Food and Beverage

8 Nutritious Type of Tofu Dishes in Indonesia

Indonesia becomes the biggest of soy processing for foods as the main dishes or snacks. The soy becomes some food that later they call Tempe, milk soy, tofu, and many more.

Speaking of tofu, most Indonesian love this kind of soy product that makes them healthier to consume. Not only contains a higher protein, but also some other nutritions as well. Moreover, tofu becomes one of the most snacks that popular for break the fasting in Ramadhan season.

So this time we will bring you to the most popular types of tofu dishes in Indonesia. It is not only nutritious but also delicious to consume daily. Let’s see some of them below!

1. Tahu Gejrot

Tahu Gejrot is popular dishes that made from tofu which originally comes from Cirebon, West Java. It has a spicy taste from the Indonesian local chili pepper in both green and red type. It also contains some onions, palm sugar, and a bit of water.

You can find Tahu Gejrot not only in Cirebon but also in most Indonesian regions as well. Commonly, you can find at least one in each city in Indonesia. That because the taste of Tahu Gejrot is so famous for those who love spicy dishes which makes one of the reasons why Indonesian love spicy foods.

2. Tahu Guling

Tahu Guling becomes the most favorite tofu dish in Yogyakarta since a very long time ago. It contains tofu, Tempeh, sprouts, cabbages, celery, and Lontong as the kind of rice that is wrapped with banana leaves. You can add some chili as you want to makes it more delicious.

Tahu Guling becomes the most iconic tofu dish that originally comes from Yogyakarta. It originally has a sweet taste from the pal sugar so that some people commonly add some chili to it.

3. Ketoprak

Ketoprak becomes one of the most iconic types of tofu dishes that originally come from Jakarta. It seems that the food comes from one of the Betawi cuisines as one of their traditional food. You can find it around Jakarta even in some of the shopping malls in Jakarta.

Ketoprak contains tofu, sprouts, glass noodles, and some sauce peanuts. You can also add some chilly so that it would not be so sweet to taste since the palm sugar commonly comes in a big amount.

4. Tahu Campur

Tahu Campur becomes one of the most delicious types of tofu dishes in Indonesia that originally comes from East Java. It has a delicious taste from the perfect combination of palm sugar, chilly sauce, and Petis as one of the unique food from East Java. In Malang, this food becomes one of the most popular street food of Malang that worth trying.

Tahu Campur contains tofu, beef, cassava fritters, shrimps crepes, and fried onion. The combination sauce is poured properly over those dishes that makes it more delicious to taste.

5. Tahu Gimbal

Tahu Gimbal becomes one of the most popular types of tofu dishes in Indonesia that comes from Semarang. It has a thicker sauce peanut and comes with a combination of sweet and a bit spicy taste. You can add so many chilly as you want if you are a chilly lover.

Tahu Gimbal contains tofu, Bala-Bala shrimps, sunny eggs, cabbage, and Lontong or Ketupat as one of the types of Indonesian traditional food wrappers. Some Indonesian regions make it one of the choices menus for breakfast. It has a delicious taste for breakfast serving with hot tea.

6. Kupat Tahu

Kupat Tahu becomes one of the most delicious types of tofu dishes that popular in most Indonesian regions. It originally comes from Central Java which is popular with Magelang for the first time. it is similar to the Tahu Guling but has a sweeter taste.

Kupat Tahu contains tofu, cabbage, sprouts, and Bala-Bala. The sauce peanut comes with a bit of water of palm sugar and grilled peanut that makes it more delicious to taste. You can add some chilly if you love spicy foods which make it more take your appetite feels to consume.

You can find Kupat Tahu in most of the Central Java regions and some of the Yogyakarta areas. Not only in restaurants, but they also sell it in street food which becomes one of the most famous Yogyakarta street food.

7. Tahu Plethok

Tahu Plethok is a kind of tofu dish in Indonesia that perfect to consume for snacks in the evening. It contains tofu that fried properly within the tapioca flour mixed with the onion, celery, soy sauce, and Indonesian local chili pepper.

Tahu Plethok originally comes from Cirebon, West Java. It has a delicious taste that crispier outside but softer and chewy inside. It is so popular at the same time with Tahu Gejrot which become their iconic foods that perfect for souvenirs.

8. Tahu Tek

Tahu Tek becomes one of the most popular types of tofu dishes in Indonesia that comes from East Java. It is similar to the Tahu Campur but has a thicker peanut sauce which more likely similar to Tahu Gimbal.

Tahu Tek contains tofu, egg, potatoes, sprouts, Lontong, peanut sauce, palm sugar, and Petis. The taste is a combination of sweet and a bit spicy from the Petis. Even so, there are so many Indonesian who loves it to consume as their main menu at lunch or dinner.

So, there are some of the types of tofu dishes in Indonesia that commonly have a nutritious and delicious taste in Indonesian recipes. Most of them come with a combination of soy and peanut sauce so if you have allergic to those ingredients you need to be more careful before consuming one of them.

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