
The History of Singaraja Bali – Folklore- Development

Singaraja is the capital of the district of Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia. The area is 27.98 km² with population of 80,500 people. The population density is about 2877 people / km². It is the second largest city after Denpasar. This is because the progress of various sectors in Singaraja can almost rival Denpasar. The shops, diverse of tourism objects, and innovations would probably make Singaraja could compete Denpasar in next few years. Here is the history of Singaraja Bali you should know.

  • The journey to Den Bukit in North Bali

Gelgel Palace in 1568 led by King Sri Aji Dalem Sigening commissioned his son Ki Barak Sakti, to return to the Bundanya blood spill in Den Bukit (North Bali). Ki Barak Panji with Mother Sri Luh Pasek, after pleading with Sri Aji Dalem and then leaving for Den Bukit to be accompanied by forty people accompanying the King who was spearheaded by Ki Kadosot.

At that place they let go of fatigue while opening their packages. Once they eat ketupat, they pray, then they are sprinkled with water by Sri Luh Pasek, for the sake of the safety of his journey, later the place was given the name “Yeh Ketipat”. Ki Barak Panji’s group arrived safely at Gendis / Panji Village.

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  • The leadership in Gendis Village was changed

Ki Pungakan Gendis, the village leader who has never ignored the residents’ complaints. He ruled only solely to fulfill his bad desires, his pleasure was only playing gambling, especially the chicken roost. Because of the attitude of the Gendis Village leader, the people were increasingly hated, and during the war, he was killed by Ki Barak Panji.

The village of Gendis was ordered by Ki Barak Panji, a leader who was brave, fair and wise. Ki Barak Panji heard of a Chinese layer ship stranded, then there was a sense of compassion to help the ship owner. Your Majesty together with Ki Dumpyung and Ki Kadosot can help save the stranded liner on the beach as soon as weighing. After his assistance was successful, the king got a prize for all the contents of the ship in the form of pottery items such as plates, bowls, and very large amounts of kepeng.

The leadership of Ki Barak Panji is increasingly famous, he always pays attention to the condition of his people, carries out development in all fields, both physical and spiritual. Because of this, all residents of Gendis and Surrounding Villages unanimously demanded the King to become a King, who was then crowned with the title “Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti”.

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  • The new management of Gendis Village

To find a rather flat place, the village of Gendis and Kahyangan Pura Bale Agung were moved to the North Village of Panji. It was at this new place that you set up a palace complete with Kahyangan Pura Bale Agung.

Because of the promotion and excellence of Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, Kyai Alit Mandala, the lurah of the Bondalem area is submissive to the  Majesty. Then on his wisdom, Kyai Alit Mandala, was reappointed to be the lurah (leader) who ruled in Bondalem, Eastern Buleleng.

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  • The movement of Panji city

Around 1584 AD, to find a more strategic place, the City of Panji was moved to the north of Sangket Village. In this new place, your Majesty always rejoices with his people while building and then this new place is named “SUKASADA” which means slalu Besruka Ria.

Furthermore, it was told thanks to the superiority of Ki Gusti Panji Sakti, then Kyai Sasangka Adri, the Lurah of the Tebu Salah area (West Buleleng) submitted to the king. Then at his discretion, Kyai Sasangka Adri was reappointed to be a village head in the western part of North Bali.

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  • Truna Goak and the game

To further strengthen in defending his area, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti immediately formed an army called “Truna Goak” in Panji Village. This force was formed by politicizing the art of crows, which in Balinese is called “Magoak-goakan”. From this game finally the formation of Truna Goak forces totaling 2000 people, consisting of young men who were well-built, agile, and had high morals under the leadership of the war named Ki Gusti Tamblang Sampun and represented by Ki Gusti Made Batan.

Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti and his sons and other officers, led the Truna Goak troops who were all ready to fight to leave for the Blambang area. In this battle King Blambangan died on the battlefield so the Blambangan kingdom with all its inhabitants submitted to King Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti.

The news of this victory was immediately heard by the King of Mataram Sri Dalem Solo and then he presented an elephant with 3 of his shepherds to Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti. Subdue Blambangan kingdom must be redeemed by losing a son of the king named Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Nyoman, which resulted in the King being always seen moping. Only thanks to Pandita Purohito’s advice, finally the king’s sadness can be forgotten and then the intention is to build a new palace to the north of Sukasada.

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  • The establishment of Singaraja kingdom

In around the year of Candrasangkala “King of Manon Buta Tunggal” or Candrasangkala 6251 or the same as the year of caka in 1526 or in 1604 AD, Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti ordered his people to clear the land to erect a palace above the alang-alang grassland, namely the lading of cattle herds , where found people plant Buleleng.

In the Buleleng, the king saw several huts lined up in length. It was there that he built a new palace, which according to the calculations of a very good day at that time, fell on “March 30, 1604”. Furthermore, the newly built King’s Palace was called “SINGARAJA” because remembering that the King Gusti Ngurah’s desires, Panji Sakti was like a Lion (In Bahasa Indonesia it is called Singa).

That was the day of the birth of Singaraja City on March 30, 1604, which originated in the history of Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, while the name Buleleng was the original name of corn or maize which was widely planted by the people at that time.

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  • The growth of Singaraja.

In the 17th and 18th centuries Singaraja was the center of the kingdom of Buleleng, once the capital of the kingdom was in Sukasada. At that time I Gusti Anglurah Panji Sakti thought that the palace was located in a strategic place, finally the city of Singaraja was chosen. The name of the city is taken from the authority of the king I Gusti Panji Sakti Anglurah who is very authoritative and powerful like a lion. In 1846 the Dutch colonized the northern part of Bali, then Singaraja had become the capital of the Lesser Sunda Islands and the capital of Bali until 1958.

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  • Singaraja Today

Now Singaraja has grown becomes the busy city. It even becomes the second biggest city in Bali after Denpasar.  One of the reasons why Singaraja is the second largest city in Bali is because of its various tourism object, such as Lovina Beach, Penimbangan Beach, Ex-Port of Buleleng, Krisna Bali, Tri Yudha Sakti Monument, city parks, and so on.

Singaraja is also a city of education. This is inseparable from its rapidly developing education. In addition, in Singaraja there is one of the largest universities in Bali, namely the Education University of Ganesha and many other elite campuses.

After knowing the history above, are you interested to visit Singaraja. It could be a good option since there are not only many beautiful beaches, but also many historical places to explore.

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