Food and Beverage

8 Delicious Traditional Food in Kalimantan

Have you ever wondered if there is any traditional food in Kalimantan? The island of Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has so many richest cultures. Such as the common island in Indonesia, Kalimantan has its unique traditional clothes, songs, music, and food as well.

Most traditional food in Kalimantan is influenced by the local tribe of Kalimantan, which is dominated by the Dayak tribe. They bring the different taste of traditional food with the most decadent taste of Indonesian herbs and spices from Kalimantan which is different from some Chinese-Indonesian fusion food.

If you are wondering what kind of traditional food is in Kalimantan, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Soto Banjar

Soto Banjar is one of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that becomes the most iconic traditional food there comes from the Banjar tribe. This kind of Indonesian traditional soup dish is similar to the common Soto in Indonesia, which contains chicken broth soup, rice, and some vegetables.

Soto Banjar commonly consumes fried chicken or a half-boiled egg. It has a savory taste that has a lighter taste of turmeric inside the soup. This kind of traditional food is perfect for consumption on rainy days. You can find it in both Kalimantan areas and outside Kalimantan as well.

2. Ketupat Kandangan

Ketupat Kandangan is one of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that originally comes from Kandangan in South Kalimantan. This kind of traditional food contains a soup of yellow coconut milk, Ketupat or rice as the main Indonesian staple food, and tuna as the main ingredient of it.

Ketupat Kandangan has a delicious taste that commonly serves during some local ceremonies or religious celebrations. That is why you can find it on most of Eid Al Fitr day or even during the holy month of Ramadhan in Muslim culture. Most locals use some Indonesian spices and herbs as well, such as cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom.

3. Iwak Pakasam Basanga

Iwak Pakasam Basanga is one of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that comes from the Banjar tribe in South Kalimantan. This kind of Indonesian famous main dish is typical of fermented fish cooked traditionally using some Indonesian spices and herbs such as Asam Gelugur.

Iwak Pekasam Basanga commonly has a bit of sour taste from the Asam Gelugur, which makes it more delicious to consume deep fried. It uses freshwater fish that are fermented properly using salt and palm sugar.

4. Gence Ruan

Gence Ruan is one of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that comes from East Kalimantan. This kind of traditional food is using the Haruan fish, which looks similar to the catfish that is cooked properly using some Indonesian spices and herbs with so many chili peppers.

Gence Ruan has a spicy taste that represents most East Kalimantan people that loved spicy food the most which are similar to some traditional food in Bali. Some people serve it as a deep-fried Gence Ruan, but bothersome love to grill the fish, which makes the spice can be absorbed properly into the fish.

5. Sate Payau

Sate Payau is one of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that come from East Kalimantan. This kind of traditional food is different from a common Indonesian satay, which it using deer as the main ingredient.  They’ve got it from hunting the deer in the forest, which makes it rare to find.

Sate Payau commonly serves during local ceremonies such as a sacred custom culture ceremony, local food festival, and many more. It could be difficult to find this kind of traditional food in most restaurants in Kalimantan.

6. Nasi Bekepor

Nasi Bekepor is one of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that comes from Kalimantan Timur. This kind of conventional food of Indonesian rice dishes contains a cook warm rice with fermented fish of Ikan Asin as a side dish.

Nasi Bekepor is cooked with a special treatment that Indonesian know it Nasi Liwet. The Bekepor used a fish that was marinated with local spices that were poured on the rice while it was almost cooked. It has a bit spicy yet delicious to consume, which used to be only served for the royal family. Nowadays, it can be served to everyone, and people modify the ingredients with beef or chicken.

7. Gangan Humbut

Gangan Humbut is one of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that comes from the Banjar tribe in South Kalimantan. This kind of traditional soup looks similar to Syur Lodeh in most Javanese traditional food, but it using grilled Haruan fish as the main ingredient.

Gangan Humbut is a kind of coconut milk soup that is cooked properly using local spices and herbs such as turmeric, garlic, onion, lemongrass, cinnamon, bay leaves, galangal, coriander, nutmeg, and chili.

8. Gangan Manok

Gangan Manok is one of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that comes from Balikpapan. This kind of traditional food looks similar to the common Indonesian Bakso, but it using more vegetables inside the soup, such as spinach and the local pumpkin of Gambas.

Gangan Manok has a delicious taste that is perfect to consume during the rainy season. It could warmer your temperature, which is affected by the cold temperature outside during the rain. You can find this kind of traditional food in most Balikpapan restaurants.

So, there are some of the most popular traditional food in Kalimantan that bring the richest taste of local spices and herbs. Most of them have a delicious taste, which makes you want to taste them all.

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