
8 Oldest Kingdoms in Indonesia along History

Indonesia used has so many kingdoms that lead different regions in each kingdom. It recorded that those kingdoms existed for a very long time ago which spreads in most Indonesian islands.

The existence of Indonesian kingdoms makes Indonesia was well known around the world. Some of those oldest kingdoms even brought Indonesia to learn about the government system that counts until now.

The oldest kingdoms in Indonesia bring so much history which proves in so many sculptures, temples, inscriptions, and many more. Some of them still stand out beautifully that you can find in some Indonesian regions such as Yogyakarta, Kalimantan, Palembang, East Java, and many more.

Speaking of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia, this time we will bring you into some of them that popular in Indonesian history so far. Check them out below!

1. Kutai Martadipura Kingdom

Kutai Martadipura Kingdom becomes one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 400 AD. It is located around the Mahakam river, East Kalimantan which bring the Hindu kingdom to Indonesia along with their people at that time.

Kutai Martadipura lead by the Mulawarman king which popular with his generosity. The kingdom left so many Yupa inscriptions that spread around East Kalimantan even before the Kutai Kartanegara kingdom was born.

Kutai Martadipura was fallen after the king Maharaja Dharma Setia was dead on the war over the king of Kutai Kartanegara.

2. Tarumanegara Kingdom

Tarumanegara kingdom becomes one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 450 AD. It is located around the Ci Tarum River, West Java which is spread around the West Java and Central Java’s border.

Tarumanegara kingdom was lead by the Purnawarman king which brings the Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sunda Wiwitan religion. The kingdom left so many proofs of the existences such as the Batujaya temple, Cibuaya temple, Tapak Gajah inscription, Tugu inscription, and many more as becomes some of the oldest buildings in Indonesia.

Tarumanegara kingdom was fallen after their king defeated the Sriwijaya kingdom in around 650 AD. The history recorder that the Linggawarman King that lead the kingdom that time was has no idea when the Sriwijaya kingdom one by one conquer their little kingdoms.

3. The Kalingga Kingdom

Kalingga kingdom becomes one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 674 AD. It is located around Jepara and Pekalongan, Central Java. It was lead by Queen Shima which has an extreme law of cutting the human hand to whoever did the robbery.

Kalingga kingdoms are one of the Hinduism and Buddhism kingdoms in Indonesia which the Queen become their popular priest that is well known as the Jhanabhadara. The kingdom left so many inscriptions and temples.

You can see some of them now such as the Tuk Mas inscription, Sojomerto inscription, Bubrah temple, Angin temples, and many more.

4. Sriwijaya Kingdom

Sriwijaya kingdom becomes one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 671 AD that popular as the Indonesian strongest monarchy along with history. It is located around Sumatra island which Palembang becomes the kingdom center.

The Sriwijaya kingdom becomes one of the biggest kingdoms in Indonesia which capable of conquering another kingdom up to Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaya. It was lead by Sri Jayanaga as their first king, then Balaputradewa king, and many descendants of Sriwijaya’s heir.

Sriwijaya kingdom was fallen over the Dutch invasion in around 1183 AD under Dharmasraya king.

5. Melayu Kingdom

Melayu Kingdom becomes one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 670 AD. It is located in Sumatra which spreads around Malaya and south of Thailand.

Malayu kingdoms have a short periodic kingdom because they fell over the Sriwijaya kingdom. Even so, the kingdom left so many inscriptions such as the Grahi, Suruaso, inscriptions, Buddhism sculptures, and many more.

6. Mataram Hindu Kingdom

Mataram Hindu kingdom becomes one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 800 AD. It is located around Central Java which popular with the Sanjaya and Syailendra dynasties. The kingdom centralized its main kingdom in Medang Kamulan.

Mataram Hindu bring the most Hinduism around Javanese island which they proved with the biggest Hindu temple in Indonesia, the Prambanan temple. Later they parted the kingdom to become the Hinduism and Buddhism Hindu. Both of them lead by the Rakai Panangkaran and Rakai Pikatan.

The Mataram Hindu kingdom was fallen over the rebellion of the Dharmawangsa dynasty around 1019. Some of the kingdom’s parliaments then make their kingdoms and move forward to East Java and Bali.

7. Wangsa Isyana Kingdom

Wangsa Isyana kingdom becomes one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 929 AD. It was lead by the Mpu Sendok after parted from Mataram Hindu as the kingdom has fallen. It is located around East Java with the Syailendra dynasty lead the kingdom.

Wangsa Isyana left so many proofs about its existence on some inscriptions that were written about the heirs of the kingdom. The Pucangan inscription becomes one of the most proof of the kingdom until now.

8. Kediri Kingdom

Kediri kingdom becomes one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 1000 AD. It is located around East Java which so popular with the brotherhood war over the Singasari kingdom until around 1500 AD.

Kediri kingdom was fallen over the Singasari kingdom that was lead by Ken Arok. The proof of the existence of this kingdom was written in Bharata Yudha book that wrote by Mpu Sedah and Mpu Panuluh.

So, there are some of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia that you should know so far. Most of them left so many proofs that you can see them in some museums or even Indonesian temples.

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