35 Rules for Tourists in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of country in South East Asia that have so many destinations for holiday beside others country such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine, Myanmar and etc. The variation destination makes many people from other country interesting to visit Indonesia. the tourists can choose many tourism places. However, you as the tourists also have to know the rules or regulation applied by some place.

Some of you definitely curious about how beautiful Indonesia which is being popular around the world. Especially  Indonesian heritage such as Komodo Island, as well as the beautiful Borobudur temple. However, there are important rules that you must obey as well as you must learn Social Norms in Indonesia when you visit Indonesia, as follows:

1. Having Complete Document

Another rules in for tourist that want to go to Indonesia is having complete document such as passport and visa. It is important document for tourist from other country, because if the tourists doesn’t have this document, they can go to jail or get punishment from the government.

2. Buy the Ticket if Its Necessary

To enter a tourism place you should buy for a ticket. In the different place, have different ticket price. Before you entering a tourism place, you should buy a ticket and then you can enter. Almost all of place have this regulation, but any place also that you can free enter without buy a ticket.

3. Keep the place clean

Generally, the tourism place have this rule, to keep the place clean. If you’re go to Kuta beach, you’ll find this rule write on some paper or board around the beach. This is important to make Kuta beach still beautiful and far away from plastics and rubbish

4. Don’t Bring the Food

Don’t bring food when enter the tourism place. There are some tourism place in Indonesia such as Wisata Bahari Lamongan have this rule. When you’re enter the place, the security will ask for open your bag and then take your food in the bag. But don’t afraid, you can get your food again when you get out from that place.

5. Don’t Bring the Weapon Tools

Don’t bring weapon tools. It can be knife, blade, razor or sickle. In the front gate the security will take everything related to weapon when you bring. This is to avoid some dangerous action, then it is also for keep the tourist comfort from bad people. That’s why you cannot bring weapon.

6. Don’t Bring Fire Cracker Even if Just for Fun

You cannot bring variant fire cracker or everything that can blow out the environment around tourism place. This is also being one of subject, beside weapon and food as the rules for tourism. Why? Because it is very dangerous for other tourist that visit at the tourism place.

7. Do not Damage Every Facility or Object

All of tourist may not damage every facility or object in the tourism. All of people have responsibility to keep the tourism object. You cannot break a stupa, write on the historical wall or change the position of things in the area of place. Then you may need information about Rules when Visiting Temples in Bali.

8. Some Places are Prohibited to Bring the Bag

Some tourists don’t allow to bring bag. How about this regulation? Some of tourism place will forbid the tourist for being bag. However, there is facility in that place for you to save your bag safety and there are some people that will keep your bag in a cupboard.

9. Don’t try to Pick Something Important from Tourism Place

Tourists cannot bring the things from tourism place. For example, you go to Prambanan temple, and then you bring the stupa, flower and ancient inscription go home. that’s attitude can be part of stealing and you can get big problem. Before get out from the Prambanan temple, usually security will investigate the tourists.

10. Don’t try to Showing Glamorous Looks

Don’t use so many jewelry. This is only the advise for the tourist to keep the safety. Because people that use more jewelry like gold bracelets, gold rings, and gold necklaces will make a robbery interesting the jewelry. It is very dangerous.

11. Don’t Move Anything which Already Placed

Don’t change the position of the things around tourism place. This rule is available in Borobudur temple. Tourists cannot change the position of stone in Borobudur temple from the right place to another place because the stone only arrange without glue or press tolls, that’s why this is very easy to change the position of stone.

12. Some Heritage can not be Touched

Don’t touch the one of things in the museum. This rule is available in some museum. Sometimes there are some things in the museum that cannot touched by tourists. It is because the things will break if some one touch the things or change the shape of things.

13. Keep the Distance from Dangerous Things

In the zoo, is also have rule for keep the distance from the animal. It is because there are some wild animal that can control and then attack the tourists. That accident ever happen in the taman safari pasuruan. That’s why, some zoo sometimes have border like wire, cable or iron to separated the animal with visitor.

There is rules for the tourists to not give the food for the animal. It is because some animal cannot eat some kinds of food. That’s why this regulation is happens. And then the operational zoo want to keep the animal health with choices food.

