
Indonesian Literature – History – Period – Development

As general, literature means artistic creation in written or oral. Not every single written works has to be announced as literature, but it has specific characteristic, such as:

  • The content describes humanity including the issues.
  • Using beautiful languanges in proper terms.
  • Have an attractive presentation and good impression.

See also :

The Periode of Indonesian Literature

In Indonesia, literature may be divided into several generations. And being influenced by tradition among sailor and trader that had came to Indonesia. The aspect geographic also could not be separate from being one of influencer side of develompment Indonesian literature. Indonesia, has known be the largest countries with thousand of islands, and became colony of Dutch and Japan for hundred years. So, it can be imagined how rich culture of Indonesia mixed of those influenced and how deep it became an impact to Indonesian literatures, as well.

See also :

As chronological, Indonesia literatures has divided into several generation, which is :

  • Old Poet Generation.
  • Old Malay Literature Generation.
  • Balai Pustaka.
  • New Poet Generation.
  • The Generation of 1945.
  • The Generation during 1950 – 1960.
  • The Generation 1966 – 1970-an.
  • The Generation 1980 – 1990-an
  • Reformation Generation
  • The Generation of 2000 or Modern Literature

A. Old Poet

Old poet or “Pujangga Lama” was the eldest generation in Indonesian Literature history and contains most of literature that was adopted from Malay literature, because of Indonesia has a same root with Malay, and the connection culture between Indonesia and Malay were great back then.

See also :

The literatures of Old Poet were produced before the twentieth of century. Old Poet in written forms were dominated with these kind of form, such as :

  • Syair, contains beautiful traditional stories in narrative forms.
  • Pantun, contain four line with rhymes.
  • Gurindam.
  • Hikayat (stories or fables).
  • Babad (histories or chronicles).

See also : Indonesian politics

Some of Old Poet Popular Works, are :

  1. Sejarah Melayu (syair and pantun).
  2. Hikayat Abdullah.
  3. Hikayat Andaken Penurat.
  4. Hikayat Bayan Budiman.
  5. Hikayat Djahidin.
  6. Hikayat Hang Tuah.
  7. Hikayat Kadirun.
  8. Hikayat Kalila dan Damina.
  9. Hikayat Masydulhak.
  10. Hikayat Pandja Tandera.
  11. Hikayat Putri Djohar Manikam.
  12. Hikayat Tjendera Hasan.
  13. Tsahibul Hikayat.
  14. Syair Bidasari.
  15. Syair Ken Tambuhan.
  16. Syair Raja Mambang Jauhari.
  17. Syair Raja Siak.

Old Malay Literature Generation or ‘Sastra Melayu Lama” This Generation were develop in year of 1870 until 1942 and were reflection from the old societies in classic Malay culture. The Old Malay or classic literature had characterisic, in example :

  1. As oral/unwritten literature and grew with the power of audience/people.
  2. Tend to be static, not having improvement in quantity works.
  3. Had center of subject about palace or kingdom in those era.
  4. Used cliche languages, tend to be monotone and static.
  5. Anonymous.
  6. Tend to be influenced from Arabian culture (Muslim) and Hindi.

See also :

The Old Malay popular literatures are :

  1. The translation of Robinson Crusoe stories.
  2. Lawan-lawan Merah.
  3. The translation of Around The World in 80 Day.
  4. The translation of Graaf de Monte.
  5. The translation of Kapten Flamberger.
  6. The translation of Rocambole.
  7. Nyai Dasima by G. Francis.
  8. Bunga Rampai by A.F van Dewall.
  9. The Journey of Nakhoda Bontekoe.
  10. Cruising Stories to Kalimantan.
  11. Crusing Stories to Makassar.
  12. Siti Aisyah by H.F.R Kommer.
  13. The Stories of Nyi Paina.
  14. The Stories of Nyai Sarikem.
  15. The Stories of Mrs. Kong Hong Ni
  16. Nona Leonie.
  17. Warna Sari Melayu by Kat S.
  18. Si Conat by F.D.J. Pangemanan.
  19. Rossina.
  20. Nyai Isah by F. Wiggers.
  21. Drama Raden Bei Surioretno.
  22. Syair Java Bank was robbed.
  23. Lo Fen Kui by Gouw Peng Liang.
  24. Cerita Oey See by Thio Tjin Boen.
  25. Tambahsia.
  26. Busono by R.M.Tirto Adhi Soerjo.
  27. Nyai Permana.
  28. Hikayat Siti Mariah by Hadji Moekti.

