
8 Differences Between Hindu and Buddhist Temple in Indonesia

Have you ever visit one of the Hinduism and Buddhism temples in Indonesia? Well, at a glance you can see that both of them have a different style of building. You can describe it clearly on the building structure of the Prambanan temple and Borobudur temple.

As the biggest influence in Indonesian cultures, Buddhists and Hindus have become the most important religion in Indonesian history. Since along time ago, it was written in some old inscriptions and temples as proof of the existence of both religions.

As time goes by, those religions make their kingdoms such as the Hinduist Kingdom and the Buddhist Kingdom. That makes their proofs can be easily classified by the religion that they choose along with the kingdom. Commonly, not only the style of the temple building but also some of the sculptures also shown their differences.

This time we will bring you into some of the differences between Hindu and Buddhist temples in Indonesia that you can easily found in some of the Indonesian regions. Check them out below!

1. Functions

Based on the functions, there is a difference between the Hindu and Buddhist temples in Indonesia. Hindu temples were built as the functions of the king’s cemetery building. The ashes of the king will be buried there so that the temple becomes more sacred and only the kingdom family that allowed to enter the temple for praying.

On the other hand, a Buddhist temple was built as the function for a prayer place to worship their god such as some popular temples in Bali. That makes everyone allowed to enter the temple for doing the regular prayer as their daily rituals.

2. Characteristic

Based on the characteristics between the Hindu and Buddhist temples, the differences are shown in a specific character. Just like for Hinduism in Bali, their temple has a similar look to the puppet that represented the relief of the temple. It has a softer form that not too bold to see around the wall of the relief.

On the contrary to Hinduism, the Buddhist temple has a bold relief that makes them look like a live relief. Every relief craved properly with the bold design that makes you realized how beautiful the designs are put on the wall.

3. The Shape of the Temple

Based on the shape of the temple, both Hinduism and Buddist temple has their unique shape. For Hinduism, their temple has a long, height, and slim shape as you can see in the shape of the Prambanan temple. Most of them have the Dagoba shape at the top of the temple that calls the Ratna.

On the other hand, the Buddhist temple has a round shape with a common weight as you can see in the Borobudur temple. Besides, the top of the temple also has a cubic shape that calls as the Stupa.

4. Building Structure

Based on the building structure, there is a specific difference between the Hinduism and Buddhist temple in Indonesia. For Hinduism, their temple has three specific structures the Bhurloka, Bhurvaloka, and Svarloka. Those three structures have a different meaning as the representative for human and god living.

In Buddhist temple, there also three building structures that call as the Kamadhatu, Rupadhatu, and Arupadhatu. Those three structures become the representative of the human living based on their sin.

5. Complexion

Based on the complexion of the Hinduism and Buddhist temple shown on their reliefs that put properly on the wall of the temple. For Hinduism temples, the complexion is shown on the three gods that they believe put their faith on. These gods call the Wisnu, Siva, Brahma.

For Buddhists, their complexion is shown at the Dyani Bodysatva and Dyani Budha. Both of them becomes the most important deities in Buddhism as their higher praised gods to worshipped.

6. Building Ornaments

Based on the building ornaments, both of the Hinduism and Buddhist temple has their specific ornaments that spread in around the temple that inspires some Indonesian architects to build the modern building. For Hinduism, the ornament shown at the front of the temple as their guard for keeping the gate that calls as the Makara.

Besides, around the temple, you find the Head of Kala as the main ornament from the Hinduism temple. On the other hand, for the Buddhist temple, their head of Kala specifically put outside of the temple with the Makara in front of the temple.

7. Building Material

Based on the building material for both Hinduism and Buddhist temple has a specific material stone. For Hinduism, they were using the red brick without a burning process that makes them more fragile. Most of them couldn’t resist properly during the bad weather that may impact the building.

That makes some of the temples over the Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia has lack steadiness during bad weather in Indonesia. On the contrary, Buddhism using a better andesite stone material that is cut properly with the right burning process. That makes the building sturdier and resists the bad weather properly without any corrosion.

8. Depiction Story

Based on the depiction story of both Hinduism and Buddhist temple in Indonesia, they have different stories with their different gods. For Hinduism, the temple represents the depiction of the Ramayana and Krisnayana. Their stories represented the relief that was put tidily on the wall of the temple.

On the other hand, for Buddhist temples, the reliefs depict the Lelitavistara and the Avada. Both of them becomes the main character of the epic Buddhism story along with their history of Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia.

So, there are some differences between the Hindu and Buddhist temples in Indonesia. Commonly, people can easily guess the differences by their building structure at a glance. But, if you need to know deeper, you better look closer to both of them.

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