Socio Cultural

13 Importance Of Family In Indonesia

In the relationship of a family is not enough on the relationship between mother and father, husband and wife. Of all that, there are many other larger relationship that is the relationship to the child. Having a family complete with mom, dad, and child is the most beautiful and happy thing. An incomplete family without any of them.

However, as a whole family would still not forget the services and relationships with both parents of the wife and also a husband.

Keeping in touch with both parents and children do need not only with compassion and love but also the knowledge of how to keep these relationships complementary and appreciative.

How the relationship between children and in-laws and in-laws and couples is not the same. They need different attention.

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Beginning the relationship between husband and wife is very easy, but to maintain it is not as easy to start. You will find some problems and tests for the sailing of the household ark.

However, it must, of course, be prepared beforehand, because the world before you married with your own life is certainly much different. There are many responsibilities and great risks for creating a happy and happy family.

Here are some of the importance of family in Indonesia that can be used as an example in living your family life:

1. Love and Compassion

A good and happy family has a sense of affection and also love each other. The love and affection that grows between them make every member of the family feel comfortable, peaceful and happy. As a parent has an important role in shaping and establishing these feelings, imagine if a family does not have love and affection for the family will be destroyed and messy. The power of love and affection is the power of feeling above all in a whole family.

2. Healthy Family and Healthy Soul

One of the importance of family in Indonesia that also must be considered is the health of family members. Pain will be shown through the exceptions to the importance of maintaining health, both physical health and psychological well-being.

Of course, the happiness of the family is not enough with a happy life, but happiness will be equipped with the condition of mental health and physical strength, healthy and fit. Therefore the obligation of each family member to remind and convey the importance of health and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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3. Balancing Family and Social Life

It is not easy to balance life inside and outside the home. But if you find a way to do it, it will bring a significant difference to your relationship with your family. Although difficult, limit work hours by not bringing homework or not too often take overtime on weekends.

You will have a higher level of confidence because it can share responsibilities better. Hence the important social life in family life to establish good relations with neighbors and friends around him.

4. Good Communication In The Family

The key to any relationship success is communication. Lack of communication can be bad for family relationships, from misunderstandings to distancing relationships among family members. Children should be able to convey their feelings to parents and vice versa.

Try to set quality time together as a family several times a week. From The Parents, website suggests starting from eating together every night to discuss various topics, from the light to the important ones. Spend also time for a vacation together for refreshing and close family relationships. This is one of the key importance of family in Indonesia if you want to maintain a harmonious and lasting family relationship.

5. Just Open Your Mindset

We must understand that everyone is different. Let alone with a spouse, siblings who live in the house with family culture alone have different habits. Especially with couples who grew up with other families with a culture that is certainly not the same culture.

For this, the first thing to instill is to open our minds to every positive difference we will encounter. Because after recognizing the culture of the couple’s family, does not rule out this can be applied and become a new family culture if it is still in the corridor of goodness.

With this open mindset, the family culture of couples who are opposed to their own culture does not become something negative.

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6. Recognize and Respect the Couples Family Well

The importance of family in Indonesia next is that couples who have the same tribe may not be too difficult in adapting. Tribal culture usually reflects the family culture, so different tribes need more effort to be able to quickly blend.

This is done in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future. Because these differences will affect the habits, communication, mindset and more. It would be nice if this has been done since before marriage. So there is no cultural stuttering and frictions of the differences.

7. Define an Educational Limit

While marriage certainly did not escape in the problem. As a new person in a couple’s extended family, we should set limits and discuss them with our partners for principals. Examples of money problems, of course, should be discussed clearly.

Do not let the habits in the big family about money that is different from us even interfere with the harmony of our family. So from the beginning begin to limit the extent of culture in the extended family of couples that you will adopt and which are not. In order not to misunderstand in the future.

8. Be Sincere and Open

Not only in couples’ families, being genuine must be part of our character. The benefit of this sincerity is the ease in adapting and being accepted by the new environment. Do it all sincerely despite the extreme cultural differences of the couple’s family.

Because our sincerity will lighten all the things we do to the couple’s family. So with sincerity will give a positive aura in the household and partner, of course, the main family harmonious.

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9. Avoid Home Issues While That’s Simple

One of the importance of family in Indonesia that can be an example is to keep the problems for the problems that exist in our household stay focused, this will be a strong foundation if we can solve it. But if not, it will certainly be a boomerang for household harmony.

When we have problems with couples, we should avoid sharing household problems with couples’ families if we are not sure we will get the right solutions. Because who knows the condition of our household, is we ourselves are not someone else, or the couple’s family.

10. Be Honest Among Family Members

In maintaining the integrity of the family requires a strong commitment among members of the family. Can not just demand one of them to be honest, if the other is not honest.

The importance of honesty can lead to a tremendously important impact. If in family members alone there is no honesty, then how the family can be entwined happy and peaceful. So the commitment to be honest with each other until the end of life is very important.

Many other things that become the importance of family in Indonesia which became the demand for establishing a whole family and happy forever:

  • The attitude of mutual respect and respect for the rights and obligations of each family member becomes a cornerstone in maintaining a happy family.
  • Prioritize togetherness in every deliberation and make decisions for the good of the family. Be fair and wise as an exemplary parent.
  • Mutual care of family members with each other, in the sense of providing advice, suggestions, constructive criticism based on religion.

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Hopefully, the exposure of 13 the importance of family in Indonesia provides insight to you in fostering a happy and harmonious family.

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