Balai Pustaka In this periode, Poem, poet and gurindam had been replaced with novels, short stories, poetries, and sort of. Developed in earlier of 1920, most of the literature contains romance as a big theme. Although there’s still syair and pantun inserted into the stories but only become small parts on the whole works. Usually in the forms of give advice or counseling to readers. The charasteristic of Balai Pustaka literatures are :

  • The style of languages using cliche parable or proverb, metaphor an tend to be hyperbola.
  • Using forward and straight timeline.
  • Characterizations technics using direct analysis.

See also :

Rosidi (1986 : 37), explained Balai Pustaka authors among others are :

Nur Sutan Iskandar. Born in 1893 at Maninjau. The literature works are :

  1. Salah Pilih.
  2. Karena Mertua.
  3. Hulubalang Raja.
  4. Katak Hendak Jadi Lembu.
  5. Neraka Dunia.
  6. Cinta Tanah Air.
  7. Mutiara.
  8. Cobaan.
  9. Cinta dan Kewajiban.
  10. Translation : Anjing Setan – A. Canon. Doyle.
  11. Translation : Gidang Intan Nabi Sulaiman – Rider Haggard.
  12. Translation : Kasih Beramuk Dalam Hati – Beatrice Harraday.
  13. Translation : Tiga Panglima Perang – Alexander Dumas.
  14. Translation : Graaf de Monto Cristo – Alexander Dumas.
  15. Translation : Iman dan Pengasihan – H. Sien Klewiex.
  16. Translation : Sepanjang Garis Kehidupan – R. Casimir.
  17. Adaptation : Pengajaran di Sweden – Jan Lightair.
  18. Adaptation : Abu Nawas.
  19. Adaptation :  Jager Bali.
  20. Adaptation : Apa Dayaku Karena Aku Seorang Perempuan.

Abdul Muis. Born in Minangkabau. Some popular of his literature works are :

  1. Salah Asuhan (1928).
  2. Pertemuan Jodoh (1933).
  3. Suropati (1950).
  4. Robert Anak Suropati (1953).
  5. Translation : Sebatang Kara – Hector Mallot.

Marah Rusli. Born in Padang at August 7th, 1989. Some of his popularity works are :

  1. Siti Nurbaya (1922).
  2. Kasih Tak Sampai, Anak dan Kemenakan (1956).
  3. Memang Jodoh – La Harni (1952).

Aman Datuk Majaindo. Born in Solok at 1896. His literature works are :

  1. Si Doel Anak Betawi.
  2. Anak Desa.
  3. Si Cebol Rindukan Bulan (1934).
  4. Menebus Dosa.
  5. Perbuatan Hukum – Rusmala Dewi.
  6. Sebabnya Rapiah Tersesat.
  7. Syair si Banso – Gadis Durhaka (1931).
  8. Syair Gul Bakawali (1936).

Mohammad Kasim. Born in 1986. His literature works are :

  1. Pemandangan Dunia Anak-anak.
  2. Teman Dukun
  3. Muda Terung.
  4. Pangeran Hindi.
  5. Niki Bahtera.

See also:

Tulis Sutan Sati. His literature works are :

  1. Tidak Membalas Guna (1932).
  2. Memutuskan Pertalian (1932).
  3. Sengsara Membawa Nikmat (1928).
  4. Siti Marhumah yang Saleh.
  5. Syair Rosida.
  6. Sabai Nan Aluih.

