
8 Types of Indonesian Wayang Historically Exist

Wayang becomes one of the most interesting traditional entertainment shows in Indonesia. Nowadays the show of their performance becomes rare significantly so that the Indonesian government preserves the puppet in a museum.

Wayang has originally come from Java island that was made of leather and carved properly into some puppet figures. Commonly the story about Wayang takes from some Javanese legendary puppet. The figures are similar to some Hinduism or Buddhism story that makes it has a more historical show.

There are so many Dalangs in Indonesia that played Indonesian Wayang. You may hear Ki Nartosabdo, Ki Anom Suroto, Ki Mantep Soedharsono, and Asep Sunanadar Sunarya. Most of them become the Indonesian legend of Wayang that brings Indonesian Wayang internationally such as the Indonesian best rice terraces.

Speaking of Wayang, this time we will bring you into some types of Indonesian Wayang that historically exist in Indonesia. Now, check some of them below!

1. Wayang Purwa

Wayang Purwa is a type of Indonesian Wayang that brings the most religious theme story about Mahabarata and Ramayana which makes us understand the differences between Hindu and Buddhist temples in Indonesia.

The storyline brought by the puppeteer or most well-known the Dalang in Indonesia commonly gives some meaningful wisdom of pearls for the audience as one of the facts of Javanese shadow puppets.

Even so, the Dalang Wayang Purwa has a standard storyline that comes from three rules. First is the Ceritera Baku which means a basic story that Dalang only takes based on the book. The second is Ceritera Carangan Kadapur’s story that means the story can be modified by Dalang as long as it has a parallel line with the basic story.

The last is Cerita Arangan that means the story can be modified totally by Dalang. Sometimes, it has no parallel line with the basic story from the book.

2. Wayang Madya

Wayang Madya is one of the types of Indonesian Wayang that has a specific line story about Mangkunegaran as one of the oldest kingdom areas in Java island. The most popular storyline of this Wayang is the Prabu Anglingdarma from the Malawapati kingdom and Patih Batik Madrim.

Wayang Madya was originally made by Sri Mangkunegara IV that brings the most historical storyline from the palace. Some Indonesian elder still remember the storyline properly with a pearl of great wisdom behind.

3. Wayang Gedhog

Wayang Gedhog is one of the types of Indonesian Wayang made from buffalo leather. That makes this Wayang becomes so popular because it takes a higher price to produce. Even though it becomes a pricey product, but the storyline brought from this Wayang not less than another type of Wayang in Indonesia.

The most popular storyline in Wayang Gedhog is about the marriage life of Mahabarata and Ramayana. Another story line is about the life of Panji in Majapahit and Kediri kingdom’s era.

4. Wayang Golek

Wayang Golek is one of the types of Indonesian Wayang that popularly comes from Kudus, Central Java. This type of Wayang has differential functions which not only use for entertainment but also Islamic promotion as the new religion at that time.

The most popular storyline in Wayang Golek is about the fight between Wong Agung Jayengrana and Prabu Nursewan. The storyline is about the good and bad person who believe in God and the others don’t. It has a similar type of traditional wooden puppets to Bali.

5. Chinese Wayang

Chinese Wayang is one of the types of Indonesian Wayang that popular around 1850. Chinese-Indonesian has their unique Chinese Wayang that beautifully exists just like another Indonesian Wayang. It has a unique figure that represents the Chinese-Indonesian.

Indonesian believe that Chinese Wayang was made by the Kapitein Liem Kie Tjwan. It is recorded as the only type of Chinese Wayang that exists in Indonesia. The most popular storyline about this Wayang is about the fight between Soen Syoen and Tig Djing.

6. Wayang Klithik

Wayang Klithik is one of the types of Indonesia Wayang that popular with the unique voice that comes up from the puppet. It has a smaller size comparing with another Indonesian Wayang. That makes this Wayang also popular with the Krucil puppet that is commonly made from the chosen Indonesian wood.

Wayang Klithik has a unique form of puppet which looks more life comparing the other Indonesian Wayang. The most popular storyline in Wayang Klithik is about the Dharmawulan that bring the history of the war between the Majapahit kingdom and Blambangan.

7. Wayang Beber

Wayang Beber becomes one of the types of Indonesian Wayang that popular with the largest size of the puppet. You should spread them properly to play the Wayang on its performance. It looks clear and bright to see the figure even you saw them in a long adequate distance.

Indonesian believe that Wayang Beber is one of the oldest histories of puppets in Indonesia. This type of Wayang becomes one of the pioneers of Indonesian Wayang that later becomes so popular with the Wayang Kulit.

8. Wayang Wong

Wayang Wong becomes one of the types of Indonesian Wayang that almost similar to the Wayang Golek. It was launched around the 18th century and becomes popular since then as the sign of the modern Wayang.

Wayang Orang brings so many storylines that represent human daily life but adopting some European cultures that exist in Indonesia. That makes people love it the most to enjoy the performance of the Wayang Orang show countless times.

So, there are some of the types of Indonesian Wayang that historically exist. Have you ever watch them all? Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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