
Indonesian Government Hierarchy That You Should Know

Indonesian government hierarchy rules based on the UUD 1945. After the last amendment, it explains that UUD 1945 becomes the highest law in which sovereignty rests in the hands of the people and is fully implemented based on the Constitution.

In Indonesia the hierarchy rules by the central government to the village. In the central government, there is separation power that leads to Indonesian governance. They are MPR, DPR, DPD, President, MA, MK, and BPK.

Here we have some glance about the Indonesian hierarchy from the president to an Indonesian citizen since the government employees become the most popular job in Indonesia. Check them out below!


The president becomes the head of the state as well as the head of government. The President has the highest state government administrator under the People’s Consultative Assembly. That is why the Presidents of Indonesia becomes the number most popular persons in Indonesia.

In carrying out his duties the President is assisted by the Vice President. The President and the Vice President are directly elected by the people and hold office for 5 years, after which they can be re-elected with the twice maximum length of services.

Vice of President

The vice president becomes the vice head of state as well as the head of government. If the President dies or stops being unable to carry out his obligations during his term of office, then He will be replaced by the time he expires.

Both the President and Vice President in carrying out their duties are assisted by State Ministers. Ministers lead Ministries and non-departments in Government.

MPR (Deliberative and Representative Assembly)

MPR (Deliberative and Representative Assembly) is a high state institution that inaugurates the President and Vice President based on the election. On the facts about the 2019 election Indonesian general election, MPR inaugurated Joko Widodo and Ma’ruf Amin as the president and vice president of Indonesia.

Level I Regional Government

On the level I regional government, Indonesian leads by DPRD level I, governor, and vice governor.

DPRD (Regional People’s Representative Council) Level I (Province)

People’s liaison council at the provincial level was nominated and elected directly by the Indonesian citizen. They have to work as a liaison for the people with public servants. Their duties are in terms of the interests and needs of the community and community services.


The governor has chosen for work to regulate, administer, serve the interests and needs of administrative and public services. He has to maintain the security of the people and the state. He is also responsible for the assets belonging to the people and the state.

The governor should help uphold justice and achieve prosperity in terms of managing assets belonging to the people and the state. He has to be directly accountable to the people at the provincial level.

Vice Governor

In carrying out the governor’s duties, he helped by the vice governor on the way to make sure to the administrative and other things work properly.

Second Level Regional Government

On the level I regional goverment, Indonesian leads by DPRD level II, regent and mayor, and the vice regent and vice mayor.

DPRD (Regional People’s Representative Council) Level II (Regency / Municipality)

DPRD is the community liaison council at the regency or municipal level that is nominated and elected directly by the Indonesian citizen. They have to work as a liaison between the people and public servants in terms of the interests and needs of the community and community services.

Regent and Mayor

Regent and Mayor are the public servants at the regency or municipal level. They are nominated and elected directly by the Indonesian citizen. They have a mandate from the people to work to organize, manage, serve the interests and needs of administrative and public services.

The Vice Regent and Vice Mayor

In carrying out the regent and mayor duties, the vice-regent and vice mayor should help them. They are responsible for the work to organize, manage, serve the interests and needs of administrative and public services.

Sub-District Level Government

On the sub-district level government, people leads by the head of sub-district and the sub-district secretary.

Head of Sub-District

Head od Sub-district is responsible to maintain the security of the people and the state, and assets belonging to the people and the state, help uphold justice and achievement prosperity in terms of managing assets belonging to the people and the state and is directly accountable to the people at the sub-district level

Sub-District Secretary

In carrying out the regent and mayor duties, the vice-regent and vice mayor should help them. They are responsible for the work to organize, manage, serve the interests and needs of administrative and public services at the sub-distric level.

Village Level

On the village level people leads by chief that calls as Lurah, the chief secretary or commonly known as Sekdes, Kadus, RT, and RW chiefs.

Lurah (Chief)

Chief is the public servants at the sub-district level. He has to work to regulate, manage, serve the interests and administrative needs and services of the community.

He is responsible to maintain the security of the people and the state, and assets belonging to the people and the state, help uphold justice and achievement prosperity in terms of managing assets belonging to the people and the state and being directly accountable to the people at the village level.

Sekdes (Chief Secretary)

In carrying out the head of chief duties, the sub-district secretary should help his works. He responsible for the work to organize, manage, serve the interests and needs of administrative and public services at the village level.


Kadus is responsible to maintain the security of the people, assets belonging, help uphold justice and achievement prosperity, and being directly accountable to the people at the village level.

RW Chief

RW Chief is responsible to maintain the security of the people, assets belonging, help uphold justice and achievement prosperity, and being directly accountable to the people at the RW level.

RT Chief

RT chief is responsible to maintain the security of the people, assets belonging, help uphold justice and achievement prosperity, and being directly accountable to the people at the RT level.

Indonesian Citizen

Indonesian citizens are responsible to be a good citizen by obeying the law based on UUD 1945 and represent the good of the Indonesian people.

So, there is a glance about the Indonesian government hierarchy that you should know. As good Indonesian citizens, we have to obey the rule and regulations in our country.

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