Selasih or Seleguri. Born in 1909. Had been produced Kalau Tak Ujung(1933) and Pengaruh Keadaan Sa’adam Alim. His literature works are Pembalasannya (1941), Taman Penghibur Hati (1941), Translation : Angin Timur Angin Barat (Pearl S. Buck) Merari Siregar with Azab dan Sengsara (1920) I Gusti Njoman Panji Tisna. The literature works are :

  1. Ni Rawi Ceti Penjual Orang.
  2. I Swasta Setahun di Bedahulu.
  3. Sukreni Gadis Bali.
  4. Dewi Karuna (1938).

See also: Indonesia Orangutan – Sumatran Tigers

Muhammad Yamin. The literature works are :

  1. Tanah Air (1922).
  2. Indonesia, Tumpah Darahku (1928).
  3. Kalau Dewi Tara Sudah Berkata.
  4. Ken Arok dan Ken Dedes (1934).

See also :

B. New Poet Generation

New poet generation arised  in 1930 with Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana and Armijn Pane as a leader. This generation based on patriotism wave and formed new culture in romantic style. Appeared as reaction of censorship that Balai Pustaka did to the literature at that era especially in terms of nationalism. As official celebration, there was launched of magazines Poedjangga Baroe in May 1933.  The authors that represent New poet generation are :

1. Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana. His literature works are :

  • Dian Tak Kunjung Padam (1932).
  • Tebaran Mega – Poetries (1935).
  • Layar Terkembang (1936).
  • Anak Perawan di Sarang Penyamun (1940).

2. Hamka. His literature works are :

  • Di Bawah Lindungan Ka’bah (1938).
  • Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck (1939).
  • Tuan Direktur (1950).
  • Didalam Lembah Kehidoepan (1940).

3. Armijn Pane. His literature works are :

  • Belenggu (1940).
  • Jiwa Berjiwa.
  • Gamelan Djiwa – poetries (1960).
  • Djinak-djinak Merpati – drama play (1950).
  • Kisah Antara Manusia – short stories (1953).

See also: Indonesian People – Indonesian Tea

4.  Sanusi Pane. His literature works are :

  • Pancaran Cinta (1926).
  • Puspa Mega (1927).
  • Madah Kelana (1931).
  • Sandhyakala Ning Majapahit (1933).
  • Kertajaya (1932).

5.  Tengku Amir Hamzah. His literature works are :

  • Nyanyi Sunyi (1937).
  • Begawat Gita (1933).
  • Setanggi Timur (1939).

6. Roestam Effendi. His literature works are :

  • Bebasari.
  • Pertjikan Permenungan.

7.  Sariamin Ismail. His literature works are :

  • Kalau Tak Untung (1933).
  • Pengaruh Keadaan (1937).

See also: Poverty in Indonesia – Best Airports in Indonesia

8. J.E.Tatengkeng. With his literature Rindoe Dendam (1934) 9. Fatimah Hasan Delais with her literature Kehilangan Mestika (1935) 10. Said Daeng Muntu. The literature works are Pembalasan and Karena Kerendahan Boedi (1941) 11.  Karim Halim with his literature Palawija (1944).

