
8 Bravest Female Indonesian Heroes

The declaration of Indonesia’s independence was happening because of so many Indonesian fighters. They were struggling hard so that we could live freely until then. That is why as Indonesian, we should be proud and put the best respect for those Indonesian heroes.

Speaking of Indonesian heroes in among of the independence fighter along time ago, there were not only men heroes but also women. Those female Indonesian heroes were so brave fighting that imperialism without any fear.

Nowadays, Indonesian females that so popular such as the Indonesian legendary female badminton players also become one of the great females that contribute to the country.

This time we will bring you into the bravest female Indonesian heroes that will inspire you to be a braver person than before. Let’s check them out below!

1. R.A Kartini

RA Kartini becomes a famous influencer for women’s education and gender equality in Indonesia. She was born in Jepara, Central Java, on April 21, 1879, and she loves reading so much. Her hobby provokes her to be more curious about so many books, news, and literature.

In Kartini’s first twenty, she has a penpal called Stella. Her friendship makes her realized that her life and most of the women living in Java island have a different life with Stella. She wants that every woman in Indonesia has a mindset to be more educated, more literate, more nationalist, and be more feminist.

Kartini becomes so popular not only in Indonesia but also around the world. She is one of the Indonesian female writers that change Indonesian history. Her name was even immortalized as the road name in Utrecht, Venlo, Harlem, and Amsterdam.

2. Cut Nyak Dhien

Cut Nyak Dhien is the bravest female Indonesian hero that was struggling in the Aceh war towards Netherland imperialism. After so many years of struggling for her independence in Meulaboh, Aceh with her husband, she finally is defeated by the columnist.

Cut Nyak Dhien was an exile in Sumedang and confirmed her death there. For Acehnese, she was an important person that brings a bright light to Aceh. That is why in May 1964, the first Indonesian president, Soekarno awarded her to be one of the Indonesian female heroes.

3. Malahayati

Malahayati is another bravest women who fight the Dutch imperialist in Aceh before Cut Nyak Dhien. She calls a Laksamana as a name for the female lead of the navy army in Aceh in 1599.

At that time, she and her armies defeated Cornellis De Hotman as the leader or Dutch imperialist at the war. She was so popular such as the Indonesian most well-known model at that time.

Malahayati becomes the first female navy army in Indonesia that fight among the Dutch and Portuguese imperialists. She was awarded as one of the female Indonesian heroes in November 2017 and becomes the most influential woman in the Indonesian navy’s army.

4. Martha Christina Tiahahu

Martha Christina Tiahahu is the bravest female Indonesian hero that comes from Maluku. In her 17 years old, she fights the Dutch imperialist in the Pattimura war in 1817. Whether from the warriors and the community to the enemy, she was known as a consistent brave girl with her ideals struggle of nationalism towards Indonesia

Indonesian government within the SK Presiden No. 012/TK/1969 awarded Martha Christine Tiahahu as one of the female Indonesian heroes in 1969 by the first presidents of Indonesia. She was passed away in January 1818, on her 18 years old, and laid her back with an Indonesian military honor.

5. Dewi Sartika

Dewi Sartika is another education influencer for Indonesian women in 1910. Just like Kartini, she was so brave to tell her idea into the Dutch imperialism and struggle for Indonesian women to get more educated. She becomes so popular such as the Indonesian most famous painter at that time.

In 1904, she built the school that calls as the Sekolah Isteri and then popular with the Sekolah Dewi Sartika in 1929. She was awarded as one of the female Indonesian heroes in 1966 by Soekarno as the first Indonesian president.

6. Cut Meutia

Cut Meutia is one of the popular female Indonesian heroes that was struggle hard facing the Dutch imperialist in Aceh. From around 1800 until 1900, she fought imperialism with her husband and passed away in around 1910.

Cut Meutia was awarded as one of the female Indonesian heroes in 1964 because of her loyalty to her nation. In 2016, the Indonesian government even immortalized her picture in Indonesian money for IDR1,000 money coin.

7. Nyi Ageng Serang

Nyi Ageng Serang is the grandmother of the popular Indonesian heroes, Ki Hajar Dewantara. She is also well-known as the descendant of Sunan Kalijaga that popular among Indonesian heroes when fought for the Dutch imperialist. She was struggling hard to win the war against the imperialist on some wars in Central Java.

Nyi Ageng Serang passed away in Yogyakarta around 1828 because of her illness toward Malaria. For her bravest action in some wars,  makes her get the award from the Indonesian government as one of the female Indonesian heroes.

8. Rasuna Said

Rasuna Said becomes the bravest woman in Indonesia who dares to criticize the Speek Delict law by the Dutch imperialist. She is also well-known for her struggle toward gender equality and women’s rights around 1932.

After Indonesia declares independence, Rasuna Said becomes one of the important people in DPR RIS as the dean of West Sumatra. In December 1974, she awarded as one of the female Indonesian heroes that so brave in political development for women’s rights.

So, there are some of the bravest female Indonesian heroes that you should know. They are so brave in struggling with injustice in Indonesia towards the imperialist. Most of them become an inspiring woman that can change your mind to be braver than before. Have you ever visiting one of their tombs since then?

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