Food and Beverage

8 Local Cuisine in Medan Wrapped in Tradition

Medan is not only famous for their local culture that wrapped in the Batak tribe, but also rich in local cuisine. Medan is located in North Sumatra which closer to Malaysia and Singapore. That makes Medan has some influence on Malay cultures even in their food.

Even so, so many years ago Batak tribe becomes one of the most influential tribes that conquered the city. Some of them parted in some religions that makes Medan becomes a multicultural city, but most of the part comes from the Batak tribe.

The variant of Multicultural tribe in Medan adjusts to being the one that makes their cuisine comes in so many variant recipes. The differences make the taste also comes in vary in the local cuisine in Medan that wrapped properly in their tradition. This time we have some types of them below. Now check them out!

1. Lontong Medan

Lontong Medan becomes one of the most popular local cuisines in Medan that perfect to consume for breakfast. It contains coconut milk soup filled with some young jackfruits, long beans, Sambal of anchovies and nuts, Tauco sauce, glass noodles, and Lontong.

Lontong Medan commonly has a spicy taste so that it gives the soup has a red color from the red Indonesian chili pepper. Some people sometimes enjoy it with a boiled egg and smash potatoes.

There is one place that becomes so popular in Medan to enjoy Lontong Medan as one of the Indonesian famous main dishes. the restaurant call as the Lontong Kak Lin that located around T. Cik Ditiro Street, Medan Polonia, Medan.

2. Mie Gomak

Mie Gomak becomes one of the most popular local cuisines in Medan that you barely found in other Indonesian cities, but Medan. It contains specific noodles from Medan that Medanese calls the Mie Lidi.

Mie Gomak has a savory taste that comes from the combination of most common spices in Indonesian dishes, a bit of sugar, and salt. The unique thing about this food is filled with cassava which is rare to consume as a main dish, not a snack.

Mie Gomak has originally come from the Balige district, an area not far from the popular Toba lake. That is why you can find it around Balige traditional market located around Sisingamangaraja Street, Toba Samosir regency.

3. Soto Udang Medan

Soto Udang Medan becomes one of the most famous local cuisines in Medan after the Lontong Medan. It is almost similar to the common Soto in Indonesia, but the soup has thicker than the regular Soto which is similar to the Lontong Medan soup.

Soto Medan commonly consumes with shrimps, rice, Rempeyek, and smashed potatoes. It is perfect for breakfast and also when the rainy season comes. It is not hard to find Soto Medan’s restaurants there which you can easily find open in the morning until lunchtime.

4. Bihun Tabona Curry

Bihun Tabona curry becomes one of the most popular local cuisines in Medan for a very long time a go. It contains coconut milk soup filled with glass noodles, beef, and potatoes. It has a spicy taste just like similar curry but contains Indonesian spices and herbs.

You can easily find the Bihun Tabona curry in Tabona restaurant that is located around Mangkubumi street, Medan. They open daily which some variants prices that come lower than you think.

5. Bihun Bebek

Bihun Bebek becomes one of the most famous local cuisines in Medan which contains glass noodles and duck meat outside the Indonesian traditional chicken dishes. It serves with the duck soup that has a savory taste that combines with some mustard greens.

Bihun Bebek commonly not hard to find in Medan. It is available in most of Medan areas which are perfect to consume at lunchtime with a spicy taste. It is also perfect to accompany your rainy seasons so that your body will warmer than before.

6. Kolak Durian

Kolak Durian becomes one of the most popular local cuisines in Medan a very long time ago. It contains Durian fruit that is mixed properly with sticky rice, local Kepok bananas, and sweet corn.

Kolak Durian has a sweet taste with the unique Durian fragrance. This food becomes one of the most magnetic tourism in Medan for local cuisines type.

7. Babi Panggang Karo

Babi Panggang Karo becomes one of the most popular local cuisines in Medan which originally comes from the Karo tribe recipes. It contains roasted pig that combines with some of the Karo tribe’s recipes which is perfect to consume with some types of Indonesian rice dish.

The recipe of the Karo tribe becomes so popular in Medan as one of the original tribes that developed Medan. That makes so many non-halal food lovers not doubt going to Medan to try it.

Gerai Tesalonika restaurant becomes one of the restaurants in Medan if you want to take a try a plate of Babi Panggang Karo. It is located in around Letjend Gamin Ginting, Medan Tuntungan, Medan.

8. Saksang

Saksang becomes one of the most popular local cuisines in Medan for non-Halal type food after Babi Panggang Karo. It is made from some variants of meat such as pig, buffalo, or dog. This food becomes one of the iconic main dishes for every party in Medan after the Babi panggang Karo for those who loved it the most.

Sangsang commonly comes from the meat that is chopped properly so that makes it more like stir-fried. It mixes with some Indonesian spices and herbs which makes it tastier to consume than the typical meals in Indonesia.

So, there are some of the local cuisines in Medan that you should know which describe the uniqueness of Medan culture in Indonesia. Have you ever try them all?

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