C. The Generation of 1945

The generation of 45 started in the year of 1942 when Japanese colony take over Dutch colonial. Became big turnover point in literature history in Indonesia, there was revolution of Indonesia cultural back then. There was destruction of West cultural and Dutch language has been prohibited. Japanese dislike literature art of pieces New poet Generation cause too much western side behind that. And Balai Pustaka has stopped following the deployment of Dutch dinasty. So, appeared new generation of literature, which is generation of 45, and announced the realistic romantic literatures. Had a different form from New Poet generation which is more focusing in idealistic romantic term.
Since Japan lost from Allies (August 14th, 1945) and Indoesia announced the Independence, there was when cultural activities (including literature) start over and find new freedom to create and work. The litterateur of Indonesia felt real freedom and also the responsibility to be involved in independenced. There was 4 figure known as the founder of 45 Generation, which is Chairil Anwar, Asrul Sani, Rivai Apin, and Idrus.
The generation of 45 base on expressionism that had been develop in Europe (in the end of 19th century). The expressionism figure are Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Mallarme (Prancis), F.G. Lorca (Spanyol), G. Ungaretti (Italia), T.S Eliot (Inggris), G.Benn (Jerman), and H. Marsman (Belanda). Differenf from literature works in new poet that based on impressionism and brought harmonization of prose or poetries, the generation of 45 brought anxiety, agresif and rebellion vibe.
The development of generation of 45 can be reflected by published of magazines :
a.       Panca Raya (1945—1947).
b.      Pembangunan (1946—1947).
c.       Pembaharuan (1946—1947).
d.      Nusantara (1946—1947).
e.       Gema Suasana (1948—1950).
f.       Siasat (1947—1959) with attachment: Gelanggang.
g.      Mimbar Indonesia (1947—1959) with attachment: Zenith.
h.      Indonesia (1949—1960).
i.        Pujangga Baru (new published in 1948; became Konfrontasi: 1954).
j.        Arena ( Yogya, 1946—1948).
k.      Seniman ( Solo 1947—1948).

The most popular literature works of generation of 45 are :

1.      Deru Campur Debu, Kerikil Tajam by Chairil Anwar.
2.      Atheis by Achdiat Kartamihardja.
3.      Jalan Tak Ada Ujung by Mochtar Lubis.
4.      Keluarga Gerilya by Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
See also: Gamelan Facts – Luwak Coffee
And the author of generation of 45 are :
  1. Chairil Anwar.
  2. Asrul Sani.
  3. Rivai Apin.
  4. Idrus.
  5. Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
  6. Mochtar Lubis..
  7. Achdiat Kartamihardja
  8. Trisno Sumardjo.
  9. Mh. Rustandi Kartakusuma.
  10. M. Balfas.
  11. Sitor Situmorang.
  12. Utuy Tatang Sontani.
  13. S. Rukiah.
  14. Barus Siregar.
  15. Rustam Sutiasumarga.
  16. Muhamad Dimyati
  17. Saleh Sastrawinata, S.
  18. Mundingsari, Gayus Siagian.
  19. Dodong Djiwapradja.
  20. Mahatmanto, Sirullah Kaelani.
  21. Piet Sengojo.
  22. Darius Marpaung.
  23. Ida Nasution.
  24. Siti Nuraini.

See also : Indonesian military power

D. The Generation during 1950 – 1960

The generation of 50 appeared with the published of literature magazine Kisah authorized by HB Jassin. This generation dominated by short stories and compilation of poetries. After 1956, Kisah transformed into Sastra, another literature work project. In this era, communism gave big influenced to litterateur. There was polemic about realism-socialism concept between litterateur and the development of litterature in Indonesia faced obstacles on that era.  Author and Litterateur works of generation 1950 – 1960-an are :

1.Pramoedya Ananta Toer, with his literature works are :

  • Kranji dan Bekasi Jatuh (1947).
  • Bukan Pasar Malam (1951).
  • Di Tepi Kali Bekasi (1951).
  • Keluarga Gerilya (1951).
  • Mereka yang Dilumpuhkan (1951).
  • Perburuan (1950).
  • Cerita dari Blora (1952).
  • Gadis Pantai (1965).

See also: Biggest Earthquake in Indonesia

2. Nh. Dini, with her literature works are :

  • Dua Dunia (1950).
  • Hati jang Damai (1960).

3. Sitor Situmorang, with his literature works are :

  • Dalam Sadjak (1950).
  • Djalan Mutiara: compilation of three plays (1954).
  • Pertempuran dan Saldju di Paris (1956).
  • Surat Kertas Hidjau: compilation of poetries (1953).
  • Wadjah Tak Bernama: compilation of poetries (1955).

