
8 Ancient Buddhist Kingdoms in Indonesia

Haven’t you heard about the ancient Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia? The ancient Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia is a part of Indonesian history that we couldn’t avoid of their existence.

Most ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia left many proofs, such as inscriptions, buildings, temples, cultures, and traditions. Most of them become the greatest influence on the Indonesian cultures and traditions that exist up until now.

The fact that ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia have affected Buddhism in Indonesia in so many aspects, makes sense if we should at least know about some of them. It will give us a different perspective to see what cultures and traditions we have right now.

Speaking of ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. The Sriwijaya Kingdom

Sriwijaya kingdom is one of the ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia that is so popular for its largest conquer. History record that the kingdom has expanded its dominion up to Cambodia and the South of Thailand.

Sriwijaya kingdoms are so popular with the maritime army that makes they kingdoms get easily conquered the larger area. It was established around the 7th century and got the peak of the glory around the 9th century under the reign of the king Balaputradewa.

Sriwijaya kingdom is not only the most powerful Buddhist kingdom but also the most ancient Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia. As the oldest kingdom, it brought up so many changes that influence the Indonesian living up until now.

2. The Kalingga Kingdom

Kalingga kingdom is one of the ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia that is so popular around Javanese history. The kingdom was established around the 6th century by Dapunta Syailendra.

Kalingga kingdom gets the peak of the glory under the reign of Queen Shima, the first woman who has a great ruler to lead the ancient kingdom in Indonesia. The Queen is so popular for bringing justice and giving horrible consequences to those who break the rule.

Kalingga kingdom falls in around the 7th century over the war towards Rakai Mataram. Even so, this kingdom left so many proofs of its existence, such as Tuk Mas inscriptions, Sojomerto inscriptions, Bubrah temple, and other typical Buddhist temples in Indonesia.

3. The Sri Bangun Kingdom

Sri Bangun kingdom is one of the ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around the 10th century. The kingdom is located around the Mahakam River of East Kalimantan.

Most people believe that around the 10th century, the Bangun city is a harmonious Buddhist village with a kingdom reigned by king Qeva. The kingdom living in peace with a religious system appeals to some of the proofs of Buddhist temples and inscriptions.

4. The Dharmasraya Kingdom

Dharmasraya kingdom is one of the ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around the 10th century on Sumatera Island. People believe that the kingdom was established after the Sriwijaya kingdom fell.

Dharmasraya kingdom has almost the similarity to the Sriwijaya kingdom in their maritime army. The proof of their existence in expanding their territory is up to Malaya and the South of Thailand.

5. The Mataram Buddhist Kingdom

Mataram Buddhist kingdom is one of the ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia that was established by the Syailendra dynasty. Mataram kingdom used to come in harmony between the two religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, but it twisted.

Mataram Buddhist kingdom insisted to run the government under the Buddhist faith around the 7th century. It makes the kingdom should be apart from the Mataram kingdom as well.

Mataram Buddhist kingdom left so many proofs of their existence that are useful up until now. You can see some of the Buddhist temples in Yogyakarta, such as the Borobudur temple, Kalasan temple, Sewu temple, and many more.

6. The Bali Dwipa Kingdom

Bali Dwipa kingdom is one of the ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around the 8th century around the Gianyar of Bali province. The kingdom reigned under the Syailendra dynasty, which people believe them as the descendants of the Buddhism God.

Such as another ancient Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia, the Bali Dwipa kingdom left so many proofs of the existence of the kingdom. It is shown in some of the popular temples in Bali, sculptures, and inscriptions as well.

7. The Majapahit Kingdom

Majapahit kingdom is one of the most popular ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia. It was established around the 12th century and fell around the 14th century.

Majapahit kingdom has the longest peak of the glory of the kingdom to reign as an ancient kingdom to expand its territory through the Indonesian archipelago.

Some proof of a brief history of the Majapahit kingdom is written in some old books of the Sanghyang Kamahayanan Mantrayana. The book tells that some of the royal people always used their faith in the Buddhist style of praying, lifestyle, and even funerals.

8. The Singhasari Kingdom

Singhasari kingdom is one of the ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia that was established by Ken Arok, around the 12th century. The king of ken Arok is well-known for always praising the God of Shiva, which he always put in on every step of his daily life.

Singhasari kingdom rules most of the Buddhist way so that the people from the royal to the civilian follow the king’s rules as well. It makes the kingdom leave so many inscriptions and sculptures that represent the Buddhist way.

So, some ancient Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia is exist many centuries ago. Most of them bring the influence of Buddhism life in Indonesia up until now.

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