Socio Cultural

13 Most Useful Phrases In Bali

Besides Bali, there are many beautiful places such as tourist attractions, amazing temples, delicious food, interesting culture, and customs and others.

In Bali the majority of the population uses native Balinese, there are several forms of language that can be learned if you are interested in knowing more about Bali. The example of the effects of Mass tourism in Bali that you can see and feel.

Well, the following will be explained about useful phrases in Bali, which can be useful for those of you who want to know the regional languages in Bali. Check out some of the explanations below:

1. Balinese regional language as wealth

Language is an expression and reflection in saying and expressing words in the form of sayings, verbal, sign words, passwords and so on.

Without language, people find it difficult to communicate and understand their interlocutors. In Bali local languages become one of the media for communicating, sharing, and establishing closeness between one person and another. The Balinese language is very unique and also interesting to learn, accents and meanings are different.

2. The Balinese phrase uses several markers of intercultural relations

One example of a marker of interpersonal relationships is that designation is part of grammatical cohesion.

The designation is one of the markers of inter-Islamic relations which is indicated by the presence of a particular constituent that points to other constituents in the sentence that precedes or in the sentence that follows it. Designation relationships are divided into two types, namely endophoric relationships and exophoric relationships.

The relationship of endophoric designation is the relationship between one sentence and another in the text, while the relationship of exophoreal designation is the relationship with that which is outside the text. The following reason why is Bali a good place to visit.  The phrase example is:

  • Aji, auntie, durusang wédangé, kéwanten ampurayang, the segangé antuk lambon sida katur “. , Ladies and gentlemen, please copy it, but sorry, the snacks are only sweet potatoes served. ‘
  • “Inggih ning, aji suksema . ‘Yes kid, thank you’

3. Markers of the interplay between Balinese phrases and substitutions

Other Useful phrases in Bali, which are intercultural link markers can be aligned with replacement. Substitution relationship markers are an interpersonal relationship marker in the form of a word, or phrase that replaces a word, phrase, or perhaps another grammatical unit that is located in front of it anaphorically or behind it in a phylaphorical manner. Example

  • Luh Manik makayunan face madagang. ‘Luh Manik wants to learn to trade’ b. Even though the maturity of the muuné luh-muani matu ring is matured. ‘Then he faced with his father-in-law.
  • Darané the totonan opens the palemahan nawang, tusing the most from guungané ané pitung dina liwat, jag laut macelep. ‘The pigeon seemed to know the yard, not confused about finding the cage seven days ago, and then entered.
  • Turin then koné he mataluh mas . ‘And also he said he lay eggs gold.

4. Bali phrases can also be marked with omissions

What is meant by disappearance as a marker of inter-fetish relations is the existence of sentence elements that are not stated explicitly in the next sentence?

There are several terms regarding omissions such as ellipses, ellipsis, or zero substitution of something that is but not spoken or not written. Your references the useful tips in Bali Indonesia. The phrase example is:

  • The pillar of the teacher of the SD 2 ring Dawan. ‘I became a teacher at SD 2 Dawan ‘.
  • Ø Mangkin arrived at Pak’s residence. ‘Now it’s retired sir’.

5. Interpersonal link markers with sequences

The purpose of the series here is the existence of a connecting word or phrase that connects sentences with one another.

The difference between coupling with other relationship markers, namely designation, substitution, disappearance, and lexical integration is that the relationships between these sentences give rise to a meaning relationship. Examples are:

  • Nanging Luh Manik matilesang message the crew of the ipuné lacur ring. ‘But Luh Manik feels that he will be poor.
  • Punika taler Luh Manik, share akéh pisan anaké ngoda. ‘Likewise, Luh Manik, because there are so many people teasing’

6. Interfaith relationships in a discourse are characterized by lexical interrelationships

Furthermore useful phrases in Bali are lexical relationships caused by the existence of words that are lexically related and characterized by repetitions, synonyms, superordinates, generic words, and colloquies. The following about different types of recreation in Bali that you should know. As a sample below :

  • Tiang makesiab saha nolih anaké ané nundikin.. ‘I was surprised and saw someone who poked’.
  • Tiang sayan makesiab, di subané nawang, ané nundikin tiang anak luh jegég tan kadi-kadi. “I’m getting more surprised, after knowing, who poked me as a beautiful woman”.

7. Sentences in Balinese phrases are divided according to subject and predicate

Sentences are divided into subjects and predicates; then the predicate is further divided into verbal predicates, objects, and information.

Finally, the information can be further divided into several kinds of information, such as information on time, place information, and so on. Examples such as:

  • Ni Luh Manik bimbang ring manah. Luh Manik hesitated.
  • Gusti Mangku lan Pan Madu ané ortanga kalah masiat. Gusti Mangku and Pan Madu who were reported to have lost the fight.

8. Phrases in Balinese sentences are divided into predicate elements

The predicate is part of the sentence that gives information or explanation or mentions something about the subject. So there are close relationships between subjects with predicates.

There are no sentences without one of these elements. Lingual units which are often referred to as incomplete sentences are essentially sentences.  Here they are things you should not miss in Bali. For the examples such as:

  • Ping kuda kadén badénné uyengakén pangarapné. I don’t know how many times the bade has been paraded around by the bearers.
  • Tiang marasa bagiaI feel happy.

9. Balinese phrases formed from the description of objects

The constituents that occupy the Object function are nouns that suffer (subject to actions), those who do (actors), and those who have an interest (accompany) to the actions stated by the Predicate. Object substitution as a marker of intentionalistic relationships was found in the Balinese language which was used as a medium for disclosure in discourse. Like the example below:

  • I Dongding lautnyemak oot pesakI Dongding then took the grain skin.
  • Ené lakar anggon i cang ciriThis, I will make this feature.

10. Balinese phrases formed from the description of an adverb

Parts of sentences that do not include Subjects, Predicates, Objects, can certainly be ascertained occupying the information function.

In a sentence, information usually moves places freely. This means that the Description can be located in front of the Subject and Predicate, can be located between the Subject and Predicate, and can also be located in the back of the order.

The only place that cannot be occupied Description is between Predicate and Object because it is known that the location of the Object is always behind the Predicate. You have to know the interesting things to buy in Bali souvenir recommendations. Examples are:

  • Iraga patut bersyukur hidup di Bali. We must be grateful to live in Bali.


Another example of useful phrases in Bali is as follows:

  • Useful phrases in Bali are nouns stating humans and animals. Non-person nouns are nouns stating objects, other than humans and animals.
  • Substitution as a marker of inter-fetish relationships turns out not only to the noun constituents but also to the verb constituents. Verbs are not only limited to words or phrases that state actions or processes but also include words or phrases that state the state or nature.
  • Phrases in Balinese have different forms, languages in Bali are also used based on caste level. Like the example explained above. So each caste uses different phrases and narrations.

The amazing and interesting culture in Bali you shouldn’t miss to See it.

Hopefully, the explanation of useful phrases in Bali will be a new benefit and knowledge for you. See you in the next article.

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