17 Interesting Facts about Indonesian National Day

Throughout the year, Indonesia has so many days for commemorating important events. They serve as the national day that Indonesians participate in. The activities surrounding all these national days vary. There may be performances, parades or just a unique information that is worth knowing about.

These 17 Interesting Facts about Indonesian National Day cover some of the things that have happened in Indonesia. Some may even still be relevant enough for the people to treat it as something similar to a tradition.

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1. Dressing Up on Kartini’s Day

Kartini’s day fall on 21st of April each year. The national day is celebrated to remember the national heroine, Raden Ayu Kartini. She fought for women’s rights, especially for their right to be educated. For this national day, boys and girls dress up in traditional clothing. They may also choose to wear the uniform of their dream profession. These children will then parade in the local neighbourhood.

2. Washing Mother’s Feet on National Mother’s Day

On mother’s day, 22nd of December, children in school usually carry out an interesting ritual. Their mothers would sit and soak their feet inside a bowl of water. Sometimes the water is also filled with flowers. The children will then carefully wash their mother’s feet and say how much they love their mother. Some mothers may be so touched by this that they would start to cry.

3. Mass Discounts on Online Shopping Day

This takes place on the 12th of December. Indonesia celebrates online shopping day with various kinds of discounts. The celebration depend on the online marketplace but some may even offer free shipping. Indonesians love when this day finally arrives as they can save up a lot of money to buy the things that they need.

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4. Donating Books on National Book Day

The national book day for Indonesia takes place on every 17th of May. For this day, everyone in the country is encouraged to donate books. The books will go to local reading places all over the country. They will help others to get the chance to learn through reading as there is still an inequality in education for some people.

Also read: Indonesian Writers

5. Special Date for National Building Day

11th of November was picked as the perfect date for commemorating the national building day. It’s an important day as there are so many buildings in Indonesia, both modern and cultural, that shape the country’s identity. The date which can be broken down to 11-11 shows that there are four of the number 1. Indonesians believe that a strong building must at least have 4 pillars for support.

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6. Playing Indonesian Films on National Film Day

Indonesia’s national film day falls on 30th of March. Every movie theatre in the country would play Indonesian films for the day. Not only that, people may also come and watch Indonesian movies together in school or in other educational buildings. Indonesian movies are also played in other countries.

7. Traditional Boats Parade for National Fishermen Day

The national fishermen day takes place on the 6th of April. The fishermen use this day as an opportunity to attract the attention of the government. They parade hundreds of traditional boats in the sea as a protest to the trawling boats. Trawling is a problem that can harm their livelihood and the environment as well.

8. Batik Technique Demonstration on Batik Day

Batik day is on the 2nd of October every year in Indonesia. On this day, there are many markets that sell batik clothes and textiles. What’s more interesting is the demonstration of making batik. People can take this chance to learn the traditional way of making batik in the country and also appreciate the hard work.

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9. Farmer’s Market on National Farmer’s Day

September 24th is the national farmer’s day. Though Indonesia rely so much on their agriculture, farmers are still under appreciated. The farmer’s market will give the farmer an opportunity to sell their products to many people. Those people may also become more aware on the importance of valuing farmers.

10. Climbing Greasy Pole on Indonesia’s Independence Day

Indonesia’s independence day is the 17th of August. It is celebrated in different ways by the people. One thing stands out the most though. There is a competition where people must climb a very tall greasy pole. The pole has branches with dangling presents on them. The person who can reach the peak may grab the present and throw them to the audience underneath.

Also read: How do Indonesia Celebrate Independence Day

11. Music Concerts on National Music Day

The national music day is on the 9th of March. As appreciation, various music concerts are held all over the cities in Indonesia. In Jakarta, they would often invite legendary musicians and artists to perform. They would broadcast the event to the whole country so everyone can watch.

Read more: Importance of Music in Indonesian Culture

12. Bringing Your Own Lunch on National Pack Your Food Day

April 12th is when everybody is encouraged to bring their own lunch. But it could also be any other food as long as Indonesians pack it on their own. This day is supposed to remind Indonesians that homemade food is always the healthier choice than buying street food. Some street food in Indonesia are not always good as they may be covered in unknown dangerous preservatives.

Also see: Indonesian Vegetarian Food

13. Free Consultations on National Children’s Day

On July 23rd, Indonesian children have the day dedicated to them. They may participate in various local activities that strengthen their social skills. All kinds of doctors also offer free consultation for parents regarding any aspect of their children’s health. This ensure that Indonesian children will grow up to their full potential.

14. War Vehicles Parade on National Veteran Day

The national veteran day is celebrated with a big parade by the veterans. It happens on the 10th of August, just 7 days away from the national independence day. The veterans will march in their uniforms while also carrying the Indonesian flag. Some will also ride the vehicles that they use during the war.

15. Breaking Indonesian Records Museum on National Sport Day

The 9th of September is the national sport day for Indonesians. In 2017, they broke the Indonesian record for the longest bicycle ride. The distance was about 5.000 kilometres. Participants rode from Sabang to Magelang. During the event, they also gave out awards to athletes, former athletes, trainers and contributors.

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16. Journalistic Tools on Display for National Press Day

February 9th is celebrated as the national press day in Indonesia. For 2018, the Adityawarman Padang Museum displays old tools, various journalistic photographs and old newspapers. Visitors may see all these items and see how far Indonesia has come. They can also see what journalists in the olden days used for typing and writing.

17. Vlog Competition for National Consumer Day

The national consumer day falls on the 20th of April. In 2018, there was a vlog competition to celebrate it. The vlog has to bring more information about consumer’s rights. They must give the audience more awareness on what it takes to be a good consumer and saving oneself from unnecessary scams or troubles.

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So those are some of the interesting facts about Indonesian National Day. Now you know more about what happens during the special day. It’s not just a date worth to celebrate or to remember. It carries a meaningful and significant impact to the people who live in Indonesia.

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