14. Stand in Line when Enter Tourism Place

Tourists should stand in line. There are a lot of people want to visit or holiday in the tourism place. so, a tourists should make stand in line in some position such as in the locket ticket, parking, entering object, and etc. This is to avoid the chaotic situation.

Other Rules (15- 35)

There are others rules or regulation for the tourists that want to visit Indonesia, there will be explain again in the form of twenty points rule :

  • No smoking. In some area, there is no smoking regulation. This is because others tourists dislike with smell of smoking. Don’t afraid, sometimes a tourism place will have smoking area as the one of facility.
  • Don’t act immoral. Indonesia as the country with Islam for the majority religion have this rule for tourists. That’s why a tourists should respect and follow this regulation.
  • Stealing the thing. People cannot bring one of things. If you’re interest with object or thing, you can buy in the souvenir store, sometimes there will be a store that have the imitation of the things such as stupa, or imitation of pain.
  • Sleeping in the tourism place. you can take a rest like sit in long time, but you cannot sleep in the tourism place. you can sleep in the some available hotel or apartment around the tourism place. there are a lot of hotel that you can choose around the tourism place.
  • Using polite clothes. It means that, Indonesia as the country with Islam as the majority religion have a clothes regulation. You should use polite clothes. Don’t naked in the general place. you adapt the way you make clothes with the place that will visit.
  • Don’t be noisy. Laughing or having conversation with others in the tourism place is nice. However, keeping the politeness. Don’t speak loud and scream until disturbed another tourists.
  • Taking a picture. Taking a picture is one of things that many tourist doing in the tourism place. however, some tourism place have this regulation to not get the picture of things around tourism place such as in the batik museum of Keraton Yogyakarta, the visitor cannot take a picture from the design batik.
  • Don’t sell in the tourism place. There is regulation for a tourists to not sell. It can be sells food, drink, or souvenir. Because in that place is already have place to sells the products. And then some place have restaurant or cafe as the area for buy food or drink.
  • Don’t tread or step on the grass. In some place, grass is already plant with good by the employee of tourism place. furthermore, the grass also very expensive. That’s why there is regulation to not walk on the grass.
  • Tourists may not cut the tree. There are many tree to make the place cool and cozy. The tourists may not cut the tree.
  • Don’t cut the flower. For the tourism place with garden concept have regulation for the tourist not to cut or get the plants. The tourists may not cut the flower without the permission from the operational of tourism place.
  • Respect each others. There are citizen around the tourism place. The tourists have responsibility to respect the citizen around although the tourists have different opinion about culture and religion.
  • Don’t bring drink that have alcohol. In the Galesong beach, there is rule for the tourists to not bring the forbidding drinking. So, you have to save your alcohol far from this tourism place.
  • The tourists have to report the officer. That is the rule to enter Krakatau mountain. So, the tourists need to say their wants to enter the mountain to the officer so that the officer can accompanied them.
  • The visitors may not to make a new pathway. Sometimes, in a mountain there are many pathway available for the visitors. A new pathway will make other tourist confuse with the destination, and make lost.
  • Stay in the car. You know that in Taman Safari, the animal habitat is free and then the tourists can enjoy the vacation and see the animal from car. The tourists cannot walk around because it is dangerous for the tourist and wild animal.
  • Don’t stay in long time on the tourism place. Sometimes, people will enjoy and relax when go to tourism place until they forget to go home. All of tourism place have operational time, open and close in certain time.
  • Tourist cannot live in the tourism place. It means that, you cannot live or make the tourism place as your house. It is to avoid the beggar and people homeless to stay in the tourism place.
  • Rule in the religion place. Tourism place that related to many religion environment such as Spiritual Places in Bali have sensitive rule. You need to pay attention to not walk on the sesaji or some flower that take in a plate or leaf. That was so sacred.
  • The prohibition for woman. Woman that in her periode cannot enter a place in Bali such as Pura, a place for pray Hindu religion. The woman cannot enter and only stay in the outside the Pura. That rule also occur in the big mosque, place for pray Islam religion.

Finally, those are complete rules for tourists in Indonesia that must be obeyed when you visit Indonesia. These rules was made n order to avoid the unnecessary and shameless  acts happened. As well as to keep the good relationship with countries where you from.

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