
13 Interesting Facts about Indonesia Elephants

You must know this animal, no elephant. A big animal and also big ears that are very smart and funny.

The famous Asian elephants are in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and including Indonesia and India.

The current elephant population, especially in Indonesia is very and even almost extinct, due to the narrowing of land for elephant life.

And also there are poaching to get ivory, meat, and other organs. The thing we need to remember is the reasons why are elephants endangered in Indonesia.

That is an example of the facts about Indonesian elephants, there are still some interesting facts that will be discussed about elephant life. Because elephants are ancient animals that exist today, it is very important to protect their populations and protect them. The following is the facts about Indonesian elephants that are interesting:

1. Asian elephants and African elephants are different

There is one difference between Sumatran elephants and elephants in Africa. The difference lies in body shape, Sumatran elephants are smaller than elephants in Africa. And also the shape of the elephant’s ear is also different.

This uniqueness is what distinguishes smaller native Asian elephants, but it is still said to be a large animal in the world. That’s one of the facts about Indonesian elephants that are the main attraction. Different things and also surprising facts about Indonesia elephants life’s.

2. Elephants Are Smart Animals

Another interesting thing that can be found in elephants is that elephants are an intelligent animal. We find a ring in a circus or attraction at the elephant zoo to paint, play football, massage, acrobatics and so on. Elephants in captivity are usually tamer and very friendly to humans.

Unlike elephants who live wild in the forest, because wild elephants rarely interact with humans. We should know the facts and history of elephant cave in Bali, stunning view. It is not uncommon for many elephants to become human enemies because of their presence which destroys people’s plantation land.

3. Elephants Have High Memory

The facts about Indonesia, other elephants, are elephants having an unusually high memory. Evidently, elephants are able to remember their homes, good and bad human actions, roads to go back to the forest and so on.

The elephant’s brain is indeed quite large so he can remember the past though. Very interesting and attractive, of course, this animal is a friendly animal if it is not disturbed. And it is better when you meet with an elephant do not once hurt him, if one time you meet the elephant will remember your face and what you did to him.

4. Declining Elephant Population

Currently, the facts about Indonesian elephants are the population that is almost extinct. Elephant habitat in the forest is getting narrower, due to logging of land and also land clearing for factories and residential areas.

If this continues to occur, gradually the elephant population will get worse. The other facts about endangered Sumatran elephants, threats and conservation.

Plus at this time the enemy of elephants increases, namely humans, therefore protection is needed such as special elephant officers, breeding, and counseling to residents not to kill elephants upon entering the village area.

5. Elephants Use the soles of their feet to find out the vibration

The uniqueness of other elephants is that they are able to hear natural disasters such as earthquakes, storms, etc. from the soles of their feet.

Elephant’s soles consist of parts and soft layers that are very sensitive to movement or vibration. That way the elephant knows the group or group that is behind or around it. Elephant feet are also very strong and resistant to the location of barren land. Hence about importance of rare animals to Indonesia.

6. Every Elephant Has Different Ear Size

One fact about Indonesia elephants is that each elephant has different ear leaves. Even though the elephant looks the same in shape and physicality, it turns out that the ears of elephants are different.

Every elephant, if you pay close attention, there will be differences in the ears, there may be smaller, bigger, bigger, wider or threaded. It is very unique and also interesting, isn’t it? Therefore, elephants deserve to be called intelligent and adorable mammals.

7. Elephants’ lives are spent on eating rather than sleeping

You know what ? the elephant’s life is spent more on eating than on rest or sleep. The elephant’s mealtime lasts 16 hours per day. Incredible isn’t it? Therefore, it is not surprising that his body is big and wide. Another example of dangerous animals in Indonesia and characteristics.

Elephants are plant-eating animals, such as grass, leaves, trees and other types. Because these elephants eat a lot when they defecate too much.

However, elephant feces have many benefits for soil fertility, especially agriculture. Because the content of feces in elephants contains minerals, zinc and also natural fertilizers for soil.

8. Elephants walk on tiptoes

The unique facts about Indonesian elephants are elephants when they walk like tiptoes. In plain view, it is difficult to distinguish, but based on research says that the soles of the elephants’ feet which consist of a soft layer that makes it walk tiptoes.

The tiptoe elephant’s path also aims to be sensitive to vibration, so that he is able to recognize the danger of nature or other elephant groups.

And even if the elephant is running fast, the soles of his feet are able to compensate between the body and the ground which are stepped on, attractive, right?. The advantages of animals of Borneo and characteristics.

9. Elephant Babies Love to Eat Mother’s Dirt

When the female elephant is pregnant and when giving birth to an elephant baby, the first thing the mother does is kick the baby.

Of course, this sounds scary, but the mother elephant has a purpose and also the goal, namely that the newborn baby elephant can be known by the mother whether breathing or not. Usually, the baby elephant after being kicked by the mother will move or sound like crying.

And also newborn baby elephants besides drinking milk from the mother, another unique habit is to eat stools from her own mother. Because baby elephants are not good at eating raw, hard and rough foods. Uniqueness and interesting things about native animals in Indonesia also characteristics.

10. Elephants Have High Emotions

Who would have thought that this elephant had a high level of emotion? Proved when the elephant is sad to lose a friend, spouse or child, and his parents.

The elephant will be seen crying and sad, his emotions seen when he does not want to leave the body of another elephant which he knows is dead. Because of his emotions, he will take care of the dead elephant until it has become bone.

Elephants also have a broken heart when they are left dead by their partners, very touching right? Really animals that have very high sensitivity. The following of endangered animals in Indonesia, we must care about it.


Apart from the above explanation about the facts about Indonesian elephants, there are other interesting things that can be known:

  • Elephants listen with their feet and ears. When elephants speak, they create a low-pitched roar that is barely audible but capable of sending vibrations through the earth that their feet can feel.
  • Elephants use the tips of their trunks just as we use fingers. With the tip of the trunk, elephants can scratch the itchy skin, or remove dust from their eyes. The elephant’s trunk can also function as a hose. Hence sample if our forest and environmental effects of deforestation in Indonesia significant.
  • Elephants are able to control their trunks well. With its trunk, elephants are able to suck water, spray water, lift stems, picking leaves, to be able to lift the birds’ eggs without destroying them.

There are still many more facts about other Indonesian elephants, so love these intelligent animals. Because elephants deserve to be loved and also acted upon, for the sake of future generations to remain sustainable and develop. See you soon.

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