4. Mochtar Lubis, with his literature works are :

  • Tak Ada Esok (1950).
  • Jalan Tak Ada Ujung (1952).
  • Tanah Gersang (1964)
  • Si Djamal (1964)..

See also: Bali Facts

5. Marius Ramis Dayoh, with his literature works are :

  • Putra Budiman (1951).
  • Pahlawan Minahasa (1957).

6. Ajip Rosidi, with his litterature works are :

  • Tahun-tahun Kematian (1955).
  • Ditengah Keluarga (1956).
  • Sebuah Rumah Buat Hari Tua (1957).
  • Cari Muatan (1959).
  • Pertemuan Kembali (1961).

7. Ali Akbar Navis, with his literature works are :

  • Robohnya Surau Kami – 8 cerita pendek pilihan (1955).
  • Bianglala – kumpulan cerita pendek (1963).
  • Hujan Panas (1964).
  • Kemarau (1967).

8. Toto Sudarto Bachtiar, with his literature works are :

  • Etsa sajak-sajak (1956).
  • Suara – compilation of poetries 1950-1955 (1958).

9. Ramadhan K.H with Priangan si Jelita (1956)

10. W.S. Rendra, with his literature works are :

  • Balada Orang-orang Tercinta (1957).
  • Empat Kumpulan Sajak (1961).
  • Ia Sudah Bertualang (1963).

See also: Dayak Tribe

11. Subagio Sastrowardojo with Simphoni (1957)

12. Nugroho Notosusanto, with his litterature works are :

  • Hujan Kepagian (1958).
  • Rasa Sajangé (1961).
  • Tiga Kota (1959).

13. Trisnojuwono, with his litterature works are :

  • Angin Laut (1958).
  • Dimedan Perang (1962).
  • Laki-laki dan Mesiu (1951).

14. Toha Mochtar, with his litterature works are :

  • Pulang (1958).
  • Gugurnya Komandan Gerilya (1962).
  • Daerah Tak Bertuan (1963).

15. Purnawan Tjondronagaro with Mendarat Kembali (1962)

16. Bokor Hutasuhut with Datang Malam (1963)

E. The Generation 1966 – 1970

In this era, appeared the new style of literature in Indonesia which is surealism and classified to the contemporer literatures wave. The works tend to be absurd and became avant garde art. Had a spirit of experimentalism and improvisation. The famous publisher at that era was Pustaka Jaya and had great contribution in development of literatures works at 66-70’s. The author of generanion 1966-1970 and their works are :

  1. Taufik Ismail. His literatures works are :
  • Malu (Aku) Jadi Orang Indonesia.
  • Tirani dan Benteng.
  • Buku Tamu Musim Perjuangan.
  • Sajak Ladang Jagung.
  • Kenalkan.
  • Saya Hewan.
  • Puisi-puisi Langit.

2. Sutardji Calzoum Bachri. His literatures works are :

  • O.
  • Amuk.
  • Kapak.

3. Abdul Hadi WM. His literatures works are :

  • Meditasi (1976).
  • Potret Panjang Seorang Pengunjung Pantai Sanur (1975).
  • Tergantung Pada Angin (1977).

4. Sapardi Djoko Damono. His literatures works are :

  • Dukamu Abadi (1969).
  • Mata Pisau (1974).

5. Goenawan Mohamad. His literatures works are :

  • Parikesit (1969).
  • Interlude (1971).
  • Potret Seorang Penyair Muda Sebagai Si Malin Kundang (1972).
  • Seks, Sastra, dan Kita (1980).

6. Umar Kayam. His literatures works are :

  • Seribu Kunang-kunang di Manhattan.
  • Sri Sumarah dan Bawuk.
  • Lebaran di Karet.
  • Pada Suatu Saat di Bandar Sangging.
  • Kelir Tanpa Batas.
  • Para Priyayi.
  • Jalan Menikung.
  • Danarto.
  • Godlob.

