
8 Inspiring Indonesian Women Worth Follow!

Inspiring Indonesian women for so many years to become a role models for Indonesian society, specifically for women. Most of them inspired Indonesian women to encourage braveness in their behavior to make changes.

Since Indonesia is a part of a developing country that makes the country needs so many changes. A part of it, of course, the country need the society such as inspire Indonesian women to be brave enough to pursue their dream in forward to make changes for Indonesia to get a better life.

For so many years, Indonesian women were allowed to participate in anything, both in the government and private sectors. Whether it comes from education, health, politic, lifestyle, and the technology to be an inspiring Indonesian woman in common to influence other women as well.

Speaking of it, here we have some of the inspiring Indonesian women that capable to make so many changes in Indonesia. Most of them are capable to influence other Indonesian women so far and are worth following. Now check them out below!

1. Butet Manurung

Butet Manurung is one of the most inspiring Indonesian women that bring education to those who live in underdeveloped regions. She even comes through the jungle to reach those kids in some underdeveloped tribes who never get the experience of some expensive school in Indonesia.

Butet Manurung developing the Sokola Rimba as a non-profit organization that focuses on education for children that lives in underdeveloped regions. Most of them are living in the middle of the jungle, which makes the children get far away from the education system.

2. Susi Susanti

Susi Susanti is one of the most inspiring Indonesian women that bring badminton to be well-known to play by women. She inspired so many Indonesian women who love badminton to reach their dreams and present the medal for the country.

Susi Susanti is the first Olympics medalist of Indonesia for the gold medal winner in the Olympics 1992 for women athletes. She becomes the most influential Indonesian woman that timelessly encourages their dream in sport by playing badminton.

3. Sri Mulyani Indrawati

Sri Mulyani Indrawati or well-known as Sri Muyani is one of the most inspiring Indonesian women that bring so many changes to the Indonesian economy. She is the first Indonesian woman that leads the Finance Minister of Indonesia and has even led the role for the second period so far.

Sri Mulyani influenced, so many Indonesian women to be brave enough to reach their careers in the governance sector. So far, she established Indonesia’s economic strength to grow better from year to year. She becomes a role model for so many Indonesian women to pursue their dream just like her.

4. Susi Pudjiastuti

Susi Pudjiastuti is one of the most inspiring Indonesian women that bring the most braveness level for Indonesian women. Why? In Indonesia, women always have a second role that makes their voice drowning in the air, and she is brave enough to break this myth.

It’s different from Susi Pudjiastuti, which is capable to encourage other Indonesian women to fight against bad laws. She makes the biggest change in Indonesia’s seawater of law that makes Indonesia has great strength for their seawater territory and fish industry as well.

5. Destry Damayanti

Destry Damayanti is one of the inspiring Indonesian women that present so many achievements for the change in Indonesia. She start her career as a professional tennis athlete that won so many medals before jumping into the economist expert.

Destry Damayanti is well-known as a professional economist up until now. She used to lead the Corruption Eradication Committee (KPK) and was Deputy to Senior BI Governor. She even leads one of the most popular banks In Indonesia, the Bank of Mandiri.

Destry Damayanti always says that she loves to do her best to the what she loves the most, which makes so many Indonesian women inspired by these beautiful words to encourage them to pursue their dream.

6. Catherine Hindra Sutjahyo

Catherine Hindra Sutjahyo is one of the most popular inspiring Indonesian women that bring the fashion industry an easier way to sell. She creates Zalora as the most influential e-commerce that leads the fashion business to have an online shop.

It becomes one of the largest shopping malls in Indonesia through online website shopping. Online shopping becomes so popular year by year, and Zalora with Catherine Hindra Sutjahyo brings a new atmosphere to it.

She inspired so many Indonesian women to do the same things in the business industry through the online shop based on the e-commerce website.

7. Christine Ay Tjoe

Christine Ay Tjoe is one of the most popular inspiring Indonesian women that bring art to Indonesian society. Her work in art was even admitted by the international auctions as the foremost Indonesian artist.

Christine Ay Tjoe has so many works of art that exhibit in so many galleries and art exhibitions as well. She even won so many awards for her works of art from Indonesia and internationally as well.

Christine Ay Tjoe inspired many Indonesian women to encourage their dream through art. Most of her works represent the beauty of Indonesia that draw in the art that comes with so many themes.

8. Alexandra Asmasoebrata

Alexandra Asmasoebrata is one of the inspiring Indonesian women that bring sports car competition that is safe for women. She is the first Indonesian professional car race driver ever as one of the facts about Indonesia’s sport so far.

Alexandra Asmasoebrata achieves so many awards in the competition of car races and kart championships. That makes the new influence on Indonesian women to encourage them that anything is possible.

So, there are some of the most inspiring Indonesian women which worth following. Most of them bring so many changes to Indonesia. It’s not only come from sports and government sectors but also in education, art, and lifestyle. Are you ready to be the next one of them?

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