
Woman Ruler of the Ancient Kingdom in Indonesia

Women ruler of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia becomes a part of the history of the Indonesian ancient kingdom. The fact that the kingdom is ruled by women makes so many different perceived for every Indonesian woman until now.

Women ruler of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia becomes a great phenomenon for Indonesian history. Not only for Indonesian but also the woman around the world.

Most Indonesian women are known well about women’s emancipation by RA Kartini. But a little of them is known about some other Indonesian woman that becomes a woman ruler of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia, far away before the Kartini era was born.

Speaking of it, here we have some of the woman rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia along with the history. Check them out below!

1. Queen Shima

Queen Shima becomes one of the most popular woman rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia in about the 7th century. She reigns the Kalingga kingdom, which is popular with her brave to introduce the law against thievery.

Queen Shima was popular with her honesty so she leads her people in Kalingga to encourage them against the thievery. The punishment was sentenced to everyone who avoid and abandon the law including the people in the royal kingdom of Kalingga.

2. Gayatri Rajapatni

Gayatri Rajapatni becomes one of the most popular woman rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia. She reigns the throne between 1276 to 1350 under the Majapahit kingdom. She was known as the youngest daughter of Kertanegara king, Singasari.

Gayatri Rajapatni led the Majapahit kingdom into Hinduism and Buddhism from her husband. Based on some inscriptions, she was enshrined in so many temples during the Majapahit kingdom eras.

Gayatri Rajapatni was popular with her retiring time in became the Buddhist nun before she give the throne to her daughter to on behalf lead the kingdom. She was dead in around 1350 in her vihara then the reign continued by Hayam Wuruk as her grandson.

3. Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi

Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi becomes one of the most popular woman rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia. She reigns the Majapahit kingdom on behalf of her mother’s throne of Gayatri Rajapatni before deciding to retire.

Tribhuwana Wiajayatunggadewi is popular for her beauty, dignity, wisdom, and intelligence person which always dressed properly with some of the types of Kebaya in Indonesia. She expands her empire thrones with her prime minister of Gajah Mada to control and conquer another kingdom from Java, Sumatra, into West Papua.

Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi struggles hard for her position to be the next queen. Her mother was fighting harder to make her become a real queen for the throne in the Majapahit kingdom towards other Jayakerta’s stepsisters.

Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi was retired once her mother died. Later she gave the throne to her son, Hayam Wuruk that becomes a popular king in the Majapahit era.

4. Suhita

Suhita becomes one of the last Javanese queen regnant in the Majapahit kingdom. She was popular with a great leader as a woman ruler of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia.

She leads the kingdom between 1429 to 1447, which struggle the most in the Paregreg war and the Blambangan war before some countries that colonized Indonesia conquer the kingdom.

5. Sultana Taj Ul-Alam Safiatuddin Syah

Sultana Taj Ul-Alam Safiatuddin Syah becomes one of the most popular woman rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia. She ruled the Aceh kingdom around 1641-1675 once her husband died in 1641.

Sultana Taj Ul-Alam Safiatuddin Syah becomes the first woman ruler of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia, which is known well as the daughter of Sultan Iskandar Muda. She was born as Putri Sri Alam who later became one of the strongest women in the Aceh kingdom.

Sultana Taj Ul-Alam Safiatuddin Syah was popular with a pious woman who virtuously implemented the Islamic rules in Aceh. She was died around 1675 and left the throne to Nurul Alam Naqiatuddin Syah.

6. Sultana Nurul Alam Naqiatuddin Syah

Sultana Nurul Alam Naqiatuddin Syah becomes the second queen in the Aceh kingdom. She becomes one of the most popular woman rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia, which lead Aceh between 1675 to 1678.

Even though Sultana Nurul Alam Naqiatuddin Syah leads Aceh for a short time, her achievement is memorable for Acehnese. Moreover, she came with the fact that she has no relationship heir of any Sultan family in Aceh.

7. Sultana Inayat Zakiatuddin Syah

Sultana Inayat Zakiatuddin Syah becomes the third queen of the Aceh kingdom along with history. She becomes one of the most popular woman rulers of the ancient kingdom in Indonesia. She took the throne of Aceh kingdom between 1678 to 1688.

Sultana Inayat Zakiatuddin Syah is the daughter of Sultana Nurul Alam Naqiatuddin Syah. That is why she took the throne once her mother was passed away. She continued the narrated Hadith of Islamic book from the queen before and spreads among Acehnese.

She becomes the symbol of bravery for Aceh women from time to time that spreads the Islamic religion within some religious festivals in Indonesia.

Sultana Inayat Zakiatuddin Syah is also popular with her struggle towards the Orang Kayas that manipulated Aceh trades that focus on some Indonesian commodities such as Indonesian traditional essential oils. She becomes the symbol of bravery for Aceh women from time to time that spreads the Islamic religion within some religious festivals in Indonesia.

8. Sultana Zainatuddin

Sultana Zainatuddin becomes the last queen of the Aceh kingdom. She becomes one of the most popular woman rulers of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia which led the throne based on Islamic law at some of the popular ethnic groups in Aceh.


Sultana Zainatuddin has led the Aceh kingdom in between 1688 after the Sultana Inayat Zakiatuddin Syah has died to represent the family norm in the Aceh kingdom.

She continued her fight towards the Orang Kayas that defeated the queen before her. She was dead in around 1700 and becomes the last queen that reigns the kingdom in Aceh after about the 17th throne.

So, there are some of the most popular woman rulers of an ancient kingdom in Indonesia. After reading those stories, are you being inspired by one of those queens?

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