
Numbers of Most Popular Persons in Indonesia

Popularity can be said as one of many important aspects in humans life. It can lead to sme things good like more connections, more job opportunities, and also respects. But, gaining a respectbale popularity is not an easy thing to get, especially in the country like Indonesia. With efforts and skills, someone can get famous with their own unique identities.

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Also, popularity is not only stick to the actors or actress. Even people on business world or politic can be included as popular person. Of course theres’s always a phenomenon behind their popularity, either it’s bad or good. But of course, gaining popularity by doing bad ways is like destroying yourself in the future. As example for the famous people, we were gaining the information and but them together into this most popular person in Indonesia below :

1. Joko Widodo

The first one that included as the most popular person in Indonesia is the President of Indonesia, His Excellency Joko Widodo. You know, during the opening ceremony of Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta, Mr. Joko Widodo made an interesting act. Yep, even though the act was done by the stuntman, that little part of the ceremony was very entertaining.

Joko Widodo was born in Surakarta, Central Java province in June 21st 1961. He is actually the seventh president of Indonesia. Before becoming a president for approximately 4 years, he was the governor of Jakarta city, with his partner, Mr. Ahok. Way before that, he was a mayor of Surakarta city or Solo in Central Java, starting from 2005 to 2012.

2. Jessica Kumala Wongso

A goodwill is not the only thing that can lead you to popularity. But, a monstrous behavior can make your face appear at least on some TV channels. We want to make sure that this kind of behaviour is not a good thing to do, so please don’t even think to do the same thing like Jessica did. Jessica was shortly popular 2016 because of the crime she did.

In 2016, there was a murder, and the victim was Mirna, which is like a close friend to Jessica. It was the cruelest and evilest murder in Indonesia during that time. Along 2016, the name Jessica seemedto never dissapear on television because of her cyanide murder. Many assumptions were going on about it and were being headlines on national news.

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3. Mario Teguh

A motivator is not an usual person that you can find everyday. Thanks to Mario Teguh, the name of motivators rising again. Mario Teguh was a motivator at national broadcast station, having his own show called Golden Ways. Beside giving motivation throguh his program, he was also kindly interact with audience as well.

But, the name of Mario Teguh was becoming a headline back in August and October 2016. The reason is, because of a problem he had with his son. The son claimed that Mario Teguh abandoned him and his mother, even Mario Teguh himself never mentioned his name. And then the DNA test was held, and until now, the answer still blurred.

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4. Sri Mulyani

Indonesia is included as one of many developing countries in this world and South East Asia region. With the help of many important people, Indonesia can grow back again like in its glory days. One of the people who help a lot is Sri Mulyani. She is becoming a minister of Finance since 2016 after a cabinet resuffle.

She’s replacing the former minister of Finance, Bambang Brodjonegoro. Because of her prestations, her skills, and her charisma, many people love her. She took the finance problems in Indonesia seriously and answer with the solutions she holds in her hands. She also included as one of many powerful women in the world because of her dedication.

5. Ahok 

Ahok was a great leader. When Jokoki became a President, Ahok took the governor position of Jakarta city, the capitcal city of Indonesia. He’s very bold to basically everyone he talks to. He doesn’t hesitate to help anyone, especially for the Jakarta people who directly see him in the city hall. But, something happend in 2016.

He was thrown away from governor position because of a burning issue. He was dragged away because of his speech about one surah in Qur’an, Al Maidah. He was then critisized by many people and then some of them decided to sue him for that. Because of the majority of voices, he was putted in jail. Sometimes during this year, he will finally get out from there.

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6. Tatjana Saphira

After talking about the people above like Jokowi, Ahok, and also Jessica, we want to introduce you to an actor and some actress that included in the most popular person in Indonesia. The first one is a young actress named Tatjana Saphira. Her name is very familiar for Indonesian people because of her act in some movies and soap operas.

She was born in May 21st 1997. Tatjana is not only known for her beauty, but also her skill of acting. She was casted in some movies like Stip and Pensil, Ayat-ayat Cinta 2, and also the Sweet 20 movie which is a remake film. Thanks to her wonderul talent in the world of acting, she was included in best female actress nominations.

7. Olga Syahputra

The next is a comedian named Olga Syahputra. His humour and overracting at anything is always entertaining to watch. Before reaching his succesful career as a presenter and comedian, he was struggled becuse of the way of life he went. He was born inside a poor family, but after a very hard efforts and a strong desire to reach his dream to be an actor, we was finally succeced to enter the world of acting.

Because of his unusual, unique act, and hilarious dialogue that he always one, he was invited to many television programs, including the famous Opera Van Java. But the sad thing is, back in 2015 he was dead becasue of his illness. Before dropping to his bed, he was trying many methods to heal his disease, including the traditional method.

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8. Sule

Not ony Olga Syahputra, Indonesia is actually have dozens of comedians. Many actually. But, we can say together that a famous comedian of all comedians that still performing their acts today is Sule. His acts are always making people laugh. Beside having an usual act of cosplaying weird characters, the dialogues that he was done with the other comedians like Andre, Aziz, and Bolot are also hilarious.

But, beside known as a comedian, Sule is actually a very good artsist. He’s knowing all kinds of art in Sundanese culture. He can even perform some instruments of music very well, like flute, drum, and also angklung. Now, he has his own program in a certain television station called Ini Talkshow where he and Andre are the presenters.

9. Chelsea Islan

After Tatjana, we also included this beautiful actrees called Chelsea Islan. This 23 years old lady is more famous now because of her recent acts in a horor movie called “Sebelum Iblis Menjemput”. She said that joining in the movie is a whole new experience for her. During her act, she’s done so many tiring activities like exploring in the jungle during rining night, etc.

Back in 2013, she got her first act in a movie called Refrian as Annalise. Not only a movie, she was also included inside the MV of Noah band, “Tak Lagi Sama”. And after that, in 2014 she played as Karina, a DJ that has two different characters. Then, she was becoming a huge star in one television program called “Tetangga Masa Gitu”. It was aired since 2014 to 2017.

10. Tontowi Ahmad

And after talking about the actors, actrees, and some people who still and was have a power in this nation, we want to tell you about a wonderful athelete that Indonesia has, Tontowi Ahmad. Indonesia has many talented athletes, and Tontowi is undoubtedly one of them. He’s paired with his best partner, Liliyana Natsir.

They both doing great in many championships. In Rio De Janiero, these two got a gold medal. In Asia region, they won a gol medal after a tight fight with chinese athletes duo, Reginald Lee Chun Hei and Chau Hoi Wah. And also, in Sea Games back in 2016, they also won a gold medal as mix double after Sudket Prapakamol and Saralee Thoungthongkam.

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And then, we also want to introduce you to the richest people in Indonesia, which also the most popular persons in Indonesia :

  1. Chairul Tanjung
  2. Peter Sondakh
  3. Ciputra
  4. Djoko Susanto
  5. Hary Tanoesoedibjo

So thats’ our article about the most popular persons in Indonesia. Seeing their achievement, their failure, and also Jessica’s case, we could learn one or two values from them. Let’s take those values to improve our life and reach success.

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