
13 Importance of Indonesian Batik Making

The process of making batik is a process that requires technical, thoroughness, and patience is high. This is caused by everything the manufacturing process is done manually by using human skilled hands (written) without using the machine.

Because everything is done manually then the price of batik is one of the most expensive types of batik from all types of batik in Indonesia.

If the fabric used is a silk fabric, then the silk batik cloth to be the most expensive of all batik cloth in the world. Batik making would be a nice experience for some people. Here is the importance of Indonesian Batik Making.

1. Batik is one of International trend fashion

Some of the world’s celebrities that you see on television screens look elegant in batik. Even a world figure like Nelson Mandela includes a maniac of batik. You should be proud of Batik because your culture is so loved by the world’s leaders. If they are proud to wear batik, you should also be more proud because in Indonesia, Jogja for example, you can actually make batik with your own hands. That is why making batik becomes an important thing in our country.

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2. Batik cloth needs to be preserved

Like an artist and an actor, if not maximized his potential, then he will not survive on screen. Similar to batik, if the Indonesian people themselves are not productive and innovate, then the existence of batik will slowly dim. This is an opportunity for Indonesia to take part in preserving and enhancing the nation’s culture, at least starting from the learning stage. Nothing too late to learn, includes learning to make batik.

3. Making Batik is a passion for some people

Some people just make Batik as their passion in art. It is undeniable that Batik is the part of the art and the heritage of cultures. That is why many people learn to make Batik as their side job. Even some people from abroad also try to learn how to make Batik. It is shown that Batik is the interesting things to learn.

4. To preserve the traditional art

Batik handicrafts have long been known in some areas in the archipelago. Batik is the original artwork of Indonesia, which must be preserved continuously. This is what makes batik Art even subjected to subjects in schools. They are exposed some batik techniques as one of their final semester work. This is done to preserve Indonesian culture. Batik is a national cultural heritage that must be preserved.

5. Meet the needs of the clothing

Batik making also indirectly help the needs of clothing in Indonesia. Batik cloth is used for clothes making material which is one of human need. For that reason, making batik also contribute to the fulfillment of the needs of the people of Indonesia in terms of clothing. As we know, some Indonesian people in the interior are still having difficulty getting proper clothes. In this case Batik can play an important role in the fulfillment of their clothing needs.

6. Widespread the Batik export

In the past five years, the value of Indonesian batik exports is increasing. There are five main export destinations of Indonesian batik from January to July 2015. The country with the largest export value of batik is the United States, with the value reached 81.38 million US dollars or the share of exports reached 43.35 percent. Then, under the US is South Korea with export value of 12.24 million US dollars (6.52 percent). The government has also made various efforts to expand the export destination batik, not only to the five largest export destination countries. Some areas of the world are now beginning to be explored.

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7. Give Contribution for national asset

Making Batik also means giving contribution for national asset. The more motives of Batik that you could make, it would be a masterpiece for the country. Moreover, the motives are unique and most of people like wearing it. You would be a great contributor ever in Batik making. Making Batik is an art. So, your art creativity would not be deniable anymore.

8. Practice your patience

A challenge is not merely about adventure and adrenaline. Trying new things is also part of the challenge. Not everyone could successfully when making their first batik. Hands must be flexible and get used to scratch the night with canting. Surely it takes extra patience because the time required to make a cloth is not short. Precisely here lies the challenge. Guaranteed you will be addicted.

9. Improving the creativity

Young people are usually in a period of trying to experiment, that’s what happens to me too. Especially if given the opportunity to create without limitation according to your imagination. First learn batik, I am not required to follow complex motives. Instead, I was offered to form his own motive, very exciting of course batik with his own creations.

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10. Earning much money

Making Batik could earn much money. The existence of aesthetic value and value in a piece of batik cloth, making it has an economic value. Where batik craftsmen (people who make batik cloth) will get money or rewards that can be used to meet the needs of his life. In the manufacture of batik is required extraordinary patience of a batik craftsman, it can be concluded also that in batik there are values of patient seen from the process of manufacture.

11. Get Business chance through Batik

There are many success stories from people who sell Batik. They sell standard to premium Batik. They even made a profit of millions of dollars from the sale. This is a proof that Batik can be a source of abundant income for people who optimize its quality. Making Batik is not always difficult, once you get used to it, then luck will side with you.

12. Reduce the unemployment

By making Batik, it could reduce the unemployment in Indonesia. You know that the rate of unemployment in Indonesia is ridiculously high. By the education and learning of Batik making, it could reduce a number of unemployment. It would help the government to overcome this classic problem. By then, economic in Indonesia would keep growing. While there is no unemployment anymore, the entrepreneurship number will also be increased.

13. The good prospect of creative-tourism

You can also take a possibility of tourism business object through Batik making. You know that there are a lot of people are interested to make Batik today. The people from Indonesia even foreigner want to make Batik as their additional skill. Here, you can make a place of tourism where people could learn how to make batik for beginner. It is recommended to make such kind of this place in tourism are such as Surakarta or Yogyakarta. I bet it would be a great place that never be forgotten by visitors.

Those are the importance of making Batik in Indonesia. Batik has been internationally spreading in in the world. It has to be a pride for us as Indonesians. However, you should also do some efforst to preserve it by learning how to make it.

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