Socio Cultural

8 Indonesia Intangible Cultural Heritage

Indonesia consists of so many tribes that bring countless traditions and other unique things about them. That makes Indonesia has so many differences in so many ways to makes the richest culture on its.

Since around 2013, UNESCO decided some of the intangibles cultural heritage in Indonesia. That makes some of the Indonesian culture admitted by the world as the cultures from Indonesian only.

This time we will bring you into the most popular intangible cultural heritage from Indonesia from time to time. Most of them come from most of the Indonesian regions that spread from Sabang to Merauke. Check them out below!

1. Saman Dance

Saman dance becomes one of the intangible cultural heritage from Indonesia since 2013. It comes from the Gayo tribe as a traditional dance from Aceh. Commonly it plays by six or seven dancers, but it that capable to play up to 100 dancers.

Saman dance tells us about education, knowledge, prose, or poem with a full meaning on the song and music behind it. The dance used to plays by some Islamic religious expert to spread the religion among the regions.

2. Assorted Fabric

Indonesia contains with so many traditional fabric that comes in so many traditional ways to make them. commonly people made it by the traditional tools with the resources that come by natural process. Some of those assorted fabrics in Indonesia have become Indonesia’s intangible cultural heritage since around 2013.

You can find as the Ulos from the Batak tribe, Songket from Palembang, Songket Pandai Sikek from West Sumatra, Batik Indonesia, Tenun Ikat Dayak from West Kalimantan, Songket Beratan from Bali, Tenun Pringgasela from West Nusa Tenggara, Tenun Ikat Sumba from East Nusa Tenggara, and many more.

3. Rendang

Rendang becomes one of the intangible cultural heritage from Indonesia since 2013. It becomes the most iconic Indonesian main dish that comes from meat. It has a delicious taste with a combination of the most common spices in Indonesian dishes and chili pepper.

Rendang is the only traditional food from West Sumatra that capable to bring the authentic taste of Indonesian spices. The unique ingredients and the way it cooked make them perfect to consume. Moreover, if you combine it with the Indonesian staple food such as rice.

4. Ondel-Ondel

Ondel-Ondel is one of the Indonesian traditional culture art that comes from Jakarta. In 2013, it becomes one of the intangible cultural heritage patented by UNESCO. This kind of cultural art becomes so popular for Jakartanese which comes from the Betawi tribe.

The beautiful art and unique tradition of Ondel-Ondel have become the most magnetic things as one of the interesting facts of Jakarta since along time ago. That is why it becomes the most tourism magnet from both domestic and international.

The true story behind Ondel-Ondel is about the giant creatures that protect their descendants. That is why some Betawinese believe that they should keep it from generation to generation. commonly, Ondel-Ondel plays by two people with a group of music players and singers.

5. Angklung

Angklung is one of the traditional music instruments from West Java that is made of bamboo. It is so popular with the unique sound that comes up when you shake it. as the percussion type of music instrument, commonly it plays by a group of people with more than three players.

At around 2013, UNESCO patented Angklung as one of Indonesia’s intangible cultural heritage as the unique traditional Sundanese musical instrument. That makes Indonesian proud of the instrument which most Indonesian love the most.

6. Dreadlocks Ritual

In Central Java, specifically at Dieng culture, you will find the most unique tradition for any children who have dreadlocks. Local people call it the Ruwatan of Rambut Gimbal or the dreadlocks ritual. Every once in a year, at least one child has done to be in the ritual to avoid bad luck.

The dreadlocks ritual is so popular to watch not only for local tourism but also international. That makes it so unique as an original custom culture from Dieng, Central Java. That is why in around 2016, UNESCO finally sign it as the Indonesia intangible cultural heritage.

7. Rumah Panjang

Rumah Panjang become sthe most original house from the Dayak tribe in West Kalimantan. It is made by choosing wood that has a solid material that capable to resist for along time for house building. Just like Bali that has characteristics of Balinese traditional house, Rumah Panjang also has it as the origin of custom culture there.

Rumah Panjang contains about 50 rooms inside that lived by so many families in one society. It made for their protective building from any strikes from another tribe. Commonly, it has about 180 meters long, 6.0 meters wide, and about 5.0 meters up to 8 meters high.

Rumah Panjang becomes the most unique house in Indonesia that patented by UNESCO as the Indonesia intangible cultural heritage in 2013.

8. Noken

Noken is a regular traditional bag that comes from the Papuan tribe in Papua. It is made of bark fiber and knitted properly by hand. The women of Papuan tribes usually knitted it properly. It has a regular function as a regular bag to bring some fruits, vegetables, and other farm or groceries things.

Noken becomes one of Indonesia’s intangible cultural heritage since around December 2012. Besides, it becomes a common bag for the Papuan tribe that capable to brings a better life among the Papuan tribes as a reconciliation symbol. You can see Papuan bring it at the Baliem valley festival or their daily routine when going to the market.

So, there are some of the Indonesia intangible cultural heritage that you should know. Most of them become part of the unique character of every Indonesian tribe that capable to bring more harmonic life among the Indonesian tribe.

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