Food and Beverage

8 Popular Types of Mushroom in Indonesia

Types of mushrooms in Indonesia come with so many variants. Since Indonesia covers tropical climates makes the mushroom living can grow easier. Moreover, Indonesia contains many tropical forests as a great living for mushrooms.

Since many years ago, consuming types of mushrooms in Indonesia as the main dish or even snack become a habit for Indonesian. It has more nutritious with a higher protein so that is perfect to consume daily.

Speaking of which, here we have some popular types of mushrooms in Indonesia that are edible to consume. Most of them are easy to find both at the traditional or modern market. Let’s see some of them below!

1. The Button Mushroom

The button mushroom or is it popular with Jamur Kancing become one of the most popular types of mushroom in Indonesia. It has a size as same as the button shirt that makes people call it the button mushroom.

The button mushroom has a white color with a thicker size around 4 cm – 6 cm diameter. The taste is so delicious that you can serve it as a main dish or even mix them up for stirred-fried menus that are different from some extreme food and drinks in Bali.

The button mushroom contains vitamin B, potassium, has low calories, and has no fat inside. That makes this types of mushroom in Indonesia are healthier to consume daily.

2. Oyster Mushroom

Oyster mushroom or it is popular with Jamur Tiram become one of the most popular types of mushroom in Indonesia. It has a wide size with a thinner size compared to the button mushroom.

Oyster mushroom has a type of white color, with the size that capable of growing up to 25 cm. Some people commonly make it as a snack for Jamur Krispy or make it as a soup served with Indonesian staple food.

Oyster mushroom contains higher protein, water, low calories, carbohydrate, zinc, vitamin B1, Vitamin C, phosphor, and calcium. It is healthier to consume and give full support to your diet.

3. Jelly Ear Mushroom

Jelly ear mushroom or is it popular with jamur kuping becomes one of the most popular types of mushroom in Indonesia. It has a brown-black color with a jelly texture and ears form.

Jelly ear mushroom commonly lives around the tree that looks like an ear from afar. Most of them are fragile that can be easily torn. With a jelly texture that makes it perfect to serve in a soup, stir-fried, and the inside food for Lumpia as one of the Indonesian famous main dishes.

4. Straw Mushroom

Straw mushroom or it is popular with Jamur Merang become one of the most popular types of mushroom in Indonesia. Most of them are living around the straw paddies so people commonly call them Jamur Merang.

Most Indonesian farmers are cultivating straw mushrooms in their houses privately. The farming house is commonly set in some temperature to make the mushroom grow well just like their origin place.

Straw mushroom contains so many nutritious vitamins and minerals. It has a higher protein, calcium, phosphor, and low calories. That makes this type of mushroom is so popular for diet food served with some popular Indonesian condiments.

5. Enoki Mushroom

Enoki mushroom becomes one of the most popular types of mushrooms in Indonesia. It is not only popular in Indonesia, but also in Japan and China as well. It has a long size form but a thinner shape with a little cape at the top.

Enoki mushroom contains so many nutritious vitamins and minerals, just like other types of mushrooms in Indonesia. It has higher selenium, zinc, niacin, vitamin D, and other anti-oxidant that are important to prevent cancer.

6. Shiitake Mushroom

Shiitake mushroom becomes one of the most popular types of mushroom in Indonesia. It comes from Japan so most Indonesian farmers commonly try to cultivate them. It has a brown color with a size that is capable of growing up to 3cm.

Shiitake mushroom contains higher vitamins, minerals, and other nutritious things as well. It also has a lower fat that good for health such as heart disease, good for the immune system, and prevents cancer.

Since many years ago, the shiitake mushroom is popular as a medicine for some disease treatment. That makes this type of mushroom in Indonesia have a higher rate than some usual mushrooms.

7. Shimeji Mushroom

Shimeji mushroom becomes one of the most popular types of mushrooms in Indonesia. It has a similar look to the Enoki mushroom but has a thicker size, shorter size, and bigger cap. Even so, it has almost the same nutritious as the Enoki mushroom.

Shiimeji contains so many nutritious things that are good for your muscle. Not only that but it is also good for the system immune and prevents cold or flu. You can consume it with some Indonesian dishes with coconut milk.

8. Snow Mushroom

Snow mushroom or it is popular with Jamur Salju become one of the most popular types of mushroom in Indonesia. Some Indonesians also call it the Jamur Kuping Putih because of the jelly texture and white color.

Snow mushrooms are commonly found in some Indonesian soups which are perfect to consume regularly. It has higher vitamins and minerals that are good for medical treatment and facial beauty treatment as well.

So, there are some of the most popular types of mushrooms in Indonesia. Have you ever consumed one of those mushrooms? Which one becomes your favorite?

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