10 Quick Steps How to Get Indonesian Driving License For Foreigner

SIM is proof of registration and identification provided by the National Police to someone who has met administrative requirements, physically and mentally healthy. People who already have a SIM are considered to have understood the traffic regulations and are skilled at driving a motorized vehicle.

The SIM indicates that you are fit to drive a motorized vehicle and can guarantee the safety of yourself and others and maintain order on the highway. SIMs that are valid in Indonesia can not only be owned by Indonesian citizens, expatriates or foreign nationals may also make SIMs as long as they meet the requirements. These foreigners certainly have a need for vehicles. By having a local or international SIM, fore can freely drive legally. Here are the steps how to get Indonesian driving license.

  1. You have to be 17 years old and more

The driving license in Indonesia (SIM/Surat Ijin Mengemudi) in the form of a card is an absolute requirement for motorists (2-wheeled and 4-wheeled motor vehicles). Of course, SIM owners must be 17 years or older. If it is still below the age limit, it is clearly prohibited to drive and make a SIM.

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2. Notice the SIM type

In Indonesia, the most common classes of driver’s license are:

  • A – Four wheel, private passenger car or cargo vehicle with weight under 3500 kg
  • B1 – Private passenger or cargo vehicle with weight over 3500 kg
  • B2 – Heavy vehicles with trailers
  • C – Motorcycles

SIMs that can be made for foreigners are only limited to SIM A and C only. SIM for large vehicles or SIM B1 and SIM B2 is only allowed for Indonesian citizens. To make a SIM, expatriates must show a Temporary Settlement License (SIMS) or Permanent Stay Permit (SITT) as well as a permit from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration. This SIM A applies to light four-wheeled vehicles which are generally private cars. Meanwhile for SIM C applies to all types of motorbikes.

3. Place for issuing driving license

The Indonesian police is charge for issuing driving licenses. Therefore, you must go to the local mid-level police station. They are called Polresta (or Poltabes), or Polres, depending on whether you live in a big city (municipality) or in a district (district).

In Jakarta you can go to Metro Jaya Police (SIM) SAT Implementation Unit (SATPAS) at Jl. Daan Mogot Km. 12.8, West Jakarta 11720. Manwhile in Denpasar you can go tto Denpasar Police at Jl. Gunung Sanghyang No.110, Denpasar Barat 80117. For all other locations, simply search online for “Police” and the name of your city or district.

Usually the service is open at 8:00 a.m. 16.00 (Monday – Friday), 8:00 a.m- 12:00 (Saturday). If you make a request before 12.00, it will be completed later that day. If the application and filing is done between 12.00 – 13.00, the SIM will be taken the next day. The clerk will stop accepting the SIM application if it is past 1:00 p.m.

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4. Meet the requirement

Before go to police officer, you have to prepare some documents as the requirements needid. Requirements to be taken:

  • SIMS (Temporary Settlement Permit)
  • STMD (Self Reporting Letter)
  • Passport / Visa
  • Copy of SIM from country of origin
  • Certificate of residence
  • Doctor’s certificate of physical and spiritual bodily statement.

5. The payment

Go to the counter and fill in the form “Pembayaran Pembuatan SIM / Payment Form for Making a Driving License”. This form comes from two banks namely Bank Rakyat Indonesia or Bank Internasional Indonesia. The costs to get a SIM are:

  • A SIM = IDR 120,000, extended = IDR 80,000
  • SIM C = IDR 100,000, extended = IDR 75,000
  • International SIM = IDR 250,000, extended = IDR 225,000

After submitting the bank slip, then a SIM application form will be provided.

6. Fill the SIM application form

Fill in all data on the form, and submit it at No. No. 17 (Foreign Counters). At this counter will be needed:

  • Passport photocopy
  • Photocopy of Temporary Settlement Permit
  • Copy of SIM from country of origin
  • Bank slip
  • Form filled in

7. The most boring thing: waiting in a line for your name being summoned

At counters 23-26, photos and fingerprints will be taken by digital means and signatures on paper which are then scanned by officers.

After everything is finished, the applicant will be asked to wait. Usually it will wait for 30 to 45 minutes. When the name of the applicant has been summoned immediately take a SIM at counter 26 or 28, depending on what class SIM he submitted.

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8. SIM validity period

This license for foreigners is only valid for 1 year. But it is different from a SIM for embassy staff / their families that can be valid for 5 years. In Bali alone there is a slight difference, because many foreigners in Indonesia live there. A driver’s license for tourists is only valid for a maximum of 1 month and if the SIM holder returns to their home country they must report to the Satpas that issued a SIM.

The government has also made a 1-day SIM program. This program is specifically for tourists who stay for several days in Indonesia and decide to take a motorbike ride for example, during the day. By only paying Rp 100,000 (including taking photos) the temporary SIM will be available. This fee will certainly be adjusted to the length of the validity period. But this program is only available  in Denpasar, Bali.

9. Driving Practical Test

It is started by driving for 2 minutes around the test area to warm up and observations have been made regarding driving habits. Drive in a zigzag shape of about 10 poles (each pole has a width of about 30 cm, from one pole to another about 2 meters) for a total distance of about 30 meters. The driver must pass this and then turn around and do it again from the opposite direction. Do parallel parking to the parking lot that has been formed by officers from the poles.

Driving half on the uphill or sloping road, stopping on the ramp, setting up the emergency brakes, releasing the emergency brakes and continuing to the end of the incline; then drive down the road, stop on the downhill road, set the emergency brake, release the emergency brake and keep going down.

Most of foreigners are worried about this practice test and suggested taking a driving course so they could get a SIM at the same time. Then after they are in police office they just take photos, fingerprint scans, signatures, and make payments only.

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10. International SIM in Indonesia

International SIM is a SIM to drive motorized vehicles that apply internationally with countries that also issue International SIMs. The process is also very easy. All stages can only take 15 minutes! Of course, with all the documents and requirements you have prepared.

International SIM applicants must bring their passport and photocopies, valid Indonesian SIM and photocopies, ID cards and photocopies, 3 4×6 photographs with blue backgrounds, and a stamp of IDR 6,000. If all files are ready, the applicant must go to the manufacturing site in the Police Corps Traffic Redigent Sub-Section Subbid Driver for International SIM services.After you get the points on how to get driving license in Indonesia, you have to use the card wisely and carefully. Make sure you understand the traffic sign in Indonesia to avoid accident. Always take a good care of yourself! Safe drive!

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