
8 Historical Hindu Kingdoms in Indonesia

Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia have become the most important part of the history of the Hindu religion in Indonesia. It was recorded that those kingdoms are existed more than a thousand years ago between 4 up to 7 centuries AD. It proves with so many artifacts, inscriptions, temples, and part of kingdoms building that spread in most of the Indonesian region.

Hinduism reaches Indonesia about 4 centuries AD around Kalimantan. After that, the religions spread easily towards some kingdoms that exist around the regions.

In the middle of 7 centuries AD, Hinduism reaches around Java island that was brought by some Indian traders. Indonesian called them the Maha Resi Agastya that brought the Waisnawa style of Hinduism.

Speaking of the Hindu kingdoms, this time we will bring you into the most historical Hinduism kingdoms in Indonesia from their glorious time until their fall. Indonesian believe that those kingdoms have become the most important historical part of the Indonesian culture that exists until now.

Now check them out below!

  • Kutai Martapura

Kutai Martapura becomes the oldest Hindu kingdom in Indonesia. It is located around East Kalimantan with the Yupa inscription as the strongest proof. The experts claim that the kingdoms were built around 400 centuries AD.

Kutai Martapura is precisely located around the Hulu Mahakam river in the Muara Kaman district. The brightest time for the kingdoms shines when the king of Mulawarman leads the kingdom. People claim that that time becomes the most wealthiness and glorious  time for Kalimantanese.

  • Tarumanegara Kingdom

Tarumanegara kingdom becomes one of the Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around 4 AD century. It reached its peak of glory in around 358 centuries AD up to 699 centuries  AD. The kingdom was lead by Rajadirajaguru Jayasingawarman and his descendant later.

Tarumanegara kingdom becomes one of the oldest Hinduism kingdoms that conquer so many areas. The kingdom was started around Banten, then spreads its conquer up to Jakarta, Bogor, and Cirebon.

Under the leadership of King Purnawarman, the Tarumanegara kingdom reached its peak of glory. It proves with the wider his conquer areas and proves with so many ancients monuments as the pioneer of the oldest building in Indonesia.

  • Kediri Kingdom

Kediri kingdom becomes one of the Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia located in Kediri, East Java. It was built around 1042 centuries AD and has a center of the kingdom in Daha which is now well known as Kediri city.

Kediri kingdom used to popular with the Panjalu kingdom has its peak of glory under King Airlangga. After his death, the kingdom was parted into two kingdoms as his sons fighting over the king’s crown.

Kediri kingdom has so much proved about their existence as a great kingdom before fall in 1222 centuries AD. Some inscriptions written by Mpu Sedah and Mpu Panuluh in Sanskrit told some important things about the kingdom with some temples built around the kingdom that becomes famous just like the popular temple in Bali.

  • Singasari Kingdom

Singasari kingdom becomes one of the Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia that existed between 1222 up to 1292 centuries AD. The kingdom was so popular in Indonesia that conquering the Kediri kingdom before.

Singasari kingdom has reached its peak of glory under King Kertanegara. After that, his descendants continuing the crown and some of the most popular main lead are Ken Arok, Ken Dedes, and Wisnuwardhana.

Singasari kingdom left so many proves as their great kingdom existences. Outside some temples and inscriptions, there also a popular Negarakertagama book that written by Mpu Prapanca.

  • The Majapahit Kingdom

Majapahit kingdom becomes one of the most popular Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia along with the Indonesian kingdom history. It existed between 1293 up to 1527 centuries AD. The first king was recorded as King Raden Wijaya then continue by his descendants.

Majapahit kingdom becomes so popular at that time with their great Maha Patih Gadjah Mada as the pioneer person that capable of uniting Indonesia. He made East Java the center of government activity under King Hayam Wuruk.

Just like other Hinduism kingdoms, Majapahit also has so many inscriptions with the most popular Sutasoma book written by Mpu Prapanca. There also build so many temples that still exist now.

  • The Mataram Kuno Kingdom

Mataram Kuno kingdom also well known as the Mataram Hindu kingdom existed around nine centuries AD. It becomes the biggest Hinduism kingdom on Java island before fallen by the strike of the Sriwijaya Kingdom.

Mataram Kuno has so many changes of the king crown but has reached its peak of glory under King Sanjaya. His descendants King Rakai Pikatan even built the biggest Hinduism temple that still exists until now, the Prambanan temple as the Indonesian most famous landmark in Yogyakarta.

  • Medang Kamulan Kingdom

Medang Kamulan kingdom becomes one of the Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia that exist in East Java after the Mataram Kuno kingdom fell apart. It has reached the peak of glory between 898 up to 910 centuries AD under king Balitung.

Medang Kamulan was reported to move the kingdom areas from Central Java to East Java once after the explosion of the Merapi volcano as one of the highest mountains in Indonesia. After that, the kingdom was lead by king Mpu Sindhok. He leads the kingdom for more than 20 years before fallen apart by the Sriwijaya kingdom.

  • Kalingga Kingdom

Kalingga kingdom becomes one of the Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia that exist around the sixth century AD. It was led by Queen Shima and successful to make Pekalongan has great wealth and glorious life for every civilian.

So, there are some of the Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia that becomes the most important part of the Indonesian historical culture that exists until now.

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