
30 Unique Facts About Indonesian Sports

Many people love sports. The sports itself can bring healthy to the body, and also iseveral circumstances can bring so much joy by watching the sport competition out there. Not only for soccer and football, there are so many competitions that are joyful to watch like hockey and baseball. Sometimes, those sports can bring rather unusual facts to the world.

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It’s also happened in Indonesia, where there are so many facts about its sports. Well, the famous one in here is of course soccer, because there are so many clubs and championships about it. But don’t worry, the facts are not only coming from there. All forms of sports bring their own unique facts. And we here to summarize them into 30 facts about Indonesian sports below :

1. Indonesia is the first Asian country that got in to World Cup

The Indonesia has achieved its greates achievement to the history of football in Indonesia. The country was the first Asian country that finally got into the World Cup. It’s gotta be an hour to finally able to enter the championship.

Indonesia enter the championship called Destch East Indies cup in the year of 1983. In that time, there was no other contry that could join the cup. The record was break after South Korea finally entered the cup in 1954.

2. Wearing glasses when participating in a match

Usually, when playing football, we wantto be cozy as possible so we can focus on the ball, not everything else. The cozyness level is of course based othe player themself. Maybe, the comfortable way of Indonesian Captain in that cup, Achmad Nawir playing football is always wearing his glasses.

This one is unique fact because no one, in other countries done this. He didwear it maybe because of his eye problems, maybe minus. So, to prevent blurry view, he must use the glasses to make his view more clear.

3. The soccer captain also worked as a doctor

No wonder, the captaion of Indonesian clbub that mentioned on the information above, is actually a doctor. During that time, many doctors wear glasses, including Mr. Achmad who wearing his glasses even during te match.

This captain of Soebarajasche Voetbal Bond made the coach of that team relieve and amazed. And after showing his skills, Achamad became a captain for that team. Even thoguh it seems ridicilous at first, the team actually got many achievements.

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4. Gelora Bung Karno was the fourth biggest stadium in the world

Do you know that the famous stadium that usually used of the cups now, Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, was actually the biggest stadium in the world. It’s actually the fourth biggest one than all countries in Sout East Asia region.

But now, the position drifted to the second biggest of all countries in South East Asia. But now, the improvement still be performed, to increase the cozyness  the supporters, either locals and also foren supporters.

5. Indonesia greatest lose

Well, if there’s a win there’s a lose. Of course not all matches can be won every single time. Even in Indonesia, there are some loses here and there that can make the position of this country keeps decreasing.

In the championship, Indonesia faced its one of the greates lose in the match facing Denmark in 1974. The final score was 9-0. If that’s ot bad enough, Indonesia finally deal with consequences when facing Bahrain, and got 10-0 score.

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6. Beating Arsenal

Surprise, surpirse. The Indonesian football team was very strong then. Even they can beat famous teams, one of them is Arsenal. Arsenal, which already famous for its greates achievements in some football world cup also felt their lose against Indonesia.

In the 1983, Arsenal succesfully beat the first two Indonesian teams, PSMS Plus with the score of 3-0, and PSSI Selection for 5-0. But, their nightmare came during facing Niac Mitra in June 17th 1983 in Surabaya. The Niac gave fatal blow to Arsenal, scorring 2-0.

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7. Persib Bandung was surpassing Barcelona and Real Madrid

We know that this fact is really surprising, especially when it comes from the local football club of Indonesia, Persib Bandung. And yes, this is the truth. Based on the survery on the top tens site, Persib Bandung got into the best football club after Barcelona and Manchester United.

Of course, based on the information provided on that site, many people protested about the results. What? Why? How? Is like the most common question of them all. And of course, the site owner gave clarification on that site too.

8. Indonesia is the country mostly won Thomas Cup

And then starting from here, we’re gonna tall you about the amazing Achievements that Indonesia had during the cup of badminton. Firtly, the Thomas Cup. Every fans of badminton should know about this cup.

Indonesia country won this cup for so many times. It’s recorded that Indonesia won the cup for the 11 times, that’s crazy. And then there’s China on the second place, having like 8 times. The third one is Malaysia with their 5 times.

9. Sudirman Cup

In indonesia there are also several cups of badminton that included some of the best countries. One of them is Sudirman Cup. Now let us tell you about this Sudirman Cup. Sudirman Cup name came from Indonesian badminton athlete called Dick Sudirman, whose built PBSI and known as the father of badminton in Indonesia.

The Cup has like 80 cm tall, and designed by the famous Rusnadi from one University called ITB. It consists of five different parts. On the top, there’s famous Borobudur temple which is the icon of culture in Indonesia.

10. Winner of Sudirman Cup

In that very cup, Indonesia also achived one in a lifetime experience of winning the Sudirman Cup. Indonesia was won against Korea for 3-2 score. The match was held in 24 until 29 May in 1989 inside the Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta.

11. On that cup, participants weren’t looking for money prize

The best thing to look for inside the Sudirman Cup is not the moeny prize. Many countries wanted to be a winner because they want to increase points for IBF ranks and also as representative for the country.

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12. Won gold medals in Barcelona Olympics

Surprisingly enough, Indonesia beat the Barcelona for the badminton cup. Even thoguh the size of the athlete is reaally different, but the Indonesian athelet can still won the match. In total, Indonesia got two gold medals.

13. Thomas Cup

And here’s some information about the Thomas Cup. Thomas Cup name was inspired from the famous badminton athlete who is like legendary one that won All England 4 times in a row, Sir George Alan Thomas.

14. Taufik Hidayat won gold medal at Athena Olympics

One of Indonesian greatest badminton athlete, Taufik Hidayat, ever won at the Athena Olympics. He got from there a gold medal, and beating one of the hardest competitor athlete, Seung Mo Shon from South Korea during the final match.

15. He became the world champion

Finally, in the August 21st 2005, Taufik Hidaya became a world champion after beating the 1st rank world athlete, Lin, in the final match.

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We’re not closing yet with those 15 facts of Indonesia sports. AS usual, we want to provide you with some other items that you can see there inside the number below. Withouth further explanations, you can just see them information right below us :

  1. 71% Indonesian football clubs have “P” as the first letter
  2. Okto Maiani included as top 10 potential Asian athlete
  3. Indonesia didn’t want to match with Israel in 1958
  4. Indonesian football supporters are the the third biggest in the world and most fanatic
  5. Legendary Indonesian striker worked as Becak rider
  6. Indonesia biggest win 13-1 against Philippine
  7. Rony Pasla title the best goal keeper in the country in 1994
  8. Too much sponsors on jerseys
  9. Rudy Hartono won All England titles 8 times
  10. With the seven continiously
  11. Uber Cup name came from Betty Uber
  12. The fastest smash recorded was Taufik Hidayat’s 305 kmph
  13. The firts supporter radio was Bobotoh FM
  14. Persib Bandung was the richest club in South East Asia
  15. There was coallition between the supporters of Persib and Persebaya

And that is the 30 in total facts about Indonesian sports. Yes, they are so interesting, remembering that some of them can make Indonesian proud at that time. Many achievements that Indonesia had in the old days.

But sadly now, the Indonesia still not brighting again like those times. Maybe, with the proper support bthe government, and of course added with the good attitude of the fans and supporters, Indonesian can make it great again in the future. Maybe, this country will be known for having competence athletes and cozy places for championship.

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