
Visiting The Recommended Bali Surf Spots

Back again in the Heavenly Island of Bali, an island with so many interesting nicknames such as a high tolerant island, The Island of Divines, and so on. Aside from those, this island is also popular for its amazing locations, like Tanjung Benoa for example. In that very place, you can have so many kinds of activity, including in them is surfing.

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Surfing is indeed a very challenging sport, everyone who wants to try it at least should have the swimming capability and the basic movement of surfing before actually going for the wild sea. After having a decent skill of surfing, one can pick one from many great surfing spots in Bali. It’s very easy to find them, especially on an island like this. So, here it is the List of Bali Surf Spots.

1. Uluwatu

The first one inside the list of Bali surf spots is Uluwatu. As you may know already, Uluwatu is one of many famous spots in Bali that popular for its attractions, like the Luhur Uluwatu Temple for example. But, this area is also famous for having a suitable location for all the surfers out there, the Uluwatu Beach. If you’re a surfer yourself, surely you don’t want to miss this.

The beach areas in Uluwatu are actually famous. It’s even famous since thirty years ago, in the 70’s to be specific. Many people all over the world are coming to Uluwatu because of the beach waves that really challenging for them. Even though the size of them are not that big, but surely they can pump your adrenaline. The good thing about surfing is Uluwatu is the existence of some surfing schools, so people who don’t have any experience in this sport can learn something first.

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2. Keramas Beach

In Bali island, they are many “hidden” locations that actually exist, but they are not as popular as the other attractions. For the people who get lost and luckily end up in these spots, they are indeed very lucky. One example is this Keramas Beach. Even though the name of this beach is a bit funny, but this beach has something to offer for you.

The location of this Keramas beach is in Gianyar. It’s visited by some people only, not as many as you may expect. With the calm nuances of this beach, this can be great for the people who want to focus on doing surfing and don’t have to wait for other people to finish. With all this freedom, visiting Keramas beach for doing some surfing can be the best thing for you.

3. Canggu Beach

Next one on the Bali surf spots is Canggu Beach. Like the Uluwatu and Kuta, this beach is also considered the famous one. So, with that title of “famous beach of Bali”, you can see how many people are there just lining up for the surfing sport. The location of Canggu beach is in the village in Canggu area on the North Kuta subdistrict of Badung district.

No wonder that people are always coming in here, because aside for having a good time surfing on pretty good waves, they can relax and watching how beautiful the area is afterward. The big in here are considered pretty big, but it’s still safe to do surfing here. This place is also located near Kuta Beach, which is the reason why this Canggu beach is always crowded.

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4. Kuta Beach

After we’re talking about the Canggu beach, now we’re gonna explain to you about the neighbor beach called Kuta Beach. The name is very familiar, doesn’t it? Kuta Beach is the well-known destination in Bali. Every single day, the beach is like never empty. People from both local or International are coming in here just to taste the things they can get exclusively in this beach.

It’s not only the best beach in Indonesia, but some even consider it to be the best one in the whole world. The beach is completed with so many things, including the street vendors and some hotels located just a few meters from it. However, this place is also very suitable for surfing because there’s a lot of surfing spots in this area. There are also some of them that used exclusively by the experienced surfers.

5. The Impossible

So what kind of place is this? The Impossibles is the nickname of a famous surfing spot in Binging and Padang Padang area. To be specific, the location of this beach is in the Karang Panjang. From that very nickname, you can guess how scary this place is. Not in horror way, the waves in this beach are considered “dangerous” for the beginners.

Only professionals have the capability and skills to surfing on The Impossibles. Even though it’s scary, many people feel curious about this and just going to prove or challenge themselves in this place. The waves in here have about 2 until 5 meters high on the average. With the three main peaks, your surfing activity would be very satisfying, if you can conquer them.

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6. Suluban

The next one in the Bali surf spots is the Suluban area. Maybe this is is still not that famous like the others, but in here you can find a truly nice surf spot that you can enjoy. The location of this area is just on the north side of Uluwatu. This little area is actually a part of Uluwatu, which is known for having spectacular places for surfing.

Suluban area is famous for its location called Blue Point beach. It’s a small beach indeed, but many people come here for seeing its wonderful scenery. Some people even coming just for tanning their skin while enjoying the nuances. However, the waves in the hidden Suluban beach are big and strong. They are also consistent, so you can read the flow of the waves easily.

7. Balangan

Do you know what is the Dreamland Beach? Dreamland beach is a beach that included as top attractions in Bali. Just in the North side of that very beach, there’s an area called Balangan beach. Many surfers would call this area as a heaven for them. Surely, there are plenty of reasons behind it. At first, it’s still an unknown beach. A lonely beach, which very contrasts with its neighbor.

But now, the fate changes them. The once lonely Balangan Beach now turns into a famous location, even more than the Dreamland Beach. With its white and soft sand and very nice waves that can spoil the surfers, the beach is basically suitable for everyone for many reasons. They can do other watersports beside surfing like beach volley, making sand castles, and others.

8. Bingin

Bali is an island filled with the hidden “treasures”. Sometimes, people can find them easily, promote them via social media, and change them into a popular attraction. The perfect example of this is the Bingin area. Bingin is like a little brother to Uluwatu beach above. It has so-so waves, but the coral reefs making it harder to surf here safely.

The location of Bingin is just an hour from Kuta. From Uluwatu, it’s only several minutes from there. As mentioned above, on this beach there are big coral reefs that are pretty dangerous for the beginners. But, the waves here are really safe for training. So, the beach is pretty much suitable for the advanced surfers or a beginner that accompanied with experienced surfers.

9. Green Bowl

Do you love an adventure? In a place like Bali island, adventure is a pretty common thing to do. Finding the best attractions sometimes requires harder efforts. You need a fit body and stamina to reach certain attractions. For example is this Green Bowl. Green Bowl beach is located in the South side of Bali island. It’s in the Southest part of it.

Even though the way to get here is considered pretty challenging for the usual tourists, many people would come to this special beach still. They don’t mind to take a hundred steps down the cliff to reach it. Aside from the famous Bat Cave, the surfers also love doing their activity on this beach. The waves here are also consistent with the big and strong flow.

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What do you think of them? Are they not enough for you? What a beast you are. If they are still cannot satisfy you, we have the other ones located right on the second list of Bali surf spots that you can see right on the information below :

  1. Nusa Lembongan
  2. Seminyak
  3. Echo Beach
  4. Tuban Beach
  5. Batu Golong beach

Finally, the list of Bali surf spots has been covered. The activity of water sport is indeed so fun. And surfing is surely included as one of the best watersports that you could try if you want. Just remember to be always safe and follow the instructor when learning. Make sure that you don’t miss any information.

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