Lampung, Krakatau tour for Lampung culture, and tapis carnival.

This festival also promote some places here, such as elephant reserve, Mutun beach, kliaun baysand, and so on. Arrival of the tourists in the event also increase in 2016, which fro 130,000 to 150,000 an domestic tourist also can reach until 7,5 million.

Meanwhile, this festival has been hold since 1991 and usually hold between June and October each year. This festival was a form the province efforts this clarify that Krakatau owned by province of Lampung. In this festival also include special events, such as exhibition, cultural performance, sports, tour, and many more. The final of the festival is trip to volcanic island itself.

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Yea so there are some famous festival in Indonesia which you can found and of course participate in there. Very unique and rich of cuture, right? Thats Indonesia, the country of culture!

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