Socio Cultural

The 50 Interesting Facts of Jakarta City, Indonesia

Talking about the many cities of Indonesia, all the eyes will point out to one big city located in the west side of Java island. The city is Jakarta, the capital city of this country. Yep, the very modern city filled with technology and business is the main point of Indonesia.

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Having the thick Betawi culture that people still hold until now, the martial art called Pencak Silat, and other beautiful culture that giving more coloure to the city, But, beside those things, we want to tell you about the half hundred intersting facts about Jakarta city.

1. City with large numbers of mall

Like you can see in the description about the famous places in Jakarta, they usually filled up with kinds of choice of malls. There are several malls in here, not including the smaller one. And surprisingly, there are numbers of new malls too in here.

2. Having 47 Museums

Jakarta also not known for city for shopping only, it also famous for its famous museums. There are several museums that got the people’s attention, like The Museum of Indonesian Bank, then National Museum. And also don’t forget the museums located in Old Town Jakarta.

3. A City with Province Status

This city is also the same like the Yogyakarta city, which is places on its own region. Just like that city, Jakarta located in the province that people called as DKI or Daerah Khusus Ibukota, the special capital province.

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4. City with biggest station in ASEAN

Well, several years then, the station of Jakarta Kota was actualy the biggest train station of all ASEAN countries. It even surpassed the famous station in Malaysia, Thailand, or Singapore, which is consisting for about 580 trains passing by every single day.

5. 10 times changing names

The name Jakarta is not the first name of the city. The city itself has several names. For example, its name was Sunda Kelapa, Sta Batavia, Gemenente Batavia, and other names. But, the most famous other name of Jakarta is Batavia. That’s why, some people even call Jakarta as the Old Batavia.

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6. The most active twitter users can be found in there

And for its netizen, Jakarta has so many twitter users inside its area. Even, the people start to bring up some trending topics on twitter. For the record, the country of Indonesia has about 5,6 million users of twitter.

7. Monas or Monument National, is not a mascot

Many said that the mascot of Jakara city is Monas. But, its only a monumet to represent the glory of Indonesia, and not the resemblance of Jakarta city. Well, the true mascots of Jakarta are the Bondol Eagle and Salak Condet, which are located in the area of Cempaka Putih.

8. City with the most frustating traffic density

It’s really frustating to stuck in a trafiic jam. In Jakarta, it’s worse. People in Jakart must wake up very earlier to be in office in time. If they late some minutes, then they can enjoy the beautiful morning traffic jam. But hinestly, the traffic jam happens on every time, morning afternoon, oeven evening when people going out from their office to their home.

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9. City with so many tower buildings

Because of the land isg getting more and more smaller, then the developers don’t have much choice than to increase the floor level more in order to improve the building. In Jakarta, there are so many high buildings. And thanks to that, Jakarta places 17th city that has very high tower buildings or skyscrappers.

10. The most crowded city

Jakarta also noted asthe most crowded city in Indonesia. Of course, it works as the capital city of Indonesia, which  has increased and improved economy than other region. That’s why, many people that came from other areas then coming to this city to seek better fortune.

11. The parking man phenomenon

For the local people. They should know already about the phenomenon about parking man. In Indonesia, there’s a parking man almost in every big shop or convenience stores. At start, we don’t notice their existence, but after doing some shopping and finaly getting on our vehicle, the paking man will “suddenly show up” to ask you about the parking fee. And that’s a bit annoying actually.

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12. The weight of total trash in Jakarta is equal to 2.000 elephants

Jakarta city produce about 6.500 tons of trash per day. And those numbers are equal to the elephants, 2000 of them to be exact. That’s prety bad actually, because the city itself doesn’t have proper implementation of trash processing.

13. 80 percent people who came from other cities live around the river side

The people from other cities who want to come in Jakarta, always have a very high expectation. Nad once they finally landed on it, maybe they want to think twice about coming in here. For those poors foreigners, they don’t have much money to even rent a proper house. And the cause of it is the river side population.

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14. Too many spikes or “traps” can be found on the main roads

People are really mean sometimes. But when they combine it with business, it’s a dangerous thing. To make their tire business more improved, some people put the spikes in order to make the vehicle’s tires destroyed, and the coming to ther shop to fix that.

15. More Javanese people than Betawi

Even though the Betawi is always a thing in Jakarta, the people of Betawi is still lesser than the actual Javanese people in Jakarta.

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16. The number of vehicles in Jakarta is more than the population itself

Yep, and because of that, the main roads are always covered by cars and traffic jams.

17. Well, the night life is quite dangerous

In here, there are several criminals, or to-be criminals called thug and also Begal or bike gangs. And they usually do violets to the poor victims.

18. It’s a home for homeless

Not because the government reserve a place for homeless, but theere are numbers of empty house they can live in.

19. So many restaurants in here

Well, beside thenumber of malls, the number of restaurants also abundant.

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20. The celebrity news is more important than the news itself

That’s actually the mind set of Indonesia people right now. The news about celebrity is a lot more fun than the politics that easily divide the people.

21. It was called Big Durian by the people

Because of the Jakarta is also the producer of Durian fruit, Jakarta city als called as Big Durian.

22. Aside from its brother, The Big Apple

The name Big Durian came from another nickame of another city, The Big Apple.

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23. Once, the Senayan Stadium was the biggest stadium in the world

When it’s finaly done in 1962, the Senayan stadium once claimed to be the biggest stadium in the world.

24. Even though it’s a very crowded place, Jakarta still have some forests

The good point is, Jakarta still have some choices that people can enjoy during weekend for their health, thanks to the existence of these forests.

25. It’s the third dirtiest city in the world

Jakarta city,  claimed by WHO to be the 3rd dirtiest city in the world, after Meksiko dan Bangkok. With very high level of polution.

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To complete the other 25 facts, we also give you this small list that consists of the other interesting facts about this very popular city in Java. So here they are :

  1. Produced an anti bullet helm that Malaysian army wear
  2. There was the first biker community in here, built in 1915
  3. Muse only bring two crew during their concert in 2007
  4. The landscape of La Vegas was becaming an idea to be implemented on Jakarta by Ali Sadikin
  5. The pure 28kg of gold in Monas was donated by Teuku Markam
  6. There was the Minister of Security, who was the market thug once, then “hired” by Soekarno
  7. The beggars in Jakarta can have 750 thousand to 1 million profits
  8. Many movies took Jakarta as a landscape
  9. There are several famous rivers in Jakarta
  10. The city that has so much potential in property investment
  11. Lady gaga once called this city as Partynauseous
  12. Jakarta suffered the first big flood in 1962
  13. Tanah Abang Market was the biggest market in the world
  14. There are 9 out out of 18 crimes in public transportation in Jakarta
  15. Symbol of Garuda was introduced firstly to the people in the Hotel Des Indes Jakarta in 1950
  16. City with many museums
  17. The symbol of Jakarta itself was made by the 6th governor of Jakarta
  18. Having the building project that still in process to be launched in 2020
  19. Having a title of City of Fortune
  20. Also City of Crime
  21. Many people from other areas come to Jakarta to make decent living
  22. Having close relationship with Bandung city
  23. The top Universities also exist in this city
  24. Having high number of popular Youtubers
  25. Being a city that chosen to be the place for many International events

Yep, that is our list of the 50 interesting facts about the city of Jakarta. The city is very colourful indeed, and having much more history is the point that making this city more special. With the proper improvement, the city can grow much better without the problems that still lurking around it.

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