
8 Types of Indonesian Visas that Legally Exist

Visas become one of the most important documents when you visit another country, such as visit Indonesia. Just like other countries, Indonesian visas becomes one of the legal documents for tourist permissible permits.

Since many years ago, visas becomes the document that should be fulfilled for every tourist before coming to Indonesia. Whether for holiday or business, visas should be one of the documents they should prepare. This can be one of the tips for visiting Indonesia for the first time for any tourist.

Speaking of kinds of visas in Indonesia, here we have summarized some of the types of Indonesian visas that legally exist from time to time. Let’s check them out below!

1. Diplomatic Visa

The diplomatic visa becomes one of the types of Indonesian visas that exist since so many years ago. Based on the Indonesian constitution about immigration, this type of visa is given to the foreigner who stays in Indonesia for the diplomatic task.

Diplomatic visas are commonly given to foreigners at their request at the Indonesian embassy in their countries. It is valid for a day visit or even a day visit depending on the request and the permissible permit approved by the Indonesian embassy.

To get a diplomatic visa, the applicant should be registering some mandatory documents to the Indonesian embassy. It is included with the form, passport, the letter of task from the origin country, and many more.

2. Service Visa

Service visa becomes one of the types of Indonesian visas that are popular after the diplomatic visas. This type of visa is given to the foreigner that holds an official passport or another type of passport to have their non-diplomatic task in Indonesia.

Just like the diplomatic visa, a service visa also needs to be requested by the applicant to the representative of the Republic of Indonesia. There is also a form that needs to be filled in and some other documents that are mandatorily needed to register.

3. Visitor Visa

Visitor visa becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian visas. The purposes of using the visitor visa are given to the foreigner that visiting Indonesia for holiday, traveling, family business, social works, art and culture visit, non-commercial sports, and many more.

Visitor visas can be used for one-day visits and several days’ visits depending on the purposed visit approved by the Indonesian embassy under the Indonesian immigration law.

Visitor visas can be applied online or come directly to the Indonesian embassy. There some documents that need to be registered before the applicant hold the visitor visa to visit Indonesia such as to watch international sports events in Indonesia.

4. Temporary Stay Visa

A temporary visa is one of the types of Indonesian visas given to foreigners that have specific purposes to visit Indonesia. Referring to the Indonesian constitution about immigration, some specific experts work in Indonesia to fulfilled some rules for tourists in Indonesia who work in the country.

A foreigner that visits Indonesia for specific work such as the expert, non-permanent construction work, inspection or auditing some company that has a branch in Indonesia, many more.

5. Official Visa Permit

Official visa permit becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian visas. It grants for those who want to stay in Indonesia that hold non-diplomatic visas or service visas. Commonly, their issuance is made by the Indonesian Foreign Minister.

Official visa permit is commonly granted not only for the applicant but also their family under the International agreement. Those who work in Indonesia with non-diplomatic business is capable to use this type of visa as well.

6. Diplomatic Stay Permit

A diplomatic stay permit becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian visa. It is granted to the foreigner that holds a diplomatic visa. Their visit and stay in Indonesia are issued by the Indonesian embassy under the Foreign Minister’s approval.

A diplomatic stay permit can be extended by the approval of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. According to their visa, the Minister is also capable to cancel their extension based on the review and evaluation that couldn’t be obliged under Indonesian law.

7. Temporary Stay Permit

Temporary stay permit becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian visas. It grants foreigners that want to visit and stay in Indonesia using a temporary residence visa such as staying in the most luxurious hotel in Indonesia for days.

Temporary stay permits also can be granted for some ship crew workers, floating infrastructure, experts, and other works under the Indonesian legislation. This type of visa also can be granted to the foreigner that lawfully married an Indonesian.

Temporary stay permits can be terminated by the Indonesian Foreign Minister or immigration officer as well under the Indonesian law of immigration. It can be caused by some deportation matters, expiry date matters, and many more.

8. Permanent Stay Permit

Permanent stay permit becomes one of the most popular types of Indonesian visas. It grants for a foreigner that holding a temporary stay permit includes their family members such as spouse and children that work in Indonesia as an investor and other work under the approval of Indonesian law.

A permanent stay permit is also granted to a child that becomes a family member of mixed nationality marriages. The children will hold a permanent stay permit as Indonesian residents.

A permanent stay permit has only five years period, which makes the holder should report about their status to the Indonesian immigration department. The officer is permissible to review their status if there is some suspicious data about their status.

So, there are some of the types of Indonesian visas that are valid and legally exist in Indonesia. Most of them become the legal documents that need to be fulfilled by a foreigner before visiting Indonesia. Have you ever had one of those types of Indonesian visas so far?

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