Food and Beverage

8 Types of Tempeh in Indonesia that Incredibly Nutritious

Have you ever heard or even consuming Tempeh from Indonesia? Tempeh becomes one of the foods that has been proposed to UNESCO as the intangible culture from Indonesia. The food becomes so popular in Indonesia since very long time ago and even well-known in some other countries.

Tempeh is a fermented food made from soy, peanut, and some other types of Indonesian peanuts. It has a delicious taste which you can cook in so many recipes combines with some vegetables or meat.

Since Tempeh is based on type peanuts as the main ingredients, it becomes a healthy food that you should miss. The higher proteins on it make it good for diet and give your body more nutritious such as some of the traditional Dutch-Indonesian food.

Speaking of Tempeh, this time we will bring you into some types of Tempeh in Indonesia that you should know. Most of them are healthier to consume regularly and perfect for diet. Let’s check them out below!

1. Soy Tempeh

Soy Tempeh becomes one of the most popular Tempeh in Indonesia. As the basic ingredients of Tempeh it using the soybean that fermented properly using the Tempeh yeast. It needs about 12 hours to be fermented naturally, but since the technology evolves the times to fermented it becomes shorter.

Soy Tempeh is the type of nutritious food that contains some vitamins and minerals. You can find some good proteins, vitamin B complex, zinc, calcium, phosphor, and many more. All of them are good for your health and even for a diet program which as good as meat.

2. Winged Bean Tempeh

Winged bean Tempeh is one of the types of Tempeh that popular in Yogyakarta. Since the winged bean sometimes hard to find, that makes this kind of Tempeh is rarely produced. Even so, it has so many fans of it that can’t wait to consume when the winged bean seasons come to the farm.

Winged bean Tempeh contains some good proteins with a bitter taste than the soybean Tempeh. Even so, it has a good function to dealt with the obesity problem while you consumed this type of Tempeh.

3. Gembus Tempeh

Gembus Tempeh becomes so popular in Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java. Commonly, in Central Java, it calls as the Ganjes Tempeh, while in East Java it calls as the Menjes Tempeh. This type of Tempeh is so popular to fried and serve in Indonesian snacks for break the fast at Ramadhan.

Gembus Tempeh is made from the waste of tofu that is fermented properly after boiled and cooled down in a few hours. Comparing with the soybean Tempeh, it contains a lower protein but has a higher fatty acid that makes it has a delicious taste that different from both tofu and Tempeh.

4. Lupin Tempeh

Lupin Tempeh is one of Tempeh that is made from the types of soybean that imported from West Australia. It has a big type of soybean that makes the Tempeh has a big size textured of soybean.

Lupin Tempeh commonly wrapped using plastic bags but still has a good taste of Tempeh with a savory taste. It is a bit different taste from the Indonesian soybean which can be wrapped using the banana leaf. It will have more delicious to consume, but still the Lupin also good enough to consume while you fried it.

5. Green Bean Tempeh

Green bean Tempeh is one of the types of Tempeh that popular in Yogyakarta. It is made from the green bean as the main ingredient which makes it has a different texture and taste comparing with the soybean Tempeh.

Green bean Tempeh has a higher protein and anti-oxidants that makes it healthier to consume regularly. Some researches prove that this type of Tempeh is capable to downgrade your cholesterol problems.

6. Koro Tempeh

Koro Tempeh becomes one of the popular Tempeh in Yogyakarta which was made from the Koro bean. It has a big texture comparing with the soybean and Lupin Tempeh. Even so, it has a delicious taste that similar to them.

Koro Tempeh can find easily around the traditional market and Kaliurang areas as one of the most popular tourist visits there. It is perfect to consume with the Jadah as one of the common Indonesian street food in Yogyakarta.

7. Lamtoro Tempeh

Lamtoro Tempeh is one of the types of tempeh in Indonesia that made from the Lamtoro bean as the main ingredient. It comes from the local bean that can only grow in some regions in Indonesia such as in Wonogiri, Central Java.

Lamtoro Tempeh contains some proteins, vitamins, and minerals that almost similar to the soybean tempeh. That makes it more delicious to consume with an easier cooking type with some Indonesian recipes.

8. Bungkil Tempeh

Bungkil Tempeh is one of the types of Tempeh in Indonesia that popular local cuisines of East Java. It is made from the waste of peanut that fermented properly in common one-night processing. It has a savory taste which is perfect to combines with some stir-fried meats, vegetables, and some types of Indonesian traditional food wrappers.

Bungkil tempeh contains some vitamins that should be careful to consume for expectant mothers, breastfeeding mothers, and toddlers.  Some aflatoxin that contains in it makes you should be more careful to cook it with the right method.

So, there are some of the glances types of tempeh in Indonesia that you should know. Most of them have so many nutritious vitamins, minerals, and proteins that good for your health. It is also perfect for diet as the best substitute protein from meat that may capable to harm you if you over-consume.

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