Food and Beverage

8 Delicious Types of Tempeh Dishes in Indonesia

Have you ever heard about tempeh dishes from Indonesia? Nowadays, types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia not only exist on the home cooking menu but also professional restaurant menu.

Types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia commonly become everyone’s favorite menu to accompany their eating time. Moreover, it’s not difficult to find types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia, which spread in most of the Indonesian regions.

Since Indonesia contains so many tribes, that makes some of the types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia come in vary. Most of them come with the most delicious taste from the original recipe from the different tribes as well-known as the Indonesian famous main dish.

Speaking of it, here we have the list of some of the types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia. Let’s check them out below!

1. Oseng Tempeh Kemangi

Oseng tempeh Kemangi is a kind of Stir-fried Tempeh with Basil that is cooked properly using some traditional Indonesian spices. You need tempeh and basil as well as the main ingredients which you can add some eggs, potatoes, or even tofu.

Oseng tempeh Kemangi is one of the most popular types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia that is perfect for lunch or dinner. Commonly it serves with a warm cook of rice as the most popular Indonesian staple food.

2. Tempeh Satay

Tempeh satay is a kind of roasted tempeh that is screwed properly using a palm coconut stick. Just like common satay in Indonesia, it serves with peanut sauce or mixes chili, onions, and soybean sauce.

Tempeh satay is one of the types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia that can be an alternatives way to consuming outside beef or chicken satay. It has almost as healthy as beef proteins, so it’s good to consume regularly as one of the types of Indonesian dishes with peanut sauce.

3. Kering Tempeh

Kering tempeh is a kind of tempeh that is cooked properly using sugar palm, chili, onions, and some Indonesian spices. Commonly Indonesian will add some fried peanuts and some potatoes. It has a sticky texture but is crunchy inside, so the taste is perfect to consume with some Indonesian Opor soup.

Kering tempeh is one of the types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia that is commonly available in most Indonesian family feasts. The taste has a combination of sweet and spicy from the chili.

4. Sayur Tempeh Lombok Ijo

Sayur tempeh Lombok Ijo is a kind of Indonesian dish that use tempeh and typical big green chili pepper as the main ingredients. It is also using coconut milk so that the soup is perfectly fine to consume.

Sayur tempeh Lombok Ijo is commonly combined with some chayote or tofu. Some people even add some chicken inside to make it more delicious to consume.

Sayur tempeh Lombok Ijo is one of the most popular foods in Indonesia as the types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia from time to time. Commonly it serves during lunch as the side dish accompanying some fried freshwater fish.

5. Tempeh Penyet

Tempeh Penyet is a kind of Indonesian side dish that uses tempeh and juicy chili pepper as the main ingredients. Most Indonesian combine the juicy chili pepper of Sambal using the tomato Sambal or garlic Sambal. The garlic one has a spicier taste compared to the tomato types.

Tempeh Penyet is one of the most popular types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia that timelessly exist in most of Yogyakarta’s food street. The simple way of cooking tempeh with the Penyet recipe makes this dish become everyone’s favorite lately.

6. Bacem Tempeh

Bacem tempeh is one of the most popular types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia, with a sweet taste inside. It is available in most Yogyakarta culinary spots that appear as the side dish for Gudeg or tempeh Jadah.

Bacem tempeh has the sweetest taste of tempeh by the palm sugar inside as it becomes a popular food in Yogyakarta. It uses a much amount of palm sugar that makes it brown on the inside. The texture is so soft with a juicy texture, that makes it easy to chew.

7. Mendoan Tempeh

Mendoan tempeh is one of the most popular types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia that comes from the Banyumas tribe. It has a soft texture, with a combination of a savory taste inside from the glutinous flour.

Mendoan tempeh is a typical tempeh dish that is fried properly once it is covered with flour. Commonly, it serves with soybean sauce that mixes with green chili peppers. This type of dish is not only perfect for snacks but also for meals as well.

8. Tempeh Bumbu Bali

Tempeh Bumbu Bali is one of the types of tempeh dish in Indonesia that cook properly using the Balinese traditional recipe. It has a spicy taste from the Indonesian chili pepper that is set in so many amounts.

Tempeh Bumbu Bali is commonly served for lunch and combined with other Indonesian dishes as well. Most people add some tofu, eggs, and even chicken into the food, which makes it more nutritious to consume.

Tempeh Bumbu Bali is not only available in Bali but also in other Indonesian regions as well. Most Indonesian spicy lovers would like to consume this type of side dish, which they claim is a bit easy to cook.

So, there are some of the most popular types of tempeh dishes in Indonesia. Most of them have a nutritious and a typical healthy food that is perfect to consume regularly. Have you ever tried them all? Which one that becomes your favorite so far?

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