
17 Educational Yet Fun Things to Do In Bali With Kids

Back again to Fact of Now, aside from giving the informational tips for you want to have some vacation on the Bali island, we want to give the important information of the parents who are also taking their children on holiday. Of course, they would be very happy if they can join, especially to a tropical island like Bali.

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Bali island also has several educational attraction that can be very useful for the kids. Even the monkey forest, which said to be dangerous, is actually very safe for them. They can even interact with the  monkey, taking some cute pictures in the process. Other than that, there are many other spots that should be mentioned. So here’s the list of the fun things to do in Bali with Kids that you can see right below :

1 – Turtle Island

The first place on the list of the fun things to do in Bali with kids is the turtle island. This turtle island location is still included as one area inside Tanjung Benoa tourism. So it must be easy to find it. This location costs really affordable for a wonderful experience of seeing and interacting with fellow turtles.

The exact location of this turtle island conservation is in the Tanjung Benoa beach, South Kuta, Badung, Bali. You need to take a boat, a special boat called glass-bottom boat in order to reach the island from Tanjung Benoa. While on the way to the island, you can see the fishes, corals, and underwater life underneath you.

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2 – Bali Conservation Forest

Next location on the list is the Bali Conservation Forest or what we like to call as Kebun Raya Bali. This one is included as one of many Kebun Raya in Indonesia. It’s even the first Kebun Raya ever built in this country, designed and made by Indonesian. However, the location of this conservation park is in the street of Kebun Raya street, Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali.

The main attraction of this place is of course the educational location where the kids can learn so many things about plant species, including the trees, flowers, and many more. They can also interact with several bird species here. Also, don’t forget to take some pictures with Bentar Temple, Ramayana Boulevard, and other interesting locations.

3 – Nusa Gianyar Bali Park

Then here’s the Nusa Gianyar Bali Park. If the conservation park above mainly tells us about the natural environment and stuff, then this is the park where you could learn about the Indonesian culture, the Balinese and the other ones. If you interested, you can come to Taman Bali-Banjarangkan street, Banjar Blahpane Kelod, Sidan Village in Gianyar.

The park opens from 9 am to 5 pm, so you can have so much time exploring it. In here, the visitors can learn about the Indonesian culture by directly see and visit the traditional houses and see the things that related to a particular culture. For example, you can see the replica of the Padang house and temples.

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4 – Bali Safari and Marine Park

Seeing animals would be a wonderful idea to spend your holiday with family. Where is the best place to do it? In Bali Safari and Marine Park for sure. The name of this place is already famous for an educational place that fitting for all families who interested to see the animals closer.

The park is also completed with several unique services like exploring the tigers den, eating with animals in the restaurant, and even life side by side with the animals in the resort they have. For all the amazing experiences, you need to come to its location, in the street of Bypass Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra in Gianyar, Bali.

5 – Monkey Forest Ubud

As mentioned on the first paragraph inside this article, the Monkey Ubud Forest can be a great place for your kids. Aside from serving the visitors with the natural ecosystem of a jungle, complete with the monkeys of course, they also have this kind of temple complex right in the jungle.

Usually, monkeys like to hang around the temples, as they play and interact with some of the visitors. Don’t worry about the monkeys though, because they can be very friendly sometimes. And there’s no case about monkeys going crazy attacking the tourists, so all is fine and well. Bring your family and meet 749 monkeys here.

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6 – Bali Zoo Park

Besides the Bali Safari and Marine park, you could take your family to a wonderful place named Bali Zoo Park.The place is of course specially built for the exotic animals, both endemic or not. In here, you can see some great animals like the lions, elephants, or even the orangutans.

Usually, there’s also a show that’s showing the animals abilities, shown exclusively by the dolphins, orangutans, and also the walruses. This place is a perfect educational place for the kids. They can learn so many things like the kinds of animal and where they come from. The ticket is also considerably affordable.

7 – Karangasem Tree House

Moving from the animal zone, we want to introduce some place on Bali island that may suitable for increasing the motoric skills of your kids. The place is Karangasem Tree House. Temega. Not just an ordinary tree house, this one is pretty gigantic. The size of it is also very large, and filled with so many interesting things.

The location of this Temega Tree House is in the Raya Tirta Gangga, Temega, Padang Kerta of Karangasem Bali. This place usually opens from 7 am to 7 pm. It’s more like a very romantic place during the night, because they usually light up the torches and candles on some tables to make the natural atmosphere better.

8 – Bali Bird Park

The same as Bali Safari and Marine Park and also Bali Zoo Park that already mentioned on some previous paragraphs above, this Bali Bird Park is also a very educational place to introduce and interact with kinds of animal. But this park serves specific animal, the birds, a lot of birds.

This Bali Bird Park that located in the street of Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir, Gianyar, was first built and developed back in October 1995. Now, it has about more than a thousand birds from 250 different species in its wide area of 2 hectares. The birds are dominated with the rare and protected ones.

9 – Alas Kedaton Park

Aside from the Monkey Forest in Ubud, you can also find another type of that place in the area of Tabanan Bali, in a place called Alas Kedaton Park. The Alasa Kedaton or Forest Kedaton is a wide area that consists of small temple complex inside the large and vast forest. The temple is located right in the middle.

You and your family can explore this Alas Kedaton Park from the 8 am to 7 pm. But it’s recommended to end your trip at 5 pm because it’s going to be dark when reaching 6 pm and more. Aside from seeing the temple and taking some pictures with them, you can also interact and feed the monkeys with some banana that sold nearby.

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10 – Bali Treetop Adventure Park

Tenth place on the list is Bali Treetp Adventure Park. Kids will surely love this one. In this location, they can do a bit extreme activity by doing some kind of outbond activities. They can do many things like passing the wooden bridge, and the other “obstacles” that put in some trees.

About the safety, this place was granted an international certificate, so the parents can be less worry about their kids’ safety. However, if you feel interested to take your kids here, you can come to its address in Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, from 9.30 am to 6 pm. So your kids can play till their heart content.

Those ten locations are not enough? Don’t worry. Because we still have a lot of things to introduce. We put them all inside the small list that containing the other rest of fun things to do in Bali with kids below:

1. Devdan Show

2. Mason Elephant Safari Park

3. Trick Art 3D Gallery

4. Waterboom Bukit Jati

5. Bali Fun World

6. Upside Down World

7. World of Magic Bali

So that’s the total seventeen fun things to do in Bali with kids, perfect locations you should visit with your loved ones. Aside from adding education to your kids’s head, they can also learn in a brand new way. So they can get as many information as they can, while getting entertained by the things that particular attraction offers.

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