
13 Traditional Attractions in Flores That Will Amaze You

Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara, is not only known for its amazing potential and natural panorama. The community also consists of a variety of ethnicity, languages, religions, and cultures which also attract the interest of both local and foreign tourists. Many people say that Flores looks the same as the island of Bali. Reasonable reasons to visit Flores Indonesia now.

One of the buildings is a variety of dances and attractions that are typically owned by each region on the island that was nicknamed Nusa Nipa. What are the dances as well as the special attractions of each region on the island of Flores? Let’s check this out!

1. Tarian Caci – Manggarai Raya

The word Caci or Caci dance is a war dance as well as a folk game between a pair of male dancers who fight with whips and shields. This dance is a typical dance of Manggarai Raya which is now divided into three administrative regions, namely West Manggarai Regency, Manggarai Regency, and East Manggarai Regency. For the Manggarai community, caci is a big event. This dance is only played during the Thanksgiving season (hang woja) and New Year’s rituals, land opening ceremonies or other large traditional ceremonies and is performed to welcome important guests or state guests. Anything you can find in these best snorkeling in Flores Indonesia.

2.  Tea Eku

Tea Eku is a type of dance performed by female dancers with attributes of small handkerchiefs or cloth. Tea Eku itself comes from the words “tea” and “eku”. Tea means the vibration of the music and the movements of the dancer’s legs. While eku means a handkerchief wave as a dancer attribute. In addition to being displayed for traditional ceremonies, Tea Eku dance is also presented at welcoming guests, wedding celebrations, art events and traditional cultural celebrations.

3. Ja’i Dance

The other traditional attractions in Flores are Ja’i dance. Ja’i is a dance from Ngada district to express his gratitude and joy. This dance is usually done massively by the Ngada people, the more people who follow the dance, the more wisdom will be. As a mass dance or communal dance, Ja’i’s beauty and allure lie in the uniformity and energy of the dancers. Now dance Ja’i is not only displayed for certain traditional events, but also often displayed in various cultural events, both at the regional, national, and even international levels. Finding the history of Flores Indonesia.

4.  Gawi Dance

Gawi dance is one of the oldest dances of the Ende Lio tribe. This dance is one of the traditional dances of the Ende Lio tribe as an expression of gratitude for all the blessings and blessings of the Creator. Gawi’s own name comes from the word “Ga” which means reluctant or reluctant and “Wi” which means interesting. Gawi dance can also be interpreted as uniting oneself. In the performance, Gawi dance is performed en masse by holding hands and forming a circle-like formation that is characteristic of this dance. This dance is often displayed in a number of ceremonies, such as when the harvest is finished, the construction of traditional houses, the appointment of chiefs and other traditional events.

5. Hegong Dance

Hegong dance is a dance typical of Sikka district which is usually played in groups by male and female dancers accompanied by traditional musical instruments called Gong Waning. Hegong itself means an invitation or shout from the public to ring the gong. When the gong rings, the people immediately dance happily. The present Hegong dance has been created with more varied movements, complemented by diverse formations and known as the Creative Hegong Dance. Not only in traditional events, now Hegong dance is often featured in various events such as welcoming important guests, weddings and performing arts and culture. Hence unforgettable Activities in Flores you must do.

6.  Hedung Dance

The other traditional attractions in Flores are Hedung dance. Hedung dance is a traditional dance in the culture of the people of Adonara, East Flores. This dance is a war dance that was once brought to greet the heroes who returned from the battlefield. Hedung dance symbolizes the values of heroism and fighting spirit that do not know surrender. Now, in addition to traditional festivals, the Hedung dance is also presented at the guest reception, making traditional houses, weddings and the sacrament of the Priesthood that are unique and mystical.

7. Whaling Dance

Lembata Island has become a separate district and is still included in East Flores. The Lamalera, which is on the southern coast of Lembata Island, has long been known as a traditional fishing and whaling community. In fact, according to tradition, the Lamalera people catch whales in May – November, but not infrequently also in December – April Lamalera fishermen continue to catch whales when the whale entourage passes the Savu sea waters. This tradition and daily life are then enshrined in the dance of the Whaling. The wonderful places for incredible adventures experience in Indonesia.

8.  Likurai Festival

The Likurai dance involves male and female dancers. The men will usually bring accessories in the form of swords, while the women are only limited to playing small drums called thiar. Previously, these dances were often exhibited to welcome village heroes who managed to return safely or escape the beheading tradition. Tourists will be able to see the action of the residents of Belu demonstrating their stunning traditional dances. It is said that the movements within it were inspired by the stories of the predecessors in defending themselves from the invader’s nation.

9. Sandelwood Festival

Next is traditional attractions in Flores, namely Sandelwood. Is a superior type of horse from Sumba. One tail is said to be worth up to 70 million rupiahs. At the Sandelwood Horse Parade, tourists will be invited to see a procession consisting of over a thousand sandalwood. Surely it will be an amazing experience, especially the riders will wear local custom clothing. Not only used as a means of transportation, but horses are also considered an important part of the life of its riders. No need to be surprised if you later encounter a number of Sumba traditions with horses playing a major role. The activities you can do in Padar Island Indonesia exciting and memorable ones.

10. Sumba Ikat Weaving

Sumba woven fabric is one of the valuable cultural heritages in East Nusa Tenggara. It is very feasible if a special festival is made. From an artistic point of view, local woven fabrics have very high value. Moreover, the manufacturer only uses natural substances from leaves and roots. Tourists will have the opportunity to see first hand the creation of these high-level artworks. Starting from the process of mixing colors, turning the yarn, until weaving. In addition, there is also an exhibition of various variants and motifs of weaving, each of which has a special social and religious meaning.

Apart from the examples and explanations above, here is another example of traditional attractions in Flores that you can know:

  • The Ende National Festival is a cultural art with a variety of traditional art performances, such as collaboration with wayang kulit and typical Flores music. The event usually takes place lively with the NTT traditional clothing parade three kilometers away. Hence the guide to diving in Komodo Island Indonesia all you need to know.
  • A variety of old Megalithic stones and several buildings for local cultural ceremonies. You can find this attraction in the area of Gurusina Village as part of Watumanu Village, Jerebuu District, Ngada Regency.
  • Dolo dance is to foster friendship as well as a place to find a mate for young people there. The lyrics and songs used are very simple and repeated continuously. You can take this stage very big because it is used as a welcoming event.

Here are some examples and explanations about the variety of traditional attractions in Flores. Hopefully, it will become your knowledge when you will later travel in Flores, Indonesia.

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