Socio Cultural

17 Enviromental Effects of Ecotourism in Indonesia

Indonesia has the potential of natural resources and historical relics, art and culture are very large as a tourist attraction of the world. Biochemists predict that the Megadiversity state of Indonesia in biodiversity will be able to shift Brazil as the highest state of diversity if biochemists continue to undertake a scientific study of untouched areas. Hence benefits of tourism in Indonesia hidden Paradise.

Just imagine that Indonesia has 15% of the world’s flowering plants, 20% of mammals, 22% reptiles and amphibians, 20% of birds, 25% of fish and 15% of insects, although Indonesia’s land area is only 1.32% of the total area land in the world. Here they are interesting positive impacts of tourism in Indonesia.

Wet tropical wilderness throughout the Indonesian archipelago is a destination. Destinations for ecological tourism can be possible to benefit as much as possible ecological, socio-cultural and economic aspects of communities, managers, and governments.

The following environmental effects of ecotourism in Indonesia:

1. Increase Natural Resources, Historical and Cultural Heritage

Biodiversity richness is the main attraction for ecotourism market share, so the quality, sustainability, and conservation of natural resources, historical and cultural heritage becomes very important for ecotourism. Ecotourism development also provides tremendous opportunities, to promote the preservation of Indonesia’s biodiversity at the international, national, regional and local levels. Herewith importance of tourism in Indonesia.

2. Establish Community Involvement Around

Basically knowledge of nature and culture as well as tourist attraction area, owned by local people. Therefore, the involvement of the community becomes absolute, ranging from the level of planning to the level of management.

3. Increasing Awareness and Appreciation of Nature, Heritage, and Cultural Heritage

Ecotourism provides added value to visitors and local communities in the form of knowledge and experience. This added value affects behavioral changes from visitors, people and tourism developers to be more aware of and appreciate nature, heritage, and cultural values. There are characteristics of tourism in Indonesia.

4. Ecotourism Market Growth at International and National Level

The fact shows the increasing trend of demand for ecotourism products both at international and national levels. This is due to an increase in promotions that encourage people to behave positively toward nature and desire to visit unspoiled areas in order to raise awareness, appreciation, and awareness of nature, heritage values, and local culture. These rules for tourists in Indonesia.

5. Ecotourism as a Means to Achieve Sustainable Economy

Ecotourism provides an opportunity to benefit organizers, governments, and local communities, through non-extractive and non-consumptive activities that enhance the local economy. The implementation of eco-tourism principles, realizing a sustainable economy. Hence wildlife Park in Indonesia that you should visit.

6. Maintaining Ecosystem Integrity and Ecosystem

Ecotourism is a form of tourism that is very close with the principle of conservation. Even in eco-tourism development strategies also use conservation strategies. Thus ecotourism is very precise and efficient in maintaining the integrity and authenticity of ecosystems in unspoiled areas. Even with ecotourism nature conservation can be improved in quality due to the urgings and demands of the eco-traveler. Here local economic impacts of dragon tourism in Indonesia.

7. Bad Impacts of Wildlife Theft

Small animals such as birds and insect groups (butterflies, grasshoppers, etc.) are often targeted illegally. Other disturbances to animals may occur because the food source plants are also disturbed. Plants can be disrupted due to changes in the composition and structure of the community and its productivity. With the presence of visitors in the region can reduce the productivity of plants such as plants, grass and herbs as trampled and dead. Hence environmental effects of Deforestation in Indonesia.

8. Damage to the surrounding flora

The impact of the existence of natural tourism activities that are likely to occur in the area is the seeds of exotic plants have the opportunity to enter the area because carried by humans/visitors either intentionally or unintentionally. With the growing number of exotic species more and more, it will cause disturbance to the environmental balance. The sample of interesting facts of Sumatra Tiger.

9. Pollution and Waste

Another impact of the existence of ecotourism on the environment that can be observed directly in the location of research is the problem of waste/waste. The presence of visitors who enter the area will bring waste and most leave the garbage after a visit. Trash generated visitors will be an environmental problem that can affect the quality of tourist destinations.

Things like this are easy to happen, where the natural tourist destination with high visitor density, a real impact with the environmental burden that must be borne by the area of the area becomes dirty by tourism activities, with plastic waste, bottles and drink cans that can not decompose by the environment. You should know importance of agriculture in Indonesia.

10. Reducing Wildlife Reproduction

Other adverse effects on wildlife residing in other ecotourism environments may affect the reproduction of animals. So that the surrounding animals become difficult to develop normally, as a result of illegal hunting and conservation areas are not guaranteed security. Usually, the workers who keep the conservation center sabotage the animals by committing theft, smuggling to the destruction of wildlife seedlings. Here they are fascinating and unique facts about Indonesia.


Another environmental of ecotourism in Indonesia such as :

  • Concerns about the deterioration of the environment by the exploitative development of natural resources.
  • Environmental sustainability can not be maintained without the active participation of the local community.
  • The presence of tourists (especially ecotourism) to places that are still natural it provides an opportunity for local residents to earn alternative income by being a tour guide, porter, open homestay, ecotourism cottage (ecolodge), stalls and other businesses related to ecotourism, so as to improve their livelihood or improve the quality of the local people, both materially, spiritually, culturally and intellectually.
  • Increasing the conservation of the diversity of plants and wildlife, the natural scenery and the culture of the surrounding community as a source of attraction for ecotourism.
  • Develop unique and unique ecotourism products based on the potential data of natural attractions and attractions.
  • Education in ecotourism activities is done by introducing tourists to the importance of nature protection and respect for local culture. The Tourist Information Center is important and can also be a center of activity with the aim of enhancing the value of a tourist experience who can get complete information about the location or region in terms of culture, history, nature, and be watching art performances, crafts, and other cultural products.
  • The opportunity to enjoy a tourist experience in a location that has a conservation function. Understand the ethics of traveling and participate in environmental conservation.
  • Taking into account the traditional wisdom and local uniqueness in order to avoid conflict of interest with the local socio-cultural conditions.
  • Provide business opportunities and employment opportunities to the maximum possible for the people around the area.
  • It can provide economic benefits for area managers, ecotourism organizers, and local communities. Broad economic impacts must also be felt by the districts/cities, provinces and even national.
  • Increase public awareness and change community behavior about the need for conservation of biological natural resources and its ecosystem.

Thus explanation about environmental of ecotourism in Indonesia, hopefully, all of us progressively preserve the nature, environment, and culture so that keep going until the next generation. Might be useful.

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