
8 Great Ruler of the Ancient Kingdom in Indonesia

Have you ever heard about the great person behind the glory of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia? Based on the historical record, there are some of the great rulers of ancient kingdoms in Indonesia that bring so much glory.

Most great rulers of ancient kingdoms in Indonesia were commonly capable to bring so many lessons learned to Indonesian society. It’s not only perfect to apply in social life but also so other rules in common before some of the ancient Islamic kingdoms in Indonesia arrive.

The role of those great rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia brings the most important rule into almost every section of life in Indonesia, such as cultures, and traditions, to the government system.

Speaking of those great rulers of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia, here we have some of them in the list below. Let’s check them out below!

1. Purnawarman

Purnawarman is one of the great rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia that bring Tarumanegara kingdom into its glory around the 5th century. The kingdom is located around West Java, but he conquer so many areas around Java islands in his hand.

Most ancient commonly known Purnawarman as Sri Maharaja Purnawarman. As a great ruler of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia, specifically for Tarumanegara kingdom is well-known for his kindness.

Purnawarman builds so much water flow to watering the field so that the farmer gets easier access to watering their field even during dry seasons. He is also fierce and agile to fight raiders and pirates that come across the Tarumanagera kingdom.

2. Samaratungga

Samaratungga is one of the great rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia of the Syailendra dynasty around the year 792. He achieved an important fight to reconcile the Wangsa Syailendra and Wangsa Sanjaya conflict.

Samaratungga is well-known as the great ruler of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia that gave the idea to build the Borobudur temple. He loves peace and kindness in religiousness so that he spreads religion towards culture to their people.

3. Queen Shima

Queen Shima is one of the great rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia that lead the Kalingga kingdom. She reigns around the 7th century, which brings the most braveness in society to stand the law over thievery that similar to some of the Islamic laws in Indonesia.

Queen Shima loves honesty, so she applies every rule and law based on honesty. She encourages her people around the Kalingga kingdom to be brave against thievery.

Queen Shima even sentenced the law should be obeyed by everyone including the people in the royal family of the Kalingga kingdom. She becomes one of the most woman rulers of ancient kingdoms in Indonesia that stand among others.

4. Ken Arok

Ken Arok is one of the great rulers of the ancient ruler kingdom in Indonesia that lead the Singhasari kingdom around the 11 century. He is popular for his arrogance yet brave towards other including fighting everyone that blocks his way to get whatever he wants.

Complete with the agile and bravery, Ken Arok is capable to conquer so many areas from East Java, Madura, and Bali Island. Even so, some historians have some difficulty finding the truth about Ken Arok’s existence.

In most ancient inscriptions, Ken Arok is popular with his love triangle fight with Tunggul Ametung to get his wife, Ken Dedes as the most popular Indonesian folk tales from East Java.

5. Kertanegara

Kertanegara is one of the great rulers of the ancient kingdom of Indonesia as the last king of the Singhasari kingdom. As the last heir of Ken Arok, he gets the throne easily without a difficult fight after his father, Wisnuwardhana passed away.

Kertanegara brings the most harmonious life between Buddhism and Hinduism at that time. He is mastering both Buddhism and Hinduism, which makes it easier to make two religions in unity without a war.

6. Jayabaya

Jayabaya is one of the great rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia that bring the Kediri kingdom of glory around the 12th century. The kingdom is popular in Indonesian history from East Java as the king is an expert in prophecy beliefs.

The historical record is based on some inscription that mentions Jayabaya as the only king in the Kediri kingdom that is capable to conquer so many areas. He was also capable to reconcile the Kediri kingdom with the Janggala kingdom that used to fight frequently.

Jayabaya is well-known as Prabu Jayabaya, which brings so much religiousness yet belief into prophecy. He is capable to read the future with some unique techniques and then writing them on the inscription.

Jayabaya even writes in the inscription that someday there will be some countries that colonized Indonesia from people of color (in this case, white). Later on, people connect the inscription with some colonialism era that happen in Indonesia.

7. Tribuwana Tunggadewi

Tribuwana Tunggadewi is one of the great rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia. She is well-known as the first Majapahit queen in Indonesian history.

Tribuwana Tunggadewi leads the Majapahit kingdom around the 13th century. She is the third ruler of the Majapahit Kingdom legacy that heir the throne after her mother, Gayatri passed away.

Tribuwana Tunggadewi is popular as the warlord that leads and won so many wars. Together with her loyal Patih Gajah Mada, she expands and conquer so many regions in Indonesia. That makes the kingdom reach its glory to conquer most of the Indonesian regions.

8. Hayam Wuruk

Hayam Wuruk is one of the great rulers of the ancient kingdom of Indonesia as the fourth king of the Majapahit kingdom. He took over the throne after her mother, Gayatri passed away around the 13th century.

Hayam Wuruk was capable to reach the peak of the glory of the Majapahit kingdom. Even so, he didn’t do it alone but with the loyal Patih Gajah Mada, who also help her mother before conquering most Indonesian regions.

Hayam Wuruk is popular with his achievement to unite the archipelago in Indonesia around the 13th century. He is capable to conquer not only Java Island but up to Sumatera island at that time.

So, there are some of the most popular great rulers of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia. Most of them achieved so many changes that make Indonesia has unique cultures and traditions up until now.

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