
10 Education in Bali Indonesia

Education is a learning and teaching activity between students and teachers, wherein every education both formal and informal have its own specialties. Some examples of education found in Indonesia, especially in Bali is unique because it still adheres to tradition and custom.

Not several educations should refer to the standard rules in Government regulations if cultural and customary education is used, it certainly refers to the traditions or customs of the culture itself. Therefore, Bali, in general, has a cultural education system that is closely related to culture and custom, especially Hindu customs are very thick.

Bali is indeed very synonymous with Hindu religion is very religious, many activities even education still follow customs and customs culture. As an example of how the people there assume Balinese women should only be educated that is not high, different when compared with men.

They assume that women do not need a high education because the nature that only takes care of a household. However, with the development of the growing era, many people who rejected the rule. For the reason that men and women alike have the opportunity to get a decent and decent education.

To find out what education is being implemented in Bali, consider the following examples:

1. Tradition Education is Character

In the formation of attitudes and the nature of a person is required not only formal and academic education, the need for character education based on religion. This is very important in maintaining the foundation of one’s character someday, humans are morally and virtuously certainly very expected for the future of the nation and state. Bali has highly respected Cultural Norms in Bali.

Communities in Bali from ancient times until now still cling to the guidelines Tri Hita Karana, the concept that comes from the teachings of Hinduism. It means the relationship between man and his God embodied with his god Yadnya, human relationships with the natural environment are realized with Bhuta Yadnya and the relationship between humans with each other manifested with Pitra, Rishi, Yadnya man.

And firmly adhering to religious traditions and rituals, attaching importance to temple and Banjar activities, believing in the law of karma, caring for environmental sustainability, upholding honesty, hating greedy behavior, maintaining a tradition of mutual cooperation and harmony of the family, open and tolerant of the people different cultures and adaptive to modern culture and professionalism. Examples of character education between parent and child, provide a true and responsible.

2. Balinese Hindu Education is based on Paratha

The foundation of Paratha is to make and give provision to their students to be able to work for happiness in the world. Whereas teachers (family of teachers) and students stay together in a dormitory. Teachers can give ideal examples (ing arsa mangun tulada, ing madya amangun karsa, tut wuri handayani) in the middle of students can inspire, and behind giving encouragement, then he becomes the center of authority for all students.

So that created a good student personality, intelligence, work skills so that life can be useful for themselves and the community where he lives. Read more about Hinduism in Bali

3Balinese Hindu Education is based on Pasraman

Pasraman educational background is an agrarian religious culture that emphasizes the good relationship between family and with society, so as to create a religious person, good morals and people who are smart and skilled at work. It is expected that with this education the stronger the character of the disciple is guided for the good of his future, nation, and society. Examples of education that is about religious education like a special school of Hinduism. Read more about  Aesthetic Hindu Temple at Bali

4Balinese Hindu Education is based on Paramatha

Paramatha education background is education based on the customs policy of a region or tribe. Usually, education for those who do not think about worldly or satiety issues will be worldly. In this education students are taught to deepen and develop spiritual insight and practice of connecting and crowding to God. The goal is to gain wisdom so that it achieves spiritual happiness. Paramatha education example is about religious education and local or tribal leaders. Read more about Most Beautiful Temples in Indonesia

5. Traditional Education Aguron – Guron

This education is conducted on the basis of realist ideology and idealist ideology. With the aim to achieve welfare and make students aware of his identity. This education is a local wisdom that high values of balance and harmonization. It is important to continue to be noticed and developed to nurture the character of the nation, building the foundation of educational theory and learning based on culture. Examples of education Aguron guron is a special learning to become a sulinggih or a glorified / high. Read more about  Importance of Religion in Indonesia

6. Traditional Education Magebeg Gebegan

Magebeg gebegan education is an education on the basis of Hinduism, where this culture as a tradition of Bhuta Yadnya Ceremony which has educational value contained in it as Tattwa, Ethics, Ceremony, Aesthetics, togetherness and social culture. This tradition is also one of the media that is used to convey religious messages especially Bhuta Yadnya indirectly to the community. Examples of this education in the existing tradition in the area of Bali. Read more about  Interesting and Famous Temples in Magelang

7. Direct Education

Direct education is an education that is applied by using a certain method step by step, with the aim of students can be able to master the subject matter optimally. With this method, the teacher can deliver the material in a structured learning with the expected subject matter that can be mastered by students well. This method also refers to the teaching style in which the teacher is actively involved carrying the content of the lesson to the students by teaching directly to the whole class. Examples of this education are lectures, mastery teaching, seminars and so forth. Read more about Fascinating Things to Learn in Bali

8. Indirect Education

Indirect education is education with the opposite method of direct education, which is the education process that occurs during the learning directly, but not included in special activities. In this education attitude as a process of moral development and behavior is done by all subjects and in every activity that takes place in the classroom. Examples are extracurricular, playground and so forth. Read more about Family Activities in Bali Indonesia

9. Formal and Informal Education

Formal or non-formal education has the same purpose and purpose, and the definition by definition:

  • Formal education is systematic, structured, multilevel, tiered, starting with elementary school up to college and equals with it; including academic and general-oriented academic studies, specialization programs, and professional exercises that are conducted in a continuous time. Examples of formal education are elementary, high school and college. Read more about What to Avoid in Bali You Must Know
  • Informal education is a process that lasts throughout the ages so that everyone has values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills sourced from the experience of everyday life, such as at home, at school and in other environments. Examples of informal education are work training, courses, Sturdy group, Equality education includes package A, Package B, and Package C and others.

10. Multicultural Education

Multicultural education is an education in which always carry the principle or ideology to respect, understand and respect the dignity of human beings with various religious, cultural, ethnic, social, economic, racial, country and language backgrounds. One example of this education is applied in Bali that is with one interesting charge in this education in Bali is to play traditional Balinese game.

It is hoped that through this education there will be no more differences in terms of ethnicity, race, language, religion, and culture. So as to maintain the national nation’s nobility value and unite in the diversity of Tunggal Ika. Examples of this education are the arts and cultural groups. Read more about Rules for Tipping in Bali You Must Know

Be it customary and cultural education, as well as formal and informal, all have a mission as a medium to provide intellectual and academic intelligence. In order to create a society of good character and noble virtuous character. In addition, it can also compete academically with other communities in the development of modern times and technology.

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