Socio Cultural

6 Etiquettes When Visiting Borobudur That You Should Follow

Indonesia has so many temples as the symbol of the holiness religion of Buddhism and Hinduism. Some of them become the biggest temple and one of the UNESCO’s world heritage site in Indonesia that calls as Borobudur temples.

Borobudur temples become one the Indonesian pride about a great history behind it. That is why this temple has a vulnerable value not only for Buddhism but also for all Indonesians. Commonly you should put some concern about do’s and don’ts while traveling in Indonesia.

As the biggest Buddhist temples in Indonesia, there are some rules and etiquettes that you should follow while visiting Borobudur temple. It is not only about the sacred things for us to keep but also as the cultural heritage that we should preserve.

Now, here we have some etiquettes that you should follow when visiting Borobudur temple. Let’s check them below!

1. Dress Modestly

Indonesian are very concerned about the clothes that we wear when visiting some temples. You are not allowed to wear something that shown vulgar clothes such as a tank top, short pants, short skirt, or so.

You can simply wear long pants with a shirt, or even jeans with long sleeves. Since the weather on the Borobudur temple is commonly so hot during the day, choosing the cotton shirt is a better choice for you.

It is important to dress modestly, but don’t try to wear some heels. Not only will break the temples, but also break your leg.

2. Don’t Do Vandalism

Vandalism is not allowed in around Borobudur areas. Every kind of vandalism even if it is a small type are banned. You will get punishment from the local government if you dare to do that.

The stone from the Borobudur temple is susceptible because they are existed from a long time ago. That is why putting some chemical things on them can be damage to the temples. It can even be destroyed by chemical using on the temple.

Commonly vandalism using some chemical materials. Since the temple is at the risk position through the chemical things, you need to be careful with it. And, don’t even dare to do vandalism there.

3. Don’t Over Pose in Your Photos

Since the stone on the Borobudur temples is susceptible, you need to be careful while taking photos around them. Don’t over pose on your photos so that you will not damage the stone.

The structure of the Borobudur temples only comes in a stone that stacked up properly. Once you destroy them because you are over pose on your photo, it can’t be replaced in the first place.

Keep your pose in a simple pose to your photos will keep the stone and all of the things around the Borobudur temple safe. Besides, it will not only safe the temples but also saving you from some damages.

4. Keep Your Attitude

Borobudur temple is not only a tourism place but also a place to pray for Buddhism. That is why you need to keep your attitude while visiting there. Remember to speak only good things so that you will get more blessings.

You don’t have to run around the temple because it can harm the stone. That is why you need to watch out your children if you get there with them. Specifically, during holiday seasons, there will be so many children visit there.

You may not be able to keep the children one by one, but at least you keep out to your children to not harm the stone and other tools in the temple. Besides, not littering your trash also becomes one of the good things that you can do during your visit.

5. Respect

Give your respect to some people that do their praying during your visit to Borobudur temple. As they pray, they need more focus so that you better don’t bother them. If you dare to interfere with them, you may get some trouble not only with the people but also with the local government.

The religious activities sometimes keep carry out during the tourism activity. Because the temple commonly never takes a holiday, you need to give respect to the people that do their worship during your visit. Let them go first after you can be one of the simple good things that make them happy.

Besides, giving some respect to the prayer can keep you from something bad that may be troubling you during your visit. That because religion in Indonesia has so many variations so you need to give some respect about those differences.

6. Follow the Rule

For your convenience to visit the Borobudur temple, it is better to follow all of the rules that apply there. Avoiding the rules will only harm you in certain ways. You may be allowed to come on some side of temples, but not for the other side. You need to put some concern about that thing while visiting there.

It is important to read the rule shown on the bulletin board that is commonly installed in some specific places such as the entrance area. Read carefully about what they said, and follow them. if something to be banned there, that means not only for your goods but also the temples.

There will be some price that you should pay if you are avoiding the rule. Wherever you come from, it is important to follow the rule on the new places that you visit. That because it has a great history of Borobudur temple that brings Indonesia to put some concern about worshipping things to God.

So, there are some glances about the etiquettes that you should follow when visiting Borobudur temple. Remember, that every rule on the temples is made for your goodness in a way to preserve the temple. Now, are you ready to visit the Borobudur temple?

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