Simple Steps How to Apply for Indonesian KITAS

For certain purposes, it is important for you to know the importance of KITAS (now ITAS) in Indonesia. This KITAS (Limited Stay Permit) is required if you want to work and live in the territory of Indonesia for a longer time as a foreigner. KITAS can be updated if needed.

In the new Immigration Regulation which was passed in May 2011 determined a sentence that was more severe than Law 9/1992 for violations of visas and permits. Here you will get to know the various KITAS options and processes, especially for you foreigners who do business in Indonesia.

The usage of KITAS

ITAS or KITAS is granted for a maximum of 2 (two) years and can be extended. Every time an extension is given no later than 2 (two) years with the provision that the total Stay Permit in the Territory of Indonesia is not more than 6 (six) years.

ITAS can also be given to foreigners to do work, within a maximum of 90 days and can be extended. The extension of the ITAS is given no later than 30 days provided that the total Stay Permit in the Territory of Indonesia is not more than 180 days.

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The types of KITAS

There are several types of KITAS with different uses for each. The following are the types of KITAS in Indonesia.
1. KITAS for Work Permit

KITAS for work visas must be sponsored by Indonesian companies or organizations registered in Indonesia; including including PT, PT PMA, Representative Offices, and public or private institutions.

Before obtaining a KITAS for work visa, you are required to obtain a work permit / IMTA (Permit to Hire Foreign Workers) by confirming the position and location of your work in a sponsoring company in Indonesia. Your job position determines the duration of your KITAS. Sponsors are required before a work visa or work permit can be processed. The sponsoring company must submit the applicant’s work carefully based on the regulations stipulated by the Ministry of Manpower.

The sponsor for the KITAS work visa is legally responsible for the visa applicant, namely paying a fine if the applicant does not have the ability to do so. Therefore, it is very important for sponsors to realize this responsibility.

  1. KITAS for Marriage Visa

Foreigners who are legally married with Indonesian citizens can be sponsored by their partners to get a KITAS family visa. However, this visa is not a work visa, and you are only allowed to stay, not to work. An official marriage certificate authorized by the Indonesian government is a mandatory requirement. If you are married abroad, CNI (Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage) in Indonesian is required otherwise.

You can then apply for a permanent residence visa (KITAP) after being married for two years. KITAP can be valid for up to 5 years with MERP (multiple exit and re-entry permits).

  1. KITAS for Pension Visa

This visa is not useful for business owners or entrepreneurs. However, if you are 55 years old or older, and want to spend your retirement in Indonesia, you can enter Indonesia first on a tourist visa and then apply for a KITAS pension visa after one month.

With this visa, you can stay in Indonesia for years and enter or leave as many countries as you want. You can also open a local bank account and hire a driver or helper. However, you cannot work at all in Indonesia.

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The requirements to get KITAS

The process of visa applications in Indonesia takes up to 10 weeks. This long process might stress you out. For this reason, we advise you to consult from the start to avoid unnecessary disappointments. In addition, the KITAS extension should be done 2 months before the expiration date. Here are the requirements to get KITAS

Limited Stay Permit (KITAS / ITAS) is given to:

  1. Foreigners entering the Indonesian territory with a limited residence visa;
  2. children who at birth in the Indonesian Territory father and / or their mother hold the ITAS;
  3. Foreigners who are given the status of a Stay Permit visit;
  4. Skipper, crew member, or foreign expert on a ship, buoyancy or installation operating in the territorial waters and jurisdiction of Indonesia in accordance with the provisions of legislation;
  5. Foreigners who legally marry with Indonesian citizens; or
  6. Children of Foreigners who legally marry Indonesian citizens.

You can get them as if you have prepared the documents. Make sure to bring them all in case there is a problem in immigration checkpoint.

Read also:

The process of getting KITAS

The KITAS application is submitted by a Foreigner or Guarantor to the Head of the Immigration Office or a designated Immigration Officer whose work area covers the place of residence of a Foreigner. So, the place for handling KITAS is at the local Immigration Office where the foreigner in question lives.

For TKA (foreigner workers) whose purpose is to work as experts in Indonesia, the applications are submitted by filling out a data application and attaching the requirements:

  1. guarantee letter from the Guarantor;
  2. Legitimate and still valid National Passport;
  3. certificate of domicile; and
  4. letter of recommendation from relevant government agencies and / or institutions

Processing KITAS in certain Immigration Checkpoints

As additional information for you, in order to simplify the process of issuing visas and residence permits for foreign workers in Indonesia, Permenkumham has now been issued 16/2018. Giving ITAS / KITAS for prospective TKA is carried out at certain Immigration Checkpoints.

The Immigration Officer on duty at the Immigration Examination Site completes the granting of KITAS for prospective TKA through a mechanism:

  1. Sign in the form of a sticker that contains data on TKA as well as ITAS and Re-entry Permit; and
  2. provide electronic ITAS through the mechanism of biometric data retrieval.

Electronic KITAS data is sent electronically through the Immigration Management Information System (SIMKIM) to TKA Employers, prospective TKA, Immigration Division, and immigration office whose working area covers the TKA’s residence.

Those are the quick process of getting ITAS in Indonesia. Fortunately, the government now simplifies the process of getting KITAS for foreigner who wants to stay in Indonesia. However, if you want to become Indonesian citizen you have to read how to get Indonesian citizenship.

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