Socio Cultural

10 Facts of Javanese Traditional House Behind Its Beauty

Have you ever seen the Javanese traditional house? The beauty of the Javanese house is well-known for a long time ago. Commonly, the Javanese house is a typical house that builds specifically in Yogyakarta, Central Java, and East Java. People call the house as the Joglo and it is originally coming from Java island.

In Javanese culture, the Joglo house is not only about a building for a living house but also becomes the most living influence. They believe that it has a spirit that will bring positive energy to you and your family.

Speaking of Javanese traditional house, here we have some glances about so many facts behind the beauty of them. Let’s check them below!

1. The House Exist from The Mataram Kingdom

The Traditional Javanese house existed since a long time ago in the Mataram kingdom as one of Indonesian strongest monarchy. These facts even pictured in the Borobudur reliefs. The structure of the house also comes in most likely with the Borobudur structure. The materials used for building the house at that time were woven bamboo or wood.

2. Spiritual and Mystique context

In Javanese cultures, the spiritual context of building a house is so related. That is why most Javanese hold some sacred ceremonies before, during, and after constructing their home such as inviting the Indonesian rain shaman if the rainfall during the construction.

Most of them even believe about where the location of the house, where is the main door, how many windows they should have, and many more in a spiritual context that sometimes unreasonable to think.

For example, while choosing the land for the house, people will choose a great area. That because the area believed would have to provide safety, peace, cheap fortune, and protection from all kinds of diseases. Javanese called the land as Manikmulya, Indraprastha, Sangsang Buwono, and many more.

3. The Ceremony Before Building the House

In most of Javanese culture, there is a special ceremony that you should hold before building a house. This ceremony is related to the gratefulness to God so that their house will more grateful and full of wealth or health for the family. Commonly they will have a Nasi Tumpeng for the ceremony complete with the Indoensian famous main dish as the main offerings.

The ceremony starts with deciding the day to build with the Javanese count of the Javanese calendar. There will be a specific number that related to the Javanese meaning behind with some spirit on them. All of the ceremonies should be followed such as the pre-marriage rituals in Javanese culture.

4. Consequences for Avoiding the Rule

Most Javanese believe there will be shabby consequences if they are avoiding the rule before building the house. Commonly they would get bad luck, always fight with their neighbors, often subject to disease, and many more. That because they construct the house in the unsafe land that called as Sri Sadana, Kalawisa, Sigar Penjalin, and many more

5. Consist of the Three Structures

The structure of traditional Javanese houses is divided into three main structures. It contains a private intimate or sacred place or known as Petanen. Commonly people call the Ndalem, Njaba, and Pringgitan.

The other structures from the Javanese traditional house are consist of Teras, Senthong, Kuncungan, and Pawon.

6. Ndalem of the House

This Ndalem part becomes the most sacred places as the represents for Ndalem Ageng. Commonly it is located in the center of traditional Javanese house layout. Most of Javanese believe in the spirit so that they builts the Ndalem Ageng space with the most beautiful decoration.

Ndalem Ageng also functions as a reception for women or welcoming guests for women. That atmosphere created in the Ndalem Ageng area is calm, sacred, and dignified.

7. Pringgitan of the House

Before the Ndalem part, there is a part that calls as Pringgitan. This place functions for entertainment needs. Javanese used to put some shows there once they have somethings to celebrate such as the wedding and many more.

Pringgitan, located between Pendapa and Ndalem Ageng which is limited by a removable Gebyok or semi-permanent doors. Pringgitan is semi-open areas but the atmosphere of the room made a bit dim and mystical.

8. Njaba of the House

The other side is located at the outside part of the house, and Javanese call it the Njaba. Commonly, it has the larger space that people famously known it as the Pendapa. This space commonly uses for welcoming guests, do some discussion, or even just for being cozy together with other family members.

9. Unique Roof

The roof of the Javanese house shown the hierarchy of Javanese status in their social life. There are five types of houses with different roofs in Javanese traditional house. They call as Panggang Pe, Kampung, Limasan, Joglo, and Tajug.

From these five types, Joglo becomes the most luxurious house that the owner usually becomes an important person in Javanese social life.

10. The Architecture Inspire the Dutch Building

Since Indonesia was invaded by the Dutch in such long periods, that make Javanese houses inspiring the Dutch Architecture. Even though they modify with the bricks not woods, but the design comes in the same wat through the Javanese house. Javanese traditional houses used to build by woods in all of the parts, but since the Dutch invade Indonesia the use of bricks and roof tile started to influence them.

So, there are some glances about the fact of the Javanese traditional house. Behind its beauty, it has some facts surprising us not in common.

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