
Anything You Can Find in These Best Snorkeling in Flores Indonesia

Hello everyone, meeting you all again in this special occasion to talk some more about the Indonesian best attractions at Fact of Indonesia. In the islands that contained in the area of Indonesia country, there’s some unique diving spots that everyone can explore if they are brave enough to challenge themself to get there. As you know, visiting the exotic natural attractions in Indonesia requires a proper time and also some budget to prepare anything.

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But, in the end, all of them will worth the work after you finally understand when looking at how beautiful the under water world of Indonesia really is. We have some recommendation of diving spots where located in an area called Flores. Flores is a part of Nusa Tenggara area, where basically known as a heaven for divers in Indonesia. In that very area, there are so many options available for people who want to feel the true experience of diving and snorkeling. Without further do, these are the things that included as the best snorkeling in Flores Indonesia :

1. Riung island

The first location that can be said to be the best snorkeling in Flores Indonesia is one island called Riung island. Beside so many islands located in Flores, Riung is actually the best one with many choices of diving and snorkeling spots. This location is also included as one of the sea parks available in Flores area.

And with the title of a National Park, Riung of course has some things to offer for everyone who very curious about it. It’s located in Tadho Village of Benteng Tengah, East Nusa Tenggara. Around it, there are several different villages like Sambinasi, Latung, and also Tadho village itself. Inside the national park of Riung, there are about 17 different islands that can be explored.

2. Pantar Strait

After exploring one of the best natural park in the area of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, the next destination to go to is one location called Pantar Strait. Many tourists said that this strait is actually looks better, even better than the Komodo National Park, which is already known for its beautiful sea world. So what’s inside this Pantar Strait?

Even though there are so many new attractions in the area of Flores, Pantar Strait still has its shine. The strait is always recommended by the pro divers around the world. It’s said that, this Pantar Strait is actually the second best sea park in the world, only after the famous Karibia islands. The view of its underwater world is always astonishing.

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3. Ninge Bay

There’s an interesting history about this Ninge Bay. Like we all know already, the tectonic plates are always shifting under us all this time. Sometimes, they even cause an unusual phenomenon like what has happened in this location. Then, there was a village called Ninge Village. But, because of the tsunami back in 1918, the village was drowned and then the Ninge Bay was “created”.

That’s why, the view under the sea in this location of Ninge Bay is somewhat shocking. You can see the ruins of houses and buildings in there, where is a home for fishes now. Beside the houses, the divers can also see the cultural heritages like potteries that were used for offerings back in the early 1900. The ruin is Ninge village is now an amazing world for divers and people who love snorkeling.

4. Kajuwulu Bay

The next location is one of the bays you can see in Flores area, which is an exclusive location that you can only see when visiting an area like Flores. This bay is located in the area of Magepanda, Sikka, in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. If you going from Maumere city, it’s only about 24 km from there, and you can reach this location by car or other four wheeled vehicles.

In this beautiful hilly location, you can witness how natural the beach is. Even though the supporting facilities are little to few, but still, doing swimming, diving, or snorkeling in this area is always been a great adventure. Like most beautiful diving spots around Flores or Nusa Tenggara islands area, this bay also offering the wonderful panorama of sea world that you can visit without paying any administration fee.

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5. Kepa Island

If you are one of the people who want to explore the true natural location of Indonesia in Nusa Tenggara province, a place where modernization is like a fairy tale, you can come to Kepa Island, Flores. On this island, the techonology is not as advanced as its surrounding city like Maumere or others. Even finding motor cylce in this island would be a hard job.

Because of that aspect alone, the Kepa island is really perfect for people who love nature, or backpackers who want to have unusual journey in a very unique place in Indonesia. The island has a beach that becoming a very important asset. Having a very soft sand and also the underwater world that hasn’t been touched by human hands.

6. Maumere Bay

The next best snorkeling in Flores Indonesia is the Maumere Bay. A little different one from the bays we included on the list, this Maumere Bay is having approximately 19 different islands. And you can explore them all, even in a day, if you have the resource and energy to do it. The activity of island jumping is one of many things you can do in this bay.

On each island, you can find at least one favorable spot that you can have for either diving or snorkeling. With suitable equipments that you must brough yourself (because there’s not rental or anything in the area), you can have the greates experience of snorkeling or diving in this Maumere bay. The water is very clear and clean, really suitable for anyone who loves watersports, except surfing.

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7. Kambing Island

The next island in the area of Flores Nusa Tenggara is Kambing island. This island is included inside the famous tourism area of Labuan Bajo. In Labuan Bajo, there are so many beautiful islands like this one. And one of them is this beautiful Kambing island, which is known for having a perfect tropical tourism for its visitors.

In this island, you can do so many things. You and your friends or family can rest on the area, doing a picnic, playing volleyball, soccer, and also having a little barbeque. After the day ends, you can witness the beautiful sunset, its light will reflected on the clear blue sea of Kambing island. It’s a very recommended location beside the famous Komodo island.

8. Seraya Island

Like mentioned above, Labuan Bajo has so many islands. And this Seraya islands is included as one of many wonderful islands that you can explore. Many people missing this place, because most visitors who came to Labuan Bajo are always hyping for visiting Rinca and Komodo islands, two main islands that inhabited with Komodos.

Seraya island is an island that exclusively developed privately. So, the island is also improved as well as those two islands in this Labuan Baju tourism area. It’s actually just 10km from Labuan Baju, easy to reach. The thing is, on the Seraya island there’s a resort for tourists who want to spend days in this island. With the sufficient facilities, it’s a heaven on earth for everybody.

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9. Sebayur Island

In the ninth position, we have the Sebayur island. Many swimmers are coming to this island for its underwater view. This island is usally used as a base for resting, gathering and preparing, because around it, there’s several popular diving spots like Castle Rock, the famous Batu Bolong, and also one of the best diving spots in Flores, the Crystal Rock.

From Labuan Baju area, it’ll take about 1,5 hours to reach this island. But don’t worry, if you want to rest, there’s a resort in here called Komodo Resorts Dive Club, a place where you can restore your stamina and also learning about diving too if you want to try it. The water surface is very clear in here, you can even see the whole underwater panorama from your boat.

10. Kukusan Island

And then, the next island that still located around Labuan Baju, which can be said as one of the best snorkeling in Flores Indonesia, is Kukusan Island. To reach this island, you only need about 45 minutes from the Labuan Bajo tourism area. It’s also east to go there, because in Labuan Bajo you can rent about for an affordable price.

In the island, you will feel how soft the sand there upon your arrival. But on some spots there are stones that can hurt you if you’re not careful enough. And if we talking about the underwater view of Kukusan island, it’s really wonderful. The corals in here are having a rich in colour and  forms. Beside exploring the sea, you can so see some fossils of prehistoric animals on the island.

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Beside the places mentioned above, we also want to introduce you to these spectacular locations in Flores :

  1. Bidadari Island
  2. Kelor Island
  3. Pink Beach

So that’s our article about best snorkeling in Flores Indonesia. Flores is really suitable area for doing watersports like diving, snorkeling, water walking, surfing, and many more. Don’t waste the chance to visit it in your next holiday !

Snorkeling in Flores

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