Herbs and Spices

8 Herbs and Spices Used in Indonesia Dishes

Have you ever heard that herbs and spices in Indonesian dishes are a common thing in Indonesia? As a tropical country, Indonesia growth so many herbs and spices that are useful to richest the taste of their dishes.

Not surprisingly that herbs and spices are used in Indonesian dishes, which you find in almost dishes they made. Indonesian believe that most herbs and spices give a better taste to their dishes. Moreover, all of those herbs and spices are easy to get.

If you are wondering what kind of herbs and spices are used in Indonesian dishes, here we have some of them on the list below. Let’s check them out!

1. Galangal

Galangal is one of the most popular herbs and spices used in Indonesian dishes making it more delicious to taste. Galangal is a kind of herb that increases the aroma of the words, which makes them more delicious to consume.

You can find Galangal in some Indonesian dishes, such as Galangal fried chicken, Sayur Lodeh, Tongseng, Sambal Goreng, and many more of Indonesian deep-fried dishes.

Galangal has so many benefits to consume even if it is already mixed in the dishes. It is richest in polyphenols that good for the heart and decreases the risk of diabetic problems. Most Indonesian believe by consuming it regularly will bring some benefits to their body and health.

2. Aromatic Ginger

Aromatic ginger is one of the most popular herbs and spices used in Indonesian dishes that you can find in some Indonesian soups. These kinds of herbs bring the most aromatic sense to the food, making it more delicious.

Aromatic ginger is commonly found in spinach soup, Karedok, Sayur Lodeh, Sambel Pecel, and Rempeyek. Most of them have a specific taste by adding aromatic ginger to the recipe such as some of the local food in North Sumatra.

Aromatic ginger contains so many good minerals resource that is good for health, such as Cineol, borneol, paraffine, alkaloid, paraeumarin, and many more.

3. Tamarind

Tamarind is one of the most popular herbs and spices in Indonesian dishes that you can find in Sayur Asam. Sometimes, this kind of herb is also used in seafood dishes to vanish the fishy aroma so that it tastes more delicious to consume.

Tamarind contains many vitamins and minerals that are good for the body and health. It has a higher Kalium, magnesium, zinc, protein, calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, and many more.

4. Bay Leaf

Bay leaf is one of the most popular herbs and spices in Indonesian dishes that you can find in some coconut soup dishes. The leaf gives a specific aroma to the dishes, which makes them more delicious to taste is the most characteristic of Indonesian cuisine.

Bay leaf is a popular subtle flavor in Indonesian dishes because most Indonesian are not into an instant flavor. That makes the dishes have a different taste with a special aromatic sense inside.

Other than that, the bay leaf contains some vitamins and minerals that are good to keep your body healthy. Some of the vitamins, such as vitamins B6, B12, C, and D, are capable to increase your immune system so that you couldn’t get sick easily.

5. Kluwek (Pangium Nut)

Kluwek is one of the most popular herbs and spices used in Indonesian dishes that are usually found in Rawon as the most iconic soup in Surabaya. This kind of herb comes from the fruit of the Pangium Edule tree that commonly grows in the middle of the forest in Sulawesi.

Kluwek brings the soup with a strong sense of herbs with black color, which make the soup more delicious to taste. Moreover, it contains higher zinc, vitamin, and minerals that are good for your body and health.

6. Coriander seed

Coriander seed is one of the most popular herbs and spices used in Indonesian dishes that you can find in the most common food in Indonesia such as deep-fried or stir-fried dishes. This kind of spice is commonly used for marinating some chicken, beef, or fish.

Coriander seeds bring the most delicious taste of spice to Indonesian dishes that makes them tastier to consume. Moreover, it is most affluent with anti-oxidant that good for your body. Some minerals on it, such as zinc and magnesium also good to increase your immune system as well.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most popular herbs and spices used in Indonesian dishes that you can find in some soup dishes. There are so many Indonesian dishes that use turmeric inside the recipe, such as Nasi Kuning, Opor Ayam, Ikan Kuah Kuning, and some yellow stir-fried dishes.

Turmeric brings the most delicious taste to some Indonesian dishes. It is richest in aromatic flavor, which differs from other typical Indonesian herbs and spices.

Turmeric contains so many minerals and vitamins that good to consume. It has a higher protein, magnesium, zinc, and phosphor, which are good to keep your body in a good condition.

8. Ginger

Ginger is one of the most popular herbs and spices used in Indonesia dishes that you can find in most Indonesian dishes. Some Indonesian coconut soups and stir-fried are better while using ginger inside the recipe to subtle the flavor such as some spiciest dishes in west Sumatra.

Ginger is a kind of Indonesian spice that is capable to vanish the fishy smell of chicken, beef, or fish. It would make the dish more delicious to taste compared to before it was seasoned with ginger.

So, there are some of the most popular herbs and spices used in Indonesian dishes that you can find in most Indonesian cuisine. Have you ever tasted them all? Tell us which one that becomes your favorite so far.

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