7. Adam Makrifat. His literatures works are :

  • Berhala
  • Nasjah Djamin.
  • Hilanglah si Anak Hilang (1963).
  • Gairah untuk Hidup dan untuk Mati (1968).

8. Putu Wijaya. His literatures works are :

  • Bila Malam Bertambah Malam (1971).
  • Telegram (1973).
  • Stasiun (1977).
  • Pabrik.
  • Gres.
  • Bom.

9. Djamil Suherman. His literatures works are :

  • Perjalanan ke Akhirat (1962).
  • Manifestasi (1963).

10. Titis Basino. His literatures works are :

  • Dia, Hotel, Surat Keputusan (1963).
  • Lesbian (1976).
  • Bukan Rumahku (1976).
  • Pelabuhan Hati (1978).

11. Leon Agusta. His literatures works are :

  • Monumen Safari (1966).
  • Catatan Putih (1975).
  • Di Bawah Bayangan Sang Kekasih (1978).
  • Hukla (1979).

12. Iwan Simatupang. His literatures works are :

  • Ziarah (1968).
  • Kering (1972).
  • Merahnya Merah (1968).
  • Keong (1975).
  • RT Nol/RW Nol.
  • Tegak Lurus Dengan Langit.

13. M.A Salmoen with Masa Bergolak (1968).

14. Parakitri Tahi Simbolon with Ibu (1969).

15. Chairul Harun with Warisan (1979).

16. Kuntowijoyo with Khotbah di Atas Bukit (1976).

17. Balfas with Lingkaran-lingkaran Retak (1978).

18. Mahbub Djunaidi with Dari Hari ke Hari (1975).

19. Wildan Yatim with Pergolakan (1974).

20. Harijadi S. Hartowardojo with Perjanjian dengan Maut (1976).

21. Ismail Marahimin with Dan Perang Pun Usai (1979).

22. Wisran Hadi. His literatures works are :

  • Empat Orang Melayu.
  • Jalan Lurus.

F. The Generation 1980 – 1990

In this era, appeared women litterateur received most popularity like Marga T. And novel romances became big hit, wide spread in publishing company or magazines. The characteristic was pop culture but with conventional side whereas antagonist always lost and protagonist always become hero.

See also : indonesian language

Mira W and Marga T known as women litterateur which had romantic fiction as their main focused. And brought women as the main character.  NH Dini also became most succesful writer at that time. Her works such as Pada Sebuah Kapal, Namaku Hiroko, La Barka, Pertemuan Dua Hati, dan Hati Yang Damai has speciality in combine the rivalry between western influence and eastern ideology. And the main figure always had east thought.

There was also appeared novel pop culture produced by Hilman Hariwijaya with the serial of Lupus. And there was arised Women Writers of Indonesia Community, with Titie Said as founder, and La Rose, Lastri Fardhani, Diah Hadaning, Yvonne de Fretes, and Oka Rusmini were the members. The author and their worrks of Generation of 1980-1990 are :

1.Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda. The popular works are :

  • Ladang Hijau (1980).
  • Sajak Penari (1990).
  • Sebelum Tertawa Dilarang (1997).
  • Fragmen-fragmen Kekalahan (1997).
  • Sembahyang Rumputan (1997)

See also : Indonesian heritage

2. Y.B Mangunwijaya with Burung-burung Manyar (1981).

3. Darman Moenir. The popular works are :

  • Bako (1983).
  • Dendang (1988).

See also : Indonesian human rights

4. Budi Darma. The popular works are :

  • Olenka (1983).
  • Rafilus (1988).

5. Sindhunata with Anak Bajang Menggiring Angin (1984).

6. Arswendo Atmowiloto with Canting (1986).

7. Hilman Hariwijaya. The popular works are :

  • Lupus – 28 novel (1986-2007).
  • Lupus Kecil – 13 novel (1989-2003).
  • Olga Sepatu Roda (1992).
  • Lupus ABG – 11 novel (1995-2005).

8. Dorothea Rosa Herliany. The popular works are :

  • Nyanyian Gaduh (1987).
  • Matahari yang Mengalir (1990).
  • Kepompong Sunyi (1993).
  • Nikah Ilalang (1995).
  • Mimpi Gugur Daun Zaitun (1999).

9. Gustaf Rizal. The popular works are :

  • Segi Empat Patah Sisi (1990).
  • Segi Tiga Lepas Kaki (1991).
  • Ben (1992).
  • Kemilau Cahaya dan Perempuan Buta (1999).

10. Remy Sylado. The popular works are :

  • Ca Bau Kan (1999).
  • Kerudung Merah Kirmizi (2002).

11. Afrizal Malna. The popular works are :

  • Tonggak Puisi Indonesia Modern 4 (1987).
  • Yang Berdiam Dalam Mikropon (1990).
  • Nusantara Mutakhir (1991).
  • Dinamika Budaya dan Politik (1991).
  • Arsitektur Hujan (1995).
  • Pistol Perdamaian (1996).
  • Kalung dari Teman (1998).

See also : History of Jakarta

G. Reformation Generation

This literature era reformation were reflected the deployments of Soeharto dynasty, when conflict politic and spirit of reformed became hot issued. The literature characteristic in that era are focused to social political theme, full of the freedom of expression and thoughtfulness, religious and sufistic way, brought nationality concerned of rhymes. Norms considered taboo in society became main topic in several works of literature, such as Saman, Larung (karya Ayu Utami), Mereka Bilang Saya Monyet, Jangan MainMain dengan Kelaminmu, Nayla (karya Djenar Maesa Ayu), Tuan dan Nyonya Kosong (karya Hudan Hidayat), Tuhan Ijinkan Aku Jadi Pelacur, Adam dan Hawa (karya Muhidin M. Dahlan), and many kind of literature with same topic as above. Also appeared feminist works from Djenar Mahesa Ayu, and became top discussion back then.

See also : Indonesian heroes

Meanwhile, islamic novel had specific and loyal reader and became one of alternative literature. One of the best seller was novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta from  Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Also arised chicklit and teenlit novel, tells about young independent women, lived in big city and pursuit her love and career.

Generation of 2000

The literature in 2000 develop and influenced by internet era or information technology. Characteristic tend to more vulgar and adopted American culture and habit. Social politic and romance fiction  still became main issued. But religious theme also had a place in the heart of readers. There’s no basic rules in writing and the quantity of literature works also increased. And there is also arised cyber literature, popularized by bloggers. Authors and literature works of generation 2000 are :

1. Ayu Utami. With her literature works are :

  • Saman.
  • Larung.

2. Seno Gumira Ajidarma with his literature works are :

  • Atas Nama Malam.
  • Sepotong Senja untuk Pacarku.
  • Biola Tak Berdawai.

3. Dewi Lestari. With her literature works are :

  • Supernova : Ksatria , Putri dan Bintang Jatuh.
  • Akar.
  • Petir.
  • Perahu Kertas.

4. Habiburrahman El Shirazy

  • Ayat-ayat Cinta.
  • Di Atas Sejadah Cinta.
  • Ketika Cinta Bertasbih.
  • Dalam Mihrab Cinta.

5. Andrea Hirata

  • Laskar Pelangi.
  • Edensor.
  • Sang Pemimpi.
  • Maryamah Karpov.

That was the development of Indonesia literature. The historical side and a lot of influence from various aspect made Indonesian literature became rich and beautiful artistic way. Indonesian literature followed and adapted the social economy environment in Indonesia, and reflected cultural testimony from society. As an nation, we have to take care of our literature heritages and make future creation to continuing our literature